module MigrationUpdater def self.update_migration (migration_file_path, working_directory, functions_to_add) if !File.file?(migration_file_path) raise"No file '#{migration_file_path}' was found") end @working_directory = working_directory @lines = File.readlines(migration_file_path) up_keyword = 'NANDO' @up_annotation_trigger = "(\s*)(?:#\s(?:#{up_keyword}:)(?:\s)?)(.*)" # match 1 is the space to indent, and match 2 is the file being linked @last_scanned_index = 0 @changed_file = false @source_files_copied = [] if !functions_to_add.nil? add_new_annotations_to_file_lines(functions_to_add) end @curr_migration_version, _ = NandoUtils.get_migration_version_and_name_from_file_path(migration_file_path) find_and_update() if @changed_file File.write(migration_file_path, @lines.join('')) end end # iterates the file, finds annotations and updates them def self.find_and_update do_another_loop = false prepend_append_execute = false starting_sql_index = ending_sql_index = nil line_match = nil execute_match = nil ending_execute_match = nil annotation_file = nil duplicate_annotation = false @lines.each_with_index do |line, line_index| line_match = line.match(@up_annotation_trigger) # found a annotation that has not been updated if !line_match.nil? && line_index > @last_scanned_index @last_scanned_index = line_index do_another_loop = true annotation_file = line_match[2] if @source_files_copied.include?(annotation_file) _warn "The file '#{annotation_file}' has already been updated in the current migration, remove the duplicate annotation! Skipping!" duplicate_annotation = true break else @source_files_copied.push(annotation_file) end # find beginning of block if execute_match = @lines[line_index+1].match("(.*)update_function(.*)SQL(.*)\n") starting_sql_index = line_index + 1 ending_trigger = execute_match[1] + 'SQL' + "\n" # find ending of block for ending_block_index in line_index+2..@lines.length-1 do if ending_execute_match = @lines[ending_block_index].match(ending_trigger) ending_sql_index = ending_block_index break end end # we need to create an update_function block, since one does not exist else starting_sql_index = line_index + 1 ending_sql_index = starting_sql_index - 1 prepend_append_execute = true end break end end if do_another_loop # update the block for the current annotation (if not a duplicate) if !(starting_sql_index.nil? && ending_sql_index.nil?) && !duplicate_annotation curr_source_file = "#{@working_directory}/#{annotation_file}" if File.file?(curr_source_file) # delete from array lines for current update_function block (if there is any) @lines.slice!(starting_sql_index, (ending_sql_index - starting_sql_index) + 1) # insert into array new update_function block curr_file_lines = File.readlines(curr_source_file) # create execute block if prepend_append_execute! { |line| line == "\n" ? line : (" " + line_match[1] + line) } curr_file_lines[curr_file_lines.length - 1].rstrip! curr_file_lines.insert(0, line_match[1] + "update_function <<-'SQL'\n") curr_file_lines.push("\n" + line_match[1] + "SQL\n") else! { |line| line == "\n" ? line : (" " + execute_match[1] + line) } curr_file_lines[curr_file_lines.length - 1].rstrip! curr_file_lines.insert(0, execute_match[0]) curr_file_lines.push("\n" + ending_execute_match[0]) end @lines.insert(starting_sql_index, *curr_file_lines) find_and_update_respective_down_directive(annotation_file, curr_source_file, line_match[1]) @last_scanned_index = starting_sql_index + curr_file_lines.length - 1 @changed_file = true _success "Updated content for #{curr_source_file}" else _warn "Couldn't find file: '#{curr_source_file}'! Skipping that one!" end end find_and_update() end end def self.find_and_update_respective_down_directive (source_file, source_file_full_path, indent_space) # if a NANDO directive is being updated, then we need to find the respetive down (X) # start from the top of the file, try and find the directive (may try to optmize this later, to start at "def down") (X) # if the directive is found, update it. # if not, create one at the bottom of the file and update it # matching is done using the source_file, but the code to fill the down comes from previous migrations (NOT THE FILE) down_keyword = 'NANDO_DOWN' down_annotation_index = nil down_annotation_trigger = "(\s*)(?:#\s(?:#{down_keyword}:)(?:\s)?)(?:#{source_file})" # match 1 is the space to indent down_method_index = nil down_method_trigger = "(\s*)def(?:\s*)down(.*)" down_method_end_trigger = nil # to find respective "end" line_match = nil # find down annotation @lines.each_with_index do |line, line_index| # find start of down method (ignore before that) if down_method_index.nil? line_match = line.match(down_method_trigger) if !line_match.nil? # _debug 'Found beginning of down method' down_method_index = line_index down_method_indent = line_match[1] down_method_end_trigger = "^(?:#{line_match[1]}end).*" end next end # start looking for an annotation line_match = line.match(down_annotation_trigger) # found a annotation that has not been updated if !line_match.nil? # _debug "Found matching annotation for: '#{source_file}'" down_annotation_index = line_index break end end # no annotation found, create one if down_annotation_index.nil? # _debug "Did not find respective down annotation for: '#{source_file}'" @lines.each_with_index do |line, line_index| # ignore before "def down" if line_index <= down_method_index next end # look for the "end" of "def down" line_match = line.match(down_method_end_trigger) if !line_match.nil? # _debug "Found the end of 'def down' at index: #{line_index}" @lines.insert(line_index, "\n") # insert empty line to keep annotations 1 line apart @lines.insert(line_index, indent_space + "# #{down_keyword}: #{source_file}\n") down_annotation_index = line_index break end end end # update annotation source_file_text = File.readlines(source_file_full_path).join(' ') # all capture groups are non-greedy, and include any character since names may have '.' for example function_info_match = /CREATE (?:OR REPLACE)? FUNCTION (.