# I18n 'card' messages for the "en" (English) locale # # conventions: # # key name prefixes: # 'exception_' begins key of text to be used in a raised exception # 'error_' begins key of text to be added to an error list (usuallly) # 'search_' begins key of text to be used in WQL search comment # 'deny_' begins key of text to be used in denying action due to permissions # (Not all key names begin with a prefix. In the absence of a prefix, # the way the text will be used is generic and not explicitly hinted at.) # # scope: # scope values correspond to the path to the source file where the # translation lookup occurs, relative to the root of the 'card' gem, # with slashes replaced by dots and the final .rb extension omitted. # So, a scope might be # 'lib.card.format.render' or 'mod.01_core.set.all.permisssions' # Although there isn't a common prefix for all scopes, scopes begin # with either 'lib.card' or 'mod.0d_modname' and these patterns are # sufficiently distinctive that key collisions with translations # for applications or other gems are believed to be unlikely. # Format names for time and date are begun with a 'card_' prefix to # minimize the chances of interference with other gems or applications. --- en: time: formats: card_dayofwk_min_tz: '%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p %Z' card_date_seconds: '%B %e, %Y %H:%M:%S' card_date_only: '%B %e, %Y' # sign_in: Sign in # sign_up: Sign up # sign_out: Sign out # invite: Invite # submit: Submit # cancel: Cancel # close: Close # delete: Delete lib: card: active_record_ext: exception_not_implemented: "%{func} not implemented" codename: exception_unknown_codename: "unknown codename: %{codename}" error: exception_for_card: "for card %{cardname}: %{message}" format: error: exception_bad_arg: "bad %{category} argument: %{arg}" exception_bad_args: "bad %{category} arguments: %{args}" no_cardname: unknown card error_rendering: "Error rendering: %{cardname} (%{view} view)" exception_init_without_card: format initialized without card query: attributes: exception_bad_query: '"%{found_by}" value must be valid Search, but %{name} is a %{type}' clause: exception_bad_chars: "WQL contains disallowed characters: %{text}" interpretation: exception_invalid_attribute: Invalid attribute %{key} exception_invalid_args: Invalid query args %{items} exception_unknown_valtype: "unknown WQL value type: %{klass}" join: exception_to_not_join: "%{to} cannot be %{join}" exception_invalid_option: "invalid %{side} option: %{object}" sorting: exception_sort_not_implemented: "sort item: %{item} not yet implemented" value: exception_bad_condition_clause: Invalid Condition Clause %{item} exception_invalid_operator: Invalid Operator %{operator} set: format: exception_alias_fail: cannot find %{optview} view in %{optmod}; failed to alias %{view} in %{self} mod: :core: format: html_format: unknown_layout: "Unknown layout: %{name}" built_in: "Built-in Layouts: %{built_in_layouts}" set: all: event: outside_event_phases: phase method %{method} called outside of event phases called_in_stage: "%{item} method %{method} called in stage %{stage}" called_on_action: "on: %{xaction} method %{method} called on %{yaction}" fetch: exception_fetch_arg_skipvirt: "%{func} called with new arguments and %{sv}" name_validations: error_code_in_use: codename %{codename} already in use error_name_exists: must be unique; '%{name}' already exists. error_too_long: is too long (255 character maximum; length is %{length}) error_blank_name: can't be blank error_blank_key: cannot be blank error_banned_characters: "may not contain any of the following characters: %{banned}" error_name_tag: "%{name} in use as a tag" error_wrong_key: wrong key '%{key}' for name %{name} name: search_children: "(%{side}) children of %{parent_name}" permissions: error_no_action_rule: No %{action} rule for %{name} you_cant: You don't have permission to %{what} deny_read_only: Currently in read-only mode deny_verb_name: You don't have permission to %{verb} %{name} deny_verb_this: You don't have permission to %{verb} this deny_create: You don't have permission to create %{part_card_name} deny_read_this: You don't have permission to read this deny_change_to_type: You don't have permission to change to this type (need create permission) deny_no_comment_template: No comments allowed on templates deny_no_comment_structured: No comments allowed on structured content references: exception_need_id: id required to delete references rules: search_userprefcards: "preference cards for user: %{name}" stages: exception_no_override_act: not allowed to override current act tracked_attributes: error_unknown_type: "%{type} is not a known type." trash: error_system_card: "%{name} is is a system card. (%{codename})" error_indestructible: "%{name} is an indestructible rule" error_user_edits: "Edits have been made with %{name}'s user account.