<% @subtabs = resque.queues unless partial? %> <% if queue = params[:id] %>

Pending jobs on <%= queue %>

Showing <%= start = params[:start].to_i %> to <%= start + 20 %> of <%=size = resque.size(queue)%> jobs

<% for job in (jobs = resque.peek(queue, start, 20)) %> <% end %> <% if jobs.empty? %> <% end %>
Class Args
<%= job['class'] %> <%=h job['args'].inspect %>
There are no pending jobs in this queue
<%= partial :next_more, :start => start, :size => size %> <% else %>


The list below contains all the registered queues with the number of jobs currently in the queue. Select a queue from above to view all jobs currently pending on the queue.

<% for queue in resque.queues.sort_by { |q| q.to_s } %> <% end %>
Name Jobs
"><%= queue %> <%= resque.size queue %>
failed <%= Resque::Failure.count %>
<% end %>