*?)\((.*?)\) RETURNS (.*?) AS \$\w*\$/im.match(source_file_text) # case insenstive and multi-line if function_info_match.nil? raise"No function definition was found in '#{source_file_full_path}'") end function_name = function_info_match[1].strip # function_args = function_info_match[2].strip # function_return = function_info_match[3].strip file_regex = "CREATE \\(OR REPLACE\\)\\? FUNCTION #{function_name}" files_with_function = %x[grep -irl -e "#{file_regex}" #{NandoMigrator.instance.working_dir}/#{NandoMigrator.instance.migration_dir}].split("\n").sort().reverse() function_previous_block = nil for curr_file_path in files_with_function do # _debug curr_file_path if curr_file_path.include?(@curr_migration_version) _debug 'Ignore self while updating' next end curr_file_version, _ = NandoUtils.get_migration_version_and_name_from_file_path(curr_file_path) if curr_file_version.to_i > @curr_migration_version.to_i _debug 'Skipping migrations more recent than the current one' next end up_line_index = nil down_line_index = nil function_line_index = nil curr_file_lines = File.readlines(curr_file_path) # find up, down and line with definition curr_file_lines.each_with_index do |line, line_index| if up_line_index.nil? && line.match(/(?:\s*)def(?:\s*)up/) then up_line_index = line_index; end if down_line_index.nil? && line.match(/(?:\s*)def(?:\s*)down/) then down_line_index = line_index; end if function_line_index.nil? && line.match(/CREATE (?:OR REPLACE)? FUNCTION #{function_name}/i) then function_line_index = line_index; end if !up_line_index.nil? && !down_line_index.nil? && !function_line_index.nil? # _debug "Found all 3 lines" break end end # TODO: only catch definition between up and down indexes # _debug "up: #{up_line_index} | down: #{down_line_index} | function: #{function_line_index}" # TODO: add some validations over current block # TODO: match function with correct parameters/return value # TODO: isolate into function that extracts block block_indent = nil block_start_index = nil block_end_index = nil # get block around function for block_line_index in (0..function_line_index).to_a.reverse() do block_line = curr_file_lines[block_line_index] if block_match = block_line.match("(.*)update_function(?:.*)SQL(?:.*)\n") block_indent = block_match[1] block_start_index = block_line_index break end end for block_line_index in function_line_index..curr_file_lines.length do block_line = curr_file_lines[block_line_index] if block_match = block_line.match("^#{block_indent}SQL(?:.*)\n") block_end_index = block_line_index break end end function_block = [] for block_line_index in block_start_index..block_end_index do function_block.push(curr_file_lines[block_line_index]) end function_previous_block = function_block.join('') break end if function_previous_block.nil? # TODO: decide if I need to do anything more when I don't find a previous definition (like add a DROP) _warn "No previous definition was found for function '#{function_name}'" return end # erase previous block (if one exists) # TODO: there is similar logic above, maybe resolve to a single function if curr_down_block_start = @lines[down_annotation_index+1].match("(.*)update_function(.*)SQL(.*)\n") ending_trigger = curr_down_block_start[1] + 'SQL' + "\n" starting_sql_index = down_annotation_index + 1 ending_sql_index = nil # find ending of block for ending_down_block_index in down_annotation_index+2..@lines.length-1 do if ending_execute_match = @lines[ending_down_block_index].match(ending_trigger) ending_sql_index = ending_down_block_index break end end # TODO: add protections here if it does not find the end of the block # delete from array lines for current update_function block @lines.slice!(starting_sql_index, (ending_sql_index - starting_sql_index) + 1) end @lines.insert(down_annotation_index + 1, function_previous_block) end ## adds new annotations to bottom of "up" method def self.add_new_annotations_to_file_lines (functions_to_add) migration_file_lines = @lines _, up_end_index, _, _ = get_migration_file_up_and_down_limits(migration_file_lines) # insert annotations at the bottom of the "up" method functions_to_add.each do |curr_function_path| _debug curr_function_path annotation = NandoUtils.get_annotation_from_file_path(curr_function_path) migration_file_lines.insert(up_end_index, annotation) migration_file_lines.insert(up_end_index, "\n") # insert empty line to separate annotations end @lines = migration_file_lines end def self.get_migration_file_up_and_down_limits (file_lines) up_start_index = nil up_end_index = nil down_start_index = nil down_end_index = nil curr_state = nil def_indent = nil # find up, down (beggining and end of functions are done by finding an "end" with the same indentation) file_lines.each_with_index do |line, line_index| case curr_state when 'up', 'down' # look for end of up/down if line_match = line.match(/^#{def_indent}end$/) if curr_state == 'up' up_end_index = line_index else down_end_index = line_index end curr_state = nil def_indent = nil end else # read line trying to find beggining of "up" or "down" if line_match = line.match(/(\s*)def(?:\s*)up/) then curr_state = 'up' def_indent = line_match[1] up_start_index = line_index next end if line_match = line.match(/(\s*)def(?:\s*)down/) then curr_state = 'down' def_indent = line_match[1] down_start_index = line_index next end end if !up_end_index.nil? && !down_end_index.nil? # _debug "Found up and down" break end end # TODO: might add some checks if the index values don't make sense return up_start_index, up_end_index, down_start_index, down_end_index end end