
GtkSocket — Container for widgets from other processes


#include <gtk/gtkx.h>

struct              GtkSocket;
GtkWidget *         gtk_socket_new                      (void);
void                gtk_socket_add_id                   (GtkSocket *socket_,
                                                         Window window);
Window              gtk_socket_get_id                   (GtkSocket *socket_);
GdkWindow *         gtk_socket_get_plug_window          (GtkSocket *socket_);


Together with GtkPlug, GtkSocket provides the ability to embed widgets from one process into another process in a fashion that is transparent to the user. One process creates a GtkSocket widget and passes that widget's window ID to the other process, which then creates a GtkPlug with that window ID. Any widgets contained in the GtkPlug then will appear inside the first application's window.

The socket's window ID is obtained by using gtk_socket_get_id(). Before using this function, the socket must have been realized, and for hence, have been added to its parent.

Example 73. Obtaining the window ID of a socket.

GtkWidget *socket = gtk_socket_new ();
gtk_widget_show (socket);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (parent), socket);

/* The following call is only necessary if one of
 * the ancestors of the socket is not yet visible.
gtk_widget_realize (socket);
g_print ("The ID of the sockets window is %<GTKDOCLINK HREF="x">x</GTKDOCLINK>\n",
         gtk_socket_get_id (socket));

Note that if you pass the window ID of the socket to another process that will create a plug in the socket, you must make sure that the socket widget is not destroyed until that plug is created. Violating this rule will cause unpredictable consequences, the most likely consequence being that the plug will appear as a separate toplevel window. You can check if the plug has been created by using gtk_socket_get_plug_window(). If it returns a non-NULL value, then the plug has been successfully created inside of the socket.

When GTK+ is notified that the embedded window has been destroyed, then it will destroy the socket as well. You should always, therefore, be prepared for your sockets to be destroyed at any time when the main event loop is running. To prevent this from happening, you can connect to the "plug-removed" signal.

The communication between a GtkSocket and a GtkPlug follows the XEmbed protocol. This protocol has also been implemented in other toolkits, e.g. Qt, allowing the same level of integration when embedding a Qt widget in GTK or vice versa.


The GtkPlug and GtkSocket widgets are only available when GTK+ is compiled for the X11 platform and GDK_WINDOWING_X11 is defined. They can only be used on a GdkX11Display. To use GtkPlug and GtkSocket, you need to include the gtk/gtkx.h header.


struct GtkSocket

struct GtkSocket {
  GtkContainer container;

  GtkSocketPrivate *priv;

gtk_socket_new ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_socket_new                      (void);

Create a new empty GtkSocket.

Returns :

the new GtkSocket.

gtk_socket_add_id ()

void                gtk_socket_add_id                   (GtkSocket *socket_,
                                                         Window window);

Adds an XEMBED client, such as a GtkPlug, to the GtkSocket. The client may be in the same process or in a different process.

To embed a GtkPlug in a GtkSocket, you can either create the GtkPlug with gtk_plug_new (0), call gtk_plug_get_id() to get the window ID of the plug, and then pass that to the gtk_socket_add_id(), or you can call gtk_socket_get_id() to get the window ID for the socket, and call gtk_plug_new() passing in that ID.

The GtkSocket must have already be added into a toplevel window before you can make this call.

socket_ :

a GtkSocket

window :

the Window of a client participating in the XEMBED protocol.

gtk_socket_get_id ()

Window              gtk_socket_get_id                   (GtkSocket *socket_);

Gets the window ID of a GtkSocket widget, which can then be used to create a client embedded inside the socket, for instance with gtk_plug_new().

The GtkSocket must have already be added into a toplevel window before you can make this call.

socket_ :

a GtkSocket.

Returns :

the window ID for the socket

gtk_socket_get_plug_window ()

GdkWindow *         gtk_socket_get_plug_window          (GtkSocket *socket_);

Retrieves the window of the plug. Use this to check if the plug has been created inside of the socket.

socket_ :

a GtkSocket.

Returns :

the window of the plug if available, or NULL. [transfer none]

Since 2.14

See Also

GtkPlug, XEmbed