import URI from 'urijs'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { List, ListItem, ListComponent, OrderType, TextInput, FormGroup, ValidatedOptions, } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import { foremanUrl } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; import { useForemanVersion } from 'foremanReact/Root/Context/ForemanContext'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { helpLabel } from '../form/FormHelpers'; const docUrl = foremanVersion => { const rootUrl = `${foremanVersion}/`; const section = 'Managing_Hosts/index-foreman-el.html#using-extended-cron-lines_managing-hosts'; const url = new URI({ path: '/links/manual', query: { root_url: rootUrl, section }, }); return foremanUrl(url.href()); }; export const RepeatCron = ({ repeatData, setRepeatData, setValid }) => { const foremanVersion = useForemanVersion(); const { cronline } = repeatData; useEffect(() => { if (cronline) { setValid(true); } else { setValid(false); } return () => setValid(true); }, [setValid, cronline]); return ( {__("Cron line format '1 2 3 4 5', where:")}
{__('is minute (range: 0-59)')} {__('is hour (range: 0-23)')} {__('is day of month (range: 1-31)')} {__('is month (range: 1-12)')} {__('is day of week (range: 0-6)')}
{__( 'The cron line supports extended cron line syntax. For details please refer to the ' )} {__('documentation')} . )} isRequired > { setRepeatData({ cronline: newTime }); }} />
); }; RepeatCron.propTypes = { repeatData: PropTypes.object.isRequired, setRepeatData: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setValid: PropTypes.func.isRequired, };