// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_DIR_NAV_EXTENSIONs_ABSTRACT_ #ifdef DLIB_DIR_NAV_EXTENSIONs_ABSTRACT_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include "dir_nav_kernel_abstract.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool file_exists ( const std::string& filename ); /*! ensures - if (a file with the given filename exists) then - returns true - else - returns false !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename T> const std::vector<file> get_files_in_directory_tree ( const directory& top_of_tree, const T& add_file, unsigned long max_depth = 30 ); /*! requires - add_file must be a function object with the following prototype: bool add_file (file f); ensures - performs a recursive search through the directory top_of_tree and all its sub-directories (up to the given max depth). All files in these directories are examined by passing them to add_file() and if it returns true then they will be included in the returned std::vector<file> object. - Note that a max_depth of 0 means that only the files in the directory top_of_tree will be considered. A depth of 1 means that only files in top_of_tree and its immediate sub-directories will be considered. And so on... !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class match_ending { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This is a simple function object that can be used with the above get_files_in_directory_tree() function. This object just looks for files with a certain ending. !*/ public: match_ending ( const std::string& ending ); /*! ensures - this object will be a function that checks if a file has a name that ends with the given ending string. !*/ bool operator() ( const file& f ) const; /*! ensures - if (the file f has a name that ends with the ending string given to this object's constructor) then - returns true - else - returns false !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class match_endings { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This is a simple function object that can be used with the above get_files_in_directory_tree() function. This object allows you to look for files with a number of different endings. !*/ public: match_endings ( const std::string& ending_list ); /*! ensures - ending_list is interpreted as a whitespace separated list of file endings. - this object will be a function that checks if a file has a name that ends with one of the strings in ending_list. !*/ bool operator() ( const file& f ) const; /*! ensures - if (the file f has a name that ends with one of the ending strings given to this object's constructor) then - returns true - else - returns false !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class match_all { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This is a simple function object that can be used with the above get_files_in_directory_tree() function. This object matches all files. !*/ public: bool operator() ( const file& f ) const; /*! ensures - returns true (i.e. this function doesn't do anything. It just says it matches all files no matter what) !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory get_parent_directory ( const directory& dir ); /*! ensures - returns the parent directory of dir. In particular, this function returns the value of dir.get_parent() !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory get_parent_directory ( const file& f ); /*! ensures - if (f.full_name() != "") then - returns the directory which contains the given file - else - returns a default initialized directory (i.e. directory()) !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_DIR_NAV_EXTENSIONs_ABSTRACT_