# frozen_string_literal: true # Ruby internal require 'set' # Project internal require 'pixelchart/version' # External require 'rmagick' require 'vips' # PixelChart class class PixelChart # Constants include Version # A new instance of PixelChart # @param data [Array] An array containing values # (0, 1) used to generate the image. # @param width [Integer] Desired width of the image. # @param height [Integer] Desired height of the image. # @option opts [Array] :colors Must be an array containing 2 values. # Each value is either the +:random+ symbol to get a random color or a # color given as RGB, so 3 integers in an array. # @option opts [Scale] :scale Scale the image to dimensions or with a ratio. # Ratio must be a positive (non-nul) float or integer, and dimensions must # be a set of width and height separated by a comma. def initialize(data, width, height, opts = {}) @width = check_int(width) @height = check_int(height) @data = check_data(data) opts[:colors] ||= [[255, 255, 255], [0, 0, 0]] # white, black check_colors(opts[:colors]) opts[:colors].each_with_index do |color, i| opts[:colors][i] = (0..2).map { |_x| rand(256) } if color == :random end @colors = opts[:colors] opts[:scale] ||= nil @scale = opts[:scale] end # Generate and save the image # @param filename [String] Name of the output image. # @param opts [Hash] options for image processing # @option opts [Symbol] :backend Image processing backend, +:rmagick+ for # Rmagick/Imagemagick or +:rubyvips+ for ruby-vips/libvips. def draw(filename, opts = {}) opts[:backend] ||= :rmagick backend = check_backend(opts[:backend]) if backend == :rmagick draw_rmagick(filename) elsif backend == :rubyvips draw_rubyvips(filename) end end # Calculate the possible dimensions (width, height) for a given area # @param area [Integer] number of values, total of pixels # @return [Array>] Array of possible dimensions def self.dimensions(area) dim = [] (1..Math.sqrt(area).to_i).each do |x| y, rem = area.divmod(x) dim.push([x, y]) if rem.zero? end dim end # Calculate the possible dimensions (width, height) for the data of the object # @return [Array>] Array of possible dimensions def dimensions dimensions(@data.size) end # Read the input file to extract the values # @param filename [String] Name of the input file containing data. Values must # be 0, 1, true, false and separated by commas. # @return [Array] Array of 0, 1. Can be directly passed to initialize def self.load_file(filename) content = File.read(filename).gsub(/\s+/, '') data = content.split(',') data.each_with_index do |x, i| data[i] = 0 if x == '0' || x.downcase == 'false' data[i] = 1 if x == '1' || x.downcase == 'true' end data end private # Generate and save the image with Rmagick # @param filename [String] Name of the output image. def draw_rmagick(filename) img = Magick::Image.new(@width, @height) i = 0 (0...@height).each do |y| (0...@width).each do |x| if [1, true].include?(@data[i]) # true color img.pixel_color(x, y, "rgb(#{@colors[1].join(',')}") else # false color img.pixel_color(x, y, "rgb(#{@colors[0].join(',')})") end i += 1 end end unless @scale.nil? if @scale.is_a?(Numeric) if @scale.zero? raise(ArgumentError, 'Scale must be a ratio or a set of width and height') end img.scale!(@scale) elsif @scale.is_a?(Array) img.scale!(@scale[0], @scale[1]) else raise(ArgumentError, 'Scale must be a ratio or a set of width and height') end end img.write(filename) end # Generate and save the image ruby-vips # @param filename [String] Name of the output image. def draw_rubyvips(filename) # true -> 1, false -> 0 @data.map! { |x| x == true ? 1 : x } @data.map! { |x| x == false ? 0 : x } # make a 2D image from the data array im = Vips::Image.new_from_array(@data.each_slice(@width).to_a) im = (im == 1).ifthenelse(@colors[1], @colors[0], blend: true) if @scale.is_a?(Numeric) opts = { kernel: :nearest } im = im.resize(@scale, **opts) end im.write_to_file(filename, compression: 9, palette: true, colours: 2, Q: 0) end # Check if the argument is an integer else raise an error # @param data [Object] The object to check # @return [Object] Untouched input object def check_int(data) unless data.is_a?(Integer) raise(ArgumentError, 'Argument is not an integer') end data end # Check if the data is in the format expected by #initialize else raise an # error # @param data [Object] The object to check # @return [Object] Untouched input object def check_data(data) raise(ArgumentError, 'Argument is not an array') unless data.is_a?(Array) possible_values = PixelChart.dimensions(data.size) possible_sets = possible_values.map(&:to_set) unless possible_sets.include?(Set[@width, @height]) raise(ArgumentError, 'The number of values does not match with the possible dimensions') end data end # Check if the colors are in the format expected by #initialize else raise an # error # @param data [Object] The object to check # @return [Object] Untouched input object def check_colors(data) raise(ArgumentError, 'Argument is not an array') unless data.is_a?(Array) data.each do |item| if item == :random # nothing elsif item.is_a?(Array) raise(ArgumentError, 'RGB must contains 3 values') unless item.size == 3 item.each do |i| unless i.is_a?(Integer) raise(ArgumentError, 'RGB values are not integers') end unless (0..255).include?(i) raise(ArgumentError, 'RGB values must be between 0 and 255') end end else raise(ArgumentError, 'Colors are not a RGB array or :random') end end data end # Check if the backend option is in the format expected by #draw else raise # an error # @param data [Object] The object to check # @return [Object] Untouched input object def check_backend(data) accepted_values = %i[rmagick rubyvips] unless accepted_values.include?(data) raise(ArgumentError, "Backend must be #{accepted_values.join(' or ')}") end data end end