\nDeleting this card would mess up our history." error_cant_delete_child: "can't delete %{child_name}: %{message}" type: error_cant_change_errors: "of %{name} can't be changed; errors creating new %{type_id}: %{error_messages}" error_no_such_type: No such type error_hard_templated: can't be changed because %{name} is hard templated to %{type_name} utils: exception_almost_deleted: Narrowly averted deleting current file set_pattern: :01_all: label_set_all_cards: All cards label_setfollow_all_cards: everything :02_all_plus: label_set_plus_cards: All "+" cards label_setfollow_plus_cards: all "+" cards :03_type: label_set_type_cards: All "%{name}" cards label_setfollow_type_cards: all "%{name}s" :04_star: label_set_star_cards: All "*" cards label_setfollow_star_cards: all "*" cards :05_rstar: label_set_rstar_cards: All "+*" cards label_setfollow_rstar_cards: all "+*" cards :06_right: label_set_right_cards: All "+%{name}" cards label_setfollow_right_cards: all "+%{name}s" :07_type_plus_right: label_set_typeplusright_cards: All "+%{right}" cards on "%{type}" cards label_setfollow_typeplusright_cards: all "+%{right}" on "%{type}s" :08_self: label_set_self_card: The card "%{name}" :history: set: all: content_history: error_not_latest_revision: changes not based on latest revision history: time_ago: "%{elapsed__time_in_words} ago" current: Current added: Added deleted: Deleted save_as_current: Save as current show_changes: Show changes hide_changes: Hide changes :basic_types: set: abstract: code_file: exception_not_set_path: "not a set path: %{path}" content_in_file: Content is stored in file and can't be edited. all: all_css: comment_style_card: Style Card comment_missing_style_card: MISSING Style Card file: file_not_supported: File rendering of this card not yet supported type: pointer: label_select: Select #description: description comment_style_group: STYLE GROUP search_opt_names_ptr: option names for pointer #:machines: # No language-specific items known to be present in Ruby files :settings: lib: card: setting: templating: Templating permission: Permissions webpage: Webpage pointer: Pointer editing_cue: Editing cues event: Events other: Other config: Config set: abstract: permission: search_roles_by_name: roles by name use_lefts_rule: use left's %{tag} rule groups: Groups individuals: Individuals inherit_links: Inherit ( %{links} ) inherit: Inherit inherit_from_left: Inherit from left card type: setting: search_all_setting: all setting cards :email: set: all: follow: emails_stop: stop sending emails about changes to %{cardlabel} emails_send: send emails about changes to %{cardlabel} unfollow: unfollow follow: follow notify: follow_included: follow cards included by %{cardname} followed_card: followed card follower: follower new: new deleted: deleted update_changes: "\nThis update included the following changes:%{changes}" right: follow: more_options: more options heading_get_notified: Get notified about changes following: no_preference: No following preference self: always: following: Following follow: follow created: following_created: Following content you created follow_if_created: follow if I created thing_created: "%{label} I created" edited: following_edited: Following content you edited follow_if_edited: follow if I edited thing_edited: "%{label} I edited" follow_defaults: confirm_update_all_heading: Are you sure you want to change the default follow rules? confirm_update_all_text: You may choose to update all existing users. This may take a while. submit_update: Submit and update all users updating: Updating submit: Submit never: ignoring: Ignoring ignore: ignore type_plus_right: user: follow: problems_card: Problems with %{cardname} sign_in: sign in please_sign_in: Please %{sign_in} :standard: set: all: comment: author_not_signed_in: "%{comment_author} (Not signed in)" anonymous: Anonymous my_name_is: " %{author_field}" comment: Comment commenting: Commenting error: unsupported_view: view (%{view}) not supported for %{cardname} not_found_named: Could not find %{cardname}. not_found_no_name: Could not find the card requested server_error: "\nWagn Hitch! Server Error. Yuck, sorry about that.