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This * ensures we don't break anyone's use of the element. */; T; ; ;[; iE; @ o;;[I" figure; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;= ;,I" figure; T;0; iJ;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i ;"0;#0; iJ;0; iJ;0;$o; ;o;; iJ; i;!o;; iJ; i ;"@";#@#;*i;[o;>;,[I" margin; T;o;.;o;/;I"0; T; ;0; @ ; iK;o; ;o;; iK; i;!o;; iK; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; iK;o; ;o;; iK; i;!o;; iK; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; iK; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; iK; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ ; iJ;o; ;@};!o;; iJ; i ;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"/* Images */; T; ; ;[; iO; @ o;;[I"img; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;= ;,I"img; T;0; iQ;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i ;"0;#0; iQ;0; iQ;0;$o; ;o;; iQ; i;!o;; iQ; i ;"@";#@#;*i;[o;>;,[I"vertical-align; T;o;.;o;/;I" middle; T; ;0; @ ; iR;o; ;o;; iR; i;!o;; iR; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; iR;o; ;o;; iR; i;!o;; iR; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; iR; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; iR; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ ; iQ;o; ;@;!o;; iQ; i ;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"M/* Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents) */; T; ; ;[; iU; @ o;;[I".img-responsive; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o:Sass::Selector::Class;,I"img-responsive; T; iV;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; iV;0; iV;0;$o; ;o;; iV; i;!o;; iV; i;"@";#@#;*i;[o;+;,I"img-responsive; T;-[;1{;50;60;[; iW;o; ;o;; iW; i;!o;; iW; i;"@";#@#; @ ; iV;o; ;@;!o;; iV; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"/* Rounded corners */; T; ; ;[; iZ; @ o;;[I".img-rounded; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;L;,I"img-rounded; T; i[;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; i[;0; i[;0;$o; ;o;; i[; i;!o;; i[; i;"@";#@#;*i;[o;>;,[I"border-radius; T;o;H ;,I"border-radius-large; T;II"border_radius_large; T; i\;o; ;o;; i\; i;!o;; i\; i+;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; i\;o; ;o;; i\; i;!o;; i\; i+;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i\; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i\; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ ; i[;o; ;@;!o;; i[; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"c/* Image thumbnails * * Heads up! This is mixin-ed into thumbnails.less for `.thumbnail`. */; T; ; ;[; i_; @ o;;[I".img-thumbnail; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;L;,I"img-thumbnail; T; ib;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; ib;0; ib;0;$o; ;o;; ib; i;!o;; ib; i;"@";#@#;*i;[ o;>;,[I" padding; T;o;H ;,I"thumbnail-padding; T;II"thumbnail_padding; T; ic;o; ;o;; ic; i;!o;; ic; i#;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; ic;o; ;o;; ic; i;!o;; ic; i#;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@.;!o;; ic; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; ic; i;!@/;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I"line-height; T;o;H ;,I"line-height-base; T;II"line_height_base; T; id;o; ;o;; id; i;!o;; id; i&;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; id;o; ;o;; id; i;!o;; id; i&;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@?;!o;; id; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; id; i;!@@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I"background-color; T;o;H ;,I"thumbnail-bg; T;II"thumbnail_bg; T; ie;o; ;o;; ie; i;!o;; ie; i';"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; ie;o; ;o;; ie; i;!o;; ie; i';"@";#@#;Ao; ;@P;!o;; ie; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; ie; i;!@Q;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" border; T;o:$Sass::Script::Tree::ListLiteral :@elements[o;. ;o;D ;i;E[I"px; T;F[;GI"1px; F; @ ; if;o; ;o;; if; i;!o;; if; i;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;/;I" solid; T; ;0; @ ; if;o; ;o;; if; i;!o;; if; i;"@";#@#;@"o;H ;,I"thumbnail-border; T;II"thumbnail_border; T; if;o; ;o;; if; i;!o;; if; i+;"@";#@#;@"; @ :@separator: space; if;o; ;o;; if; i;!o;; if; i+;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; if;o; ;o;; if; i;!o;; if; i+;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@u;!o;; if; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; if; i;!@v;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I"border-radius; T;o;H ;,I"thumbnail-border-radius; T;II"thumbnail_border_radius; T; ig;o; ;o;; ig; i;!o;; ig; i/;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; ig;o; ;o;; ig; i;!o;; ig; i/;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; ig; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; ig; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;+;,I"transition; T;-[o;M ;N[o;. ;o;/;I"all; T; ;0; @ ; ih;o; ;o;; ih; i;!o;; ih; i;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;D ;f0.2;E[I"s; T;F[;GI" 0.2s; F; @ ; ih;o; ;o;; ih; i ;!o;; ih; i#;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;/;I"ease-in-out; T; ;0; @ ; ih;o; ;o;; ih; i$;!o;; ih; i/;"@";#@#;@";O;P; ih;o; ;o;; ih; i;!o;; ih; i/;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;1o;2;3{;4{;50;60;[; ih;o; ;o;; ih; i;!o;; ih; i0;"@";#@#; @ o; ;[I"&/* Keep them at most 100% wide */; T; ; ;[; ij; @ o;+;,I"img-responsive; T;-[o;. ;o;/;I"inline-block; T; ;0; @ ; ik;o; ;o;; ik; i ;!o;; ik; i,;"@";#@#;@";1o;2;3{;4{;50;60;[; ik;o; ;o;; ik; i;!o;; ik; i-;"@";#@#; @ ; ib;o; ;@ ;!o;; ib; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"/* Perfect circle */; T; ; ;[; in; @ o;;[I".img-circle; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;L;,I"img-circle; T; io;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; io;0; io;0;$o; ;o;; io; i;!o;; io; i;"@";#@#;*i;[o;>;,[I"border-radius; T;o;.;o;/;I"50%; T; ;0; @ ; ip;o; ;o;; ip; i;!o;; ip; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; ip;o; ;o;; ip; i;!o;; ip; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; ip; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; ip; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o; ;[I"!