# frozen_string_literal: true module MuxTf class PlanFormatter extend TerraformHelpers extend PiotrbCliUtils::Util class << self # include CommandHelpers def pretty_plan(filename) pastel = Pastel.new plan_output = String.new phase = :init meta = {} parser = StatefulParser.new(normalizer: pastel.method(:strip)) parser.state(:info, /^Acquiring state lock/) parser.state(:error, /Error locking state/, %i[none blank info]) parser.state(:refreshing, /Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.../, %i[none blank info]) parser.state(:refresh_done, /^----------+$/, [:refreshing]) parser.state(:plan_info, /Terraform will perform the following actions:/, [:refresh_done]) parser.state(:plan_summary, /^Plan:/, [:plan_info]) parser.state(:error_lock_info, /Lock Info/, [:error]) parser.state(:error, /^$/, [:error_lock_info]) parser.state(:plan_error, /^Error: /, [:refreshing]) status = tf_plan(out: filename, detailed_exitcode: true, compact_warnings: true) do |raw_line| plan_output << raw_line parser.parse(raw_line.rstrip) do |state, line| case state when :none if line.blank? # nothing else p [state, line] end when :info if /Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments.../.match?(line) log 'Acquiring state lock ...', depth: 2 else p [state, line] end when :error meta['error'] = 'lock' log Paint[line, :red], depth: 2 when :plan_error if phase != :plan_error puts phase = :plan_error end meta['error'] = 'refresh' log Paint[line, :red], depth: 2 when :error_lock_info if line =~ /^ ([^ ]+):\s+([^ ].+)$/ meta[$LAST_MATCH_INFO[1]] = $LAST_MATCH_INFO[2] end log Paint[line, :red], depth: 2 when :refreshing if phase != :refreshing phase = :refreshing log 'Refreshing state ', depth: 2, newline: false else print '.' end when :refresh_done if phase != :refresh_done phase = :refresh_done puts else # nothing end when :plan_info log line, depth: 2 when :plan_summary log line, depth: 2 else p [state, line] end end end [status.status, meta] end def process_upgrade pastel = Pastel.new plan_output = String.new phase = :init meta = {} parser = StatefulParser.new(normalizer: pastel.method(:strip)) parser.state(:modules, /^Upgrading modules\.\.\./) parser.state(:backend, /^Initializing the backend\.\.\./, [:modules]) parser.state(:plugins, /^Initializing provider plugins\.\.\./, [:backend]) parser.state(:plugin_warnings, /^$/, [:plugins]) status = tf_init(upgrade: true, color: false) do |raw_line| plan_output << raw_line parser.parse(raw_line.rstrip) do |state, line| case state when :modules if phase != state # first line phase = state log 'Upgrding modules ', depth: 1, newline: false next end case line when /^- (?<module>[^ ]+) in (?<path>.+)$/ # info = $~.named_captures # log "- #{info["module"]}", depth: 2 print '.' when /^Downloading (?<repo>[^ ]+) (?<version>[^ ]+) for (?<module>[^ ]+)\.\.\./ # info = $~.named_captures # log "Downloading #{info["module"]} from #{info["repo"]} @ #{info["version"]}" print 'D' when '' puts else p [state, line] end when :backend if phase != state # first line phase = state log 'Initializing the backend ', depth: 1, newline: false next end case line when '' puts else p [state, line] end when :plugins if phase != state # first line phase = state log 'Initializing provider plugins ...', depth: 1 next end case line when /^- Downloading plugin for provider "(?<provider>[^\"]+)" \((?<provider_path>[^\)]+)\) (?<version>.+)\.\.\.$/ info = $LAST_MATCH_INFO.named_captures log "- #{info['provider']} #{info['version']}", depth: 2 when '- Checking for available provider plugins...' # noop else p [state, line] end when :plugin_warnings if phase != state # first line phase = state next end log Paint[line, :yellow], depth: 1 else p [state, line] end end end [status.status, meta] end def process_validation(info) remedies = Set.new if info['error_count'] > 0 || info['warning_count'] > 0 log "Encountered #{Paint[info['error_count'], :red]} Errors and #{Paint[info['warning_count'], :yellow]} Warnings!", depth: 2 info['diagnostics'].each do |dinfo| color = dinfo['severity'] == 'error' ? :red : :yellow log "#{Paint[dinfo['severity'].capitalize, color]}: #{dinfo['summary']}", depth: 3 if dinfo['detail']&.include?('terraform init') remedies << :init else log dinfo['detail'], depth: 4 if dinfo['detail'] if dinfo['range'] log format_validation_range(dinfo['range'], color), depth: 4 end remedies << :unknown if dinfo['severity'] == 'error' end end end remedies end private def format_validation_range(range, color) # filename: "../../../modules/pods/jane_pod/main.tf" # start: # line: 151 # column: 27 # byte: 6632 # end: # line: 151 # column: 53 # byte: 6658 context_lines = 3 lines = range['start']['line']..range['end']['line'] columns = range['start']['column']..range['end']['column'] # on ../../../modules/pods/jane_pod/main.tf line 151, in module "jane": # 151: jane_resources_preset = var.jane_resources_presetx output = [] lines_info = lines.size == 1 ? "#{lines.first}:#{columns.first}" : "#{lines.first}:#{columns.first} to #{lines.last}:#{columns.last}" output << "on: #{range['filename']} line#{lines.size > 1 ? 's' : ''}: #{lines_info}" if File.exist?(range['filename']) file_lines = File.read(range['filename']).split("\n") extract_range = ([lines.first - context_lines, 0].max)..([lines.last + context_lines, file_lines.length - 1].min) file_lines.each_with_index do |line, index| if extract_range.cover?(index + 1) if lines.cover?(index + 1) start_col = 1 end_col = :max if index + 1 == lines.first start_col = columns.first elsif index + 1 == lines.last start_col = columns.last end painted_line = paint_line(line, color, start_col: start_col, end_col: end_col) output << "#{Paint['>', color]} #{index + 1}: #{painted_line}" else output << " #{index + 1}: #{line}" end end end end output end def paint_line(line, *paint_options, start_col: 1, end_col: :max) end_col = line.length if end_col == :max prefix = line[0, start_col - 1] suffix = line[end_col..-1] middle = line[start_col - 1..end_col - 1] "#{prefix}#{Paint[middle, *paint_options]}#{suffix}" end end end end