\nTo tell us more and follow the fix,\nadd a support ticket at %{ticket_link}\n" se_hitch: 'Wagn Hitch :(' se_sorry: Server Error. Yuck, sorry about that. se_ticket: Add a support ticket to tell us more and follow the fix. denial: Permission Denied bad_address: "404: Bad Address" too_deep: Man, you're too deep. (Too many levels of nests at a time) too_slow: Timed out! %{showname} took too long to load. error_rendering: error rendering error_message: Error message (visible to admin only) unsupported_view: view %{view} not supported for %{cardname} add_thing: Add %{title} conflict: Conflict! also_changes: "%{actor_link} has also been making changes." conflict_instruction: Please examine below, resolve above, and re-submit. problems_no_name: Problems problems_name: Problems with %{cardname} sign_in_c: Sign in sign_up_c: Sign up sign_in: sign in sign_up: sign up not_found: Not Found sign_in_or_up: "%{signin_link} or %{signup_link} to create it." not_found_card: Could not find %{cardname} not_found_that: Could not find that. read_only: We are currently in read-only mode. Please try again later. sorry: Sorry! need_permission_task: You need permission to %{task} this. need_permission_no_task: You need permission to do that. sign_in_up_task: Please %{signin_link} or %{signup_link} to %{task} this. sign_in_task: Please %{signin_link} to %{task} this. sign_in_up_no_task: Please %{signin_link} or %{signup_link} to do that. sign_in_no_task: Please %{signin_link} to do that. list_changes: search_list_fields: list fields search_listed_by_fields: listed by fields search_lists_that_link: lists that link to %{name} error_is_referenced: can't be changed because %{name} is referenced by list card %{cardname} rich_html: content: action_verb_added: added action_verb_deleted: deleted action_verb_edited: edited updated_how_when_who: "%{action_verb} %{elapsed_time_in_words} ago by %{who}" editing: new_type: New %{type_name} new: New confirm_rename: Are you sure you want to rename %{cardname}? alter_related: one: automatically alter 1 related name. other: automatically alter %{count} related names. affect_refs: one: affect at least 1 reference to "%{cardname}" other: affect at least %{count} references to "%{cardname}" update_ignore: You may choose to update or ignore the referers. change_will: This change will... rename_update: Rename and Update renaming: Renaming rename: Rename form: unsupported_action_class: "unsupported card_form action class: %{actionclass}" submit: Submit submitting: Submitting cancel: Cancel menu: edit: edit discuss: discuss page: page rules: rules account: account modal: close: Close toolbar: account: account activity: activity all: all autosaved_draft: autosaved draft by_group: by group by_name: by name cancel: cancel card_delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete %{cardname}? card_deleted: "%{cardname} deleted" children: children common: common content: content created: created delete: delete details: details discuss: discuss edit: edit edited: edited editors: editors engage: engage follow: follow history: history mates: mates name: name nests: nests pin_pin: pin pin_unpin: unpin recent: recent references_out: references out references_in: references in refresh: refresh roles: roles rules: rules structure: structure type: type wrapper: close: Close rstar: rules_editor: not_a_rule: not a rule applies_to: " %{card_link}:" no_current_rule: No Current Rule cancel: Cancel delete_revert_rule: Deleting will revert to %{rule_setting_name} rule for %{card_label} delete: Delete set: set related_set: related set current: current delete_narrower: one: This rule will not have any effect on this card unless you delete the narrower rule for %{rules_sentence}. other: This rule will not have any effect on this card unless you delete the narrower rules for %{rules_sentence}. submit: Submit self: head: edit_page: Edit this page! recent: recent_changes: Recent Changes search: results_for: "Search results for: %{keyword}" search_goto_items: "goto items for term: %{term}" stats: stat: Stat value: Value action: Action cards: cards trashed_cards: trashed cards delete_all: delete all actions: actions delete_old: delete old references: references repair_all: repair all view_cache: view cache clear_view_cache: clear view cache memory_now: memory now clear_cache: clear cache # memory previous memory_prev: memory prev # memory difference memory_diff: memory diff megabyte_suffix: M type: basic: toc: Table of Contents cardtype: cards_exist: Sorry, this card must remain a Cardtype so long as there are %{cardname} cards. add_card: Add %{cardname} error_cant_alter: can't alter this type; %{name} cards still exist error_invalid_character_in_cardtype: "may not contain any of the following characters: %{banned}" list: type_right: must have a cardtype name as right part conflict_item_type: name conflicts with list items' type; delete content first only_type_allowed: "%{cardname} has wrong cardtype; only cards of type %{cardtype} are allowed" listed_by: cardtype_right: must have a cardtype name as right part only_type: "%{cardname} has wrong cardtype; only cards of type %{cardtype} are allowed" number: not_numeric: "'%{content}' is not numeric" search_type: no_limit_exception: OH NO.. no limit no_content_exception: "Error in card '%{name}': can't run search with empty content" no_results: no results previous: Previous next: Next set: cant_edit: Cannot currently edit Sets rules: Rules set: Set field: field common: common by_group: by group by_name: by name recent: recent toggle: # Warning: unless careful, yes/no get converted to true/false :yes: 'yes' :no: 'no' #:bootstrap: #No known language-specfic messages :account: set: type: signup: sign_up: Sign up invite: Invite send_invite: Send Invitation first_last_help: usually first and last name signed_up_on: "%{name} signed up on %{date}" was_signed_up_on: "%{name} was signed up on %{date}" missing_account: "ERROR: signup card missing account" send: Send resend: Resend verification: A verification email has been sent verification_to: A verification email has been sent to %{email} action_verify_email: "%{action} verification email" approve_without: Approve without verification deny_delete: Deny and delete field_manip_abort: no field manipulation mid-activation no_account_abort: no account associated with %{name} illegal_approval_abort: illegal approval check_email_reset: Please check your email for a new password reset link. errors_message: Sorry, %{item}. %{message} user: help_first_last: üblicherweise Vor- und Nachname welcome: Willkommen, Decker! get_started: Um loszulegen, erstelle einen Account. email_off: "WARNING: E-Mail-Versand ist deaktiviert. Ändere die Einstellung in %{path} um bei neuen Registrierungen Benachrichtigungen zu senden." set_up: Anlegen setting_up: Lege an right: account: error_not_allowed: not allowed on this card sorry_email_reset: Sorry, %{error_msg}. Please check your email for a new password reset link. email: error_invalid_address: must be valid address search_email_duplicate: email duplicate? (%{content}) error_not_unique: must be unique deny_email_restricted: viewing email is restricted to administrators and account holders password: encrypted: encrypted password_length: must be at least 4 characters salt: private_data: Private data stats: field: Field cache_value: Cache Val db_value: Database Val cache_db_compare: Cache/DB Comparison cached_card: Cached Card Inspect db_card: Database Card Inspect status: deny_not_change_own_account: change the status of your own account token: private_data: Private data error_token_not_found: no token found error_token_expired: expired token error_incorrect_token: token mismatch exception_bad_expiration: illegal expiration value (eg '%{example}') self: account_links: sign_up: Sign up sign_in: Sign in invite: Invite sign_out: Sign out signin: sign_in_title: Sign In sign_in: Sign in or_sign_up: '...or sign up!' reset_password: RESET PASSWORD forgot_password: Forgot Password reset_my_password: Reset my password check_email: Check your email for a link to reset your password error_unknown_email: Unrecognized email. error_not_active: Sorry, that account is not active. error_wrong_password: Wrong password abort_bad_signin_args: bad sign in arguments error_not_active: not active error_not_recognized: not recognized :carrierwave: set: abstract: attachment: error_invalid_storage_type: "%{type} is not a valid file storage option" type: file: file_error: File Error download: Download %{title} delete: Delete add_item: Add %{attachment_name}... replace_item: Replace %{attachment_name}... :admin: set: self: admin_info: email_off: Email delivery is turned off. Change settings in %{path} to send sign up notifications. admin_warn: ADMINISTRATOR WARNING captcha_temp: Your captcha is currently working with temporary settings. This is fine for a local installation, but you will need new recaptcha keys if you want to make this site public. captcha_keys: You are configured to use [[*captcha]], but for that to work you need new recaptcha keys. instructions: Instructions howto_add_keys: "How to add new recaptcha keys:" howto_register: Register your domain at %{recaptcha_link} howto_add: Add your keys to %{recaptcha_settings} howto_turn_off: 'How to turn captcha off:' howto_go: Go to %{captcha_card} howto_update: Update all *captcha rules to "no".