/* set radius in percents */; T; ; ;[; ip; @ ; io;o; ;@;!o;; io; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"/* Horizontal rules */; T; ; ;[; it; @ o;;[I"hr; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;= ;,I"hr; T;0; iv;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; iv;0; iv;0;$o; ;o;; iv; i;!o;; iv; i ;"@";#@#;*i;[ o;>;,[I"margin-top; T;o;H ;,I"line-height-computed; T;II"line_height_computed; T; iw;o; ;o;; iw; i;!o;; iw; i,;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; iw;o; ;o;; iw; i;!o;; iw; i,;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; iw; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; iw; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I"margin-bottom; T;o;H ;,I"line-height-computed; T;II"line_height_computed; T; ix;o; ;o;; ix; i;!o;; ix; i,;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; ix;o; ;o;; ix; i;!o;; ix; i,;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@*;!o;; ix; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; ix; i;!@+;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" border; T;o;.;o;/;I"0; T; ;0; @ ; iy;o; ;o;; iy; i;!o;; iy; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; iy;o; ;o;; iy; i;!o;; iy; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;;!o;; iy; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; iy; i;!@<;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I"border-top; T;o;M ;N[o;. ;o;D ;i;E[I"px; T;F[;GI"1px; F; @ ; iz;o; ;o;; iz; i;!o;; iz; i;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;/;I" solid; T; ;0; @ ; iz;o; ;o;; iz; i;!o;; iz; i;"@";#@#;@"o;H ;,I"hr-border; T;II"hr_border; T; iz;o; ;o;; iz; i;!o;; iz; i(;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;O;P; iz;o; ;o;; iz; i;!o;; iz; i(;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; iz;o; ;o;; iz; i;!o;; iz; i(;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@`;!o;; iz; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; iz; i;!@a;"@";#@#; @ ; iv;o; ;@ ;!o;; iv; i ;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"n/* Only display content to screen readers * * See: http://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/ */; T; ; ;[; i~; @ o;;[I" .sr-only; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;L;,I" sr-only; T; i};0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; i};0; i};0;$o; ;o;; i}; i;!o;; i}; i;"@";#@#;*i;[ o;>;,[I" position; T;o;.;o;/;I" absolute; T; ;0; @ ; i~;o; ;o;; i~; i;!o;; i~; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i~;o; ;o;; i~; i;!o;; i~; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i~; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i~; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" width; T;o;.;o;/;I"1px; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i ;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" height; T;o;.;o;/;I"1px; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" margin; T;o;.;o;/;I" -1px; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" padding; T;o;.;o;/;I"0; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" overflow; T;o;.;o;/;I" hidden; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" clip; T;o;C;,I" rect; T;-[ o;. ;o;D ;i;E[;F@;GI"0; F; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;D ;i;E[;F@;GI"0; F; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;D ;i;E[;F@;GI"0; F; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;@"o;. ;o;D ;i;E[;F@;GI"0; F; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;@";1o;2;3{;4{;50;60; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;@"; @ ;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i ;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" border; T;o;.;o;/;I"0; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@!;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@";"@";#@#; @ ; i};o; ;@};!o;; i}; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"/* Use in conjunction with .sr-only to only display content when it's focused. * Useful for "Skip to main content" links; see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G1 * Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o;;[I".sr-only-focusable; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;L;,I"sr-only-focusable; T; i;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; i;0; i;0;$o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;[o;;[I"&:active, &:focus; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o;J;K0; i;0o;8 ;9;:;,I" active; T;;0;<0; i;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; i;0o;;[I" ; To; ;[o;J;K0; i;0o;8 ;9;:;,I" focus; T;;0;<0; i;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; i;0; i;0;$o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;[ o;>;,[I" position; T;o;.;o;/;I" static; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i ;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@n;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@o;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" width; T;o;.;o;/;I" auto; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i ;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" height; T;o;.;o;/;I" auto; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i ;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" margin; T;o;.;o;/;I"0; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i ;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" overflow; T;o;.;o;/;I" visible; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i ;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ o;>;,[I" clip; T;o;.;o;/;I" auto; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i ;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ ; i;o; ;@`;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ ; i;o; ;@>;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ o; ;[I"/* iOS "clickable elements" fix for role="button" * * Fixes "clickability" issue (and more generally, the firing of events such as focus as well) * for traditionally non-focusable elements with role="button" * see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/click#Safari_Mobile * Upstream patch for normalize.css submitted: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/pull/379 - remove this fix once that is merged */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o;;[I"[role="button"]; T;o;;[o;;[o; ;[o:Sass::Selector::Attribute ;,I" role; T;0:@operatorI"=; T;I" "button"; T: @flags0; i;0;0;o;;{;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"0;#0; i;0; i;0;$o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;[o;>;,[I" cursor; T;o;.;o;/;I" pointer; T; ;0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;*i;?;@;[; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Ao; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;Bo; ;o;; i; i;!@;"@";#@#; @ ; i;o; ;@;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;7T; @ :@templateI"^ // // Scaffolding // -------------------------------------------------- // Reset the box-sizing // // Heads up! This reset may cause conflicts with some third-party widgets. // For recommendations on resolving such conflicts, see // http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#third-box-sizing * { @include box-sizing(border-box); } *:before, *:after { @include box-sizing(border-box); } // Body reset html { font-size: 10px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); } body { font-family: $font-family-base; font-size: $font-size-base; line-height: $line-height-base; color: $text-color; background-color: $body-bg; } // Reset fonts for relevant elements input, button, select, textarea { font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; } // Links a { color: $link-color; text-decoration: none; &:hover, &:focus { color: $link-hover-color; text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration; } &:focus { @include tab-focus; } } // Figures // // We reset this here because previously Normalize had no `figure` margins. This // ensures we don't break anyone's use of the element. figure { margin: 0; } // Images img { vertical-align: middle; } // Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents) .img-responsive { @include img-responsive; } // Rounded corners .img-rounded { border-radius: $border-radius-large; } // Image thumbnails // // Heads up! This is mixin-ed into thumbnails.less for `.thumbnail`. .img-thumbnail { padding: $thumbnail-padding; line-height: $line-height-base; background-color: $thumbnail-bg; border: 1px solid $thumbnail-border; border-radius: $thumbnail-border-radius; @include transition(all .2s ease-in-out); // Keep them at most 100% wide @include img-responsive(inline-block); } // Perfect circle .img-circle { border-radius: 50%; // set radius in percents } // Horizontal rules hr { margin-top: $line-height-computed; margin-bottom: $line-height-computed; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid $hr-border; } // Only display content to screen readers // // See: http://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/ .sr-only { position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; margin: -1px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0,0,0,0); border: 0; } // Use in conjunction with .sr-only to only display content when it's focused. // Useful for "Skip to main content" links; see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G1 // Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate .sr-only-focusable { &:active, &:focus { position: static; width: auto; height: auto; margin: 0; overflow: visible; clip: auto; } } // iOS "clickable elements" fix for role="button" // // Fixes "clickability" issue (and more generally, the firing of events such as focus as well) // for traditionally non-focusable elements with role="button" // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/click#Safari_Mobile // Upstream patch for normalize.css submitted: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/pull/379 - remove this fix once that is merged [role="button"] { cursor: pointer; }; T; i;o; ;o;; i; i;!o;; i; i;"@";#@#;7T; @