module RelatonJis module Bibliography extend self SOURCE = "".freeze # # Search JIS by keyword # # @param [String] code JIS documetnt code # @param [String, nil] year JIS document year # # @return [RelatonJis::HitCollection] search result # def search(code, year = nil) agent = resp = "#{SOURCE}0270/index", dantai: "JIS", bunsyo_id: code, searchtype2: "1", status_1: "1", status_2: "1" disp = JSON.parse resp.body # raise RelatonBib::RequestError, "No results found for #{code}" if disp["disp_screen"].nil? return unless disp["status"] result = agent.get "#{SOURCE}0070/index" code, year, result: result.xpath("//div[@class='blockGenaral']") end # # Get JIS document by reference # # @param [String] ref JIS document reference # @param [String] year JIS document year # @param [Hash] opts options # @option opts [String] :all_parts return all parts of document # # @return [RelatonJis::BibliographicItem, nil] JIS document # def get(ref, year = nil, opts = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength code = ref.sub(/\s\((all parts|規格群)\)/, "") opts[:all_parts] ||= !$1.nil? Util.warn "(#{ref}) Fetching from ..." hits = search(code, year) unless hits hint [], ref, year return end result = opts[:all_parts] ? hits.find_all_parts : hits.find if result.is_a? RelatonJis::BibliographicItem Util.warn "(#{ref}) Found: `#{result.docidentifier[0].id}`" return result end hint result, ref, year end # # Log hint message # # @param [Array] result search result # @param [String] ref reference to search # @param [String, nil] year year to search # def hint(result, ref, year) Util.warn "(#{ref}) Not found." if result.any? Util.warn "(#{ref}) TIP: No match for edition year `#{year}`, " \ "but matches exist for `#{result.uniq.join('`, `')}`." end nil end end end