module GoodJob module Lockable extend ActiveSupport::Concern RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError = included do scope :joins_advisory_locks, (lambda do joins(<<~SQL) LEFT JOIN pg_locks ON pg_locks.locktype = 'advisory' AND pg_locks.objsubid = 1 AND pg_locks.classid = ('x'||substr(md5(, 1, 16))::bit(32)::int AND pg_locks.objid = (('x'||substr(md5(, 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int SQL end) scope :advisory_unlocked, -> { joins_advisory_locks.where(pg_locks: { locktype: nil }) } scope :with_advisory_lock, (lambda do where(<<~SQL) pg_try_advisory_lock(('x'||substr(md5(id::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint) SQL end) def self.first_advisory_locked_row(query) find_by_sql(<<~SQL) WITH rows AS (#{query.to_sql}) SELECT FROM rows WHERE pg_try_advisory_lock(('x'||substr(md5(id::text), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint) SQL end # private_class_method :first_advisory_locked_row # # Advisory locks can be acquired on keys consisting of either a single bigint value or two integer values. # A bigint key is displayed with its high-order half in the classid column, its low-order half in the objid column, and objsubid equal to 1. # The original bigint value can be reassembled with the expression (classid::bigint << 32) | objid::bigint. # Integer keys are displayed with the first key in the classid column, the second key in the objid column, and objsubid equal to 2. # The actual meaning of the keys is up to the user. Advisory locks are local to each database, so the database column is meaningful for an advisory lock. def self.advisory_lock_details"SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'advisory' AND objsubid = 1") end def advisory_lock self.class.connection.execute(sanitize_sql_for_conditions(["SELECT 1 as one WHERE pg_try_advisory_lock(('x'||substr(md5(?), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint)", id])).ntuples.positive? end def advisory_lock! result = advisory_lock result || raise(RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError) end def with_advisory_lock advisory_lock! yield rescue StandardError => e advisory_unlock unless e.is_a? RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError raise end def advisory_locked? self.class.connection.execute(<<~SQL).ntuples.positive? SELECT 1 as one FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'advisory' AND objsubid = 1 AND classid = ('x'||substr(md5('#{id}'), 1, 16))::bit(32)::int AND objid = (('x'||substr(md5('#{id}'), 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int SQL end def owns_advisory_lock? self.class.connection.execute(<<~SQL).ntuples.positive? SELECT 1 as one FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'advisory' AND objsubid = 1 AND classid = ('x'||substr(md5('#{id}'), 1, 16))::bit(32)::int AND objid = (('x'||substr(md5('#{id}'), 1, 16))::bit(64) << 32)::bit(32)::int AND pid = pg_backend_pid() SQL end def advisory_unlock self.class.connection.execute("SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(('x'||substr(md5('#{id}'), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint)").first["pg_advisory_unlock"] end def advisory_unlock! advisory_unlock while advisory_locked? end private def sanitize_sql_for_conditions(*args) # Made public in Rails 5.2 self.class.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, *args) end end end end