module Reptile class ReplicationMonitor # Attempts to load the replication.yml configuration file. def self.load_config_file(databases_file) @databases_file = databases_file yaml = YAML::load( @configs = yaml.delete('config') @users ='users')) @databases = Heartbeat.user = users.heartbeat_user Runner.user = users.replication_user Status.user = users.replication_user DeltaMonitor.user = users.ro_user Runner.databases = databases raise "Please specify a delay theshold 'delay_threshold_secs: 360'" if @configs['delay_threshold_secs'].nil? raise "Please specify a row delta theshold 'row_difference_threshold: 10'" if @configs['row_difference_threshold'].nil? rescue Errno::EACCES => e puts "Unable to open config file: Permission Denied" end # Returns the configs from the replication.yml file def self.configs @configs end # Returns the databases from the yml file. def self.databases @databases end # Returns the +Users+ loaded from the replication.yml file def self.users @users end def self.diff_tables unsynced_dbs = 0 databases.each_pair do |name, roles| master, slave = roles['master'], roles['slave'] deltas = DeltaMonitor.diff(name, master, slave) egregious_deltas ={|table, delta| delta > configs['row_difference_threshold'] } if egregious_deltas.size > 0 queue_replication_warning :host => master[:host], :database => master[:database], :deltas => egregious_deltas, :noticed_at => unsynced_dbs += 1 end end end def self.heartbeat databases.each_key do |name| Heartbeat.write(name, databases[name]['master']) end overdue_slaves = 0 databases.each_key do |name| db_configs = databases[name]['slave'] delay =, db_configs) if delay.nil? queue_replication_warning :host => name, :database => configs[:database], :general_error => "Error: No Heartbeats found.", :noticed_at => overdue_slaves += 1 elsif delay > configs['delay_threshold_secs'] queue_replication_warning :host => name, :database => configs[:database], :delay => Heartbeat.strfdelay(delay), :noticed_at => overdue_slaves += 1 end end end # Checks the status of each slave. def self.check_slaves databases.slaves.each do |slave_name, slave_configs| status = Status.check_slave_status(slave_name, slave_configs) if status != Status.const_get(:RUNNING) queue_replication_warning :host => name, :database => configs[:database], :status_error => Status.get_error_message(status), :noticed_at => end end end def self.queue_replication_warning(options) email = email.recipients = get_recipients email.subject = "A replication error occured on #{options[:host]} at #{}" email.body = '' if options[:delay] email.body += "There was a #{delay} second replication latency, which is greater than the allowed latency of #{configs['delay_threshold_secs']} seconds" elsif options[:deltas] email.body += "The following tables have master/slave row count difference greater than the allowed #{configs['row_difference_threshold']}\n\n" options[:deltas].each do |table, delta| email.body += " table '#{table}' was off by #{delta} rows\n" end elsif options[:status_error] email.body += " MySQL Status message: #{options[:status_error]}" elsif options[:general_error] email.body += " Error: #{options[:general_error]}" end email.body += "\n" email.body += " Server: #{options[:host]}\n" email.body += " Databse: #{options[:database]}\n" send_email(email) end # Gets the 'email_to' value from the 'configs' section of the replication.yml file def self.get_recipients configs['email_to'] end # Gets the 'email_from' value from the 'configs' section of the replication.yml file def self.get_sender configs['email_from'] end def email = email.recipients = get_recipients email.sender = get_sender raise "Please specify report recipients 'email_to:'" if email.recipients.nil? raise "Please specify report recipients 'email_from:'" if email.sender.nil? email.subject = "Daily Replication Report for #{'%D')}" puts "Generating report email" old_stdout = $stdout out = $stdout = out begin puts " Checking slave status" puts self.check_slaves puts puts puts " Checking table row counts" puts puts "The row count difference threshold is #{configs['row_difference_threshold']} rows" puts self.diff_tables puts puts puts " Checking replication heartbeat" puts puts "The heartbeat latency threshold is #{configs['delay_threshold_secs']} seconds" puts self.heartbeat ensure $stdout = old_stdout end email.body = out.string puts "Sending report email" send_email(email) puts "Report sent to #{get_recipients}" end def self.send_exception_email(ex) email = email.recipients = get_recipients email.sender = get_sender email.subject = "An exception occured while checking replication at #{}" email.body = 'Expception\n\n' email.body += "#{ex.message}\n" ex.backtrace.each do |line| email.body += "#{line}\n" end send_email(email) end def self.send_email(email) # TODO: could do Net::SMTP.respond_to?(enable_tls) ? enable_TLS : puts "Install TLS gem to use SSL/TLS" Net::SMTP.enable_tls(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) Net::SMTP.start(configs['email_server'], configs['email_port'], configs['email_domain'], get_sender, configs['email_password'], configs['email_auth_type'].to_sym) do |smtp| email.recipients.each do |email_addy| hdr = "From: #{email.sender}\n" hdr += "To: #{email_addy} <#{email_addy}>\n" hdr += "Subject: #{email.subject}\n\n" msg = hdr + email.body puts "Sending to #{email_addy}" smtp.send_message msg, email.sender, email_addy end end # TODO: could try and recover # rescue Net::SMTPAuthenticationError => e # if e.message =~ /504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type/ # puts "Attempting to load necesary files for TLS/SSL authentication" # puts "Make sure openssl and the tlsmail gem are installed" # require 'openssl' # require 'rubygems' # has_tlsmail_gem = require 'tlsmail' # raise "Please install the 'tlsmail' gem" unless has_tlsmail_gem # Net::SMTP.enable_tls(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) # send_email(email) # end end end end