{ "Language": "English", "htmlLangAtt": "en", "H1": "All png tools for safepngkit", "H2": "All-in-one easy-to-use online png tools", "TITLE": "Home Title", "META": "See collection of all Android alarm libraries, filter by license, modified date, languages, and select best for your usecase.", "keywords": "key1,key2,key3,key4", "imgwidth": "40px", "imgheight": "40px", "imgalt": "altvalue", "nofileupload": false, "color": "#dc3c2c", "megaMenu": { "nav-link-name": "Tools", "dropdown": [ { "categoryName": "Features List", "links": [ { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 1", "url": "/", "hover": "red" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 2", "url": "/", "hover": "blue" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/easy.svg", "name": "Feature 3", "url": "/", "hover": "green" } ] }, { "categoryName": "Features List", "links": [ { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 1", "url": "/", "hover": "red" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 2", "url": "/", "hover": "blue" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/easy.svg", "name": "Feature 3", "url": "/", "hover": "green" } ] }, { "categoryName": "Features List", "links": [ { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 1", "url": "/", "hover": "red" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 2", "url": "/", "hover": "blue" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/easy.svg", "name": "Feature 3", "url": "/", "hover": "green" } ] }, { "categoryName": "Features List", "links": [ { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 1", "url": "/", "hover": "red" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/cloud.svg", "name": "Feature 2", "url": "/", "hover": "blue" }, { "iconSrc": "/assets/easy.svg", "name": "Feature 3", "url": "/", "hover": "green" } ] } ] }, "features": [ { "name": "Feature 1", "description": "Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality", "icon": "/assets/images/bulb.png", "url": "/feature-1" }, { "name": "Feature 2", "description": "Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality", "icon": "/assets/images/bulb.png", "url": "/feature-2" }, { "name": "Feature 3", "description": "Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality", "icon": "/assets/images/bulb.png", "url": "/feature-3" }, { "name": "Feature 4", "description": "Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality", "icon": "/assets/images/bulb.png", "url": "/feature-4" }, { "name": "Feature 5", "description": "Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality", "icon": "/assets/images/bulb.png", "url": "/feature-5" }, { "name": "Feature 6", "description": "Reduce the size of your PDF without losing quality", "icon": "/assets/images/bulb.png", "url": "/feature-6" } ], "TEXTUAL_CONTENT": [ { "priority": 1, "logoUrl": "/assets/images/bulb.svg", "header": "Simple to use", "content": "The tool will do everything for you, just upload your file and it'll set the best parameters to reduce its size and to keep quality as much as possible." }, { "priority": 1, "logoUrl": "/assets/images/target.svg", "header": "Accurate alarms", "content": "You're the only one who has access to your files because all the communications are performed via secure channels." }, { "priority": 1, "logoUrl": "/assets/images/cross.svg", "header": "Cross platform", "content": "You can setup alarm for $variable minutes from now on any operating system, like Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/iPhone." }, { "priority": 1, "logoUrl": "/assets/images/shield.svg", "header": "Secure and trustworthy", "content": "Setalarmforme.com does not require users to login for setting alarm for $variable minutes from now. No user information is send to our servers." }, { "priority": 1, "logoUrl": "/assets/images/fast.svg", "header": "All timezones supported", "content": "Using Setalarmforme.com you can set alarm to start after $variable minutes from current time, in any time zone." }, { "priority": 1, "logoUrl": "/assets/images/target.svg", "header": "No need to install any software", "content": "Setalarmforme.com is a cloud and web based application. You do not need to install any software to use Setalarmforme.com while setting alarms for $variable minutes from now." } ], "FAQ": [ { "question": "How many seconds from now, will the alarm ring ?", "answer": "To complete the atmosphere of your video, add music to the project. Don't forget to adjust its length and volume.To complete the atmosphere of your video, add music to the project. Don't forget to adjust its length and volume." }, { "question": "Can I rely on Setalarmforme.com to setup alarm for $variable minutes from now ?", "answer": "If you have set alarm for $variable minutes from now, you can be 100% sure that alarm will ring after $variable minutes. You can trust us completely." }, { "question": "What will happen to the alarm that I have set, if I refresh the browser ?", "answer": "The alarm will still ring after $variable minutes, even if you refresh the browser, since we store the information in browser's local cache." }, { "question": "What will happen to the alarm that I have set, if I close the tab of browser in which Setalarmforme.com is opened ?", "answer": "It will be gone. The alarm will not ring after $variable minutes, if you close the tab." }, { "question": "What will happen to the alarm that I have set, if I close the browser ?", "answer": "It will be gone. The alarm will not ring after $variable minutes, if you close the browser." } ], "HOW_TO_CONTENT": { "logoImageUrl": "https://smallpdf.com/build/73d77e3d204fd7defc9de80bf83fcbeb.svg", "mainHeading": "How to use this tool", "steps": [ { "heading": "Upload files", "desc": "Choose the videos and photos you would like to merge. Several files can be chosen simultaneously or they can be added one by one after the first file is uploaded." }, { "heading": "Join videos and other files", "desc": "Rearrange them using drag-and-drop until they're the desired order. For images, you can set duration. Then add audio, change its length and volume. At last, choose the aspect ratio and click the 'Export' button. Take a look at the guide to learn more." }, { "heading": "Download the merged video", "desc": "Once your files have been merged, watch the preview. If you want to change something, click on 'Back to edit', otherwise click on the 'Download' button to save the video." } ] }, "jsfilepaths": [""], "posts": [ { "tags": ["ok"], "categories": ["Scrabble", "history"], "layout": "post", "title": "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see", "image": "/uploads/output-1.png", "image2": "/uploads/8-jan.PNG", "author": "Balark", "comments": true, "description": "", "url": "history-of-company-copy-10", "path": "_posts/2021-01-08-history-of-company copy 10.md" }, { "tags": ["ok"], "categories": ["Scrabble", "history"], "layout": "post", "title": "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see", "image": "/uploads/output-1.png", "image2": "/uploads/8-jan.PNG", "author": "Balark", "comments": true, "description": "", "url": "history-of-company-copy-11", "path": "_posts/2021-01-08-history-of-company copy 11.md" }, { "tags": ["ok"], "categories": ["Scrabble", "history"], "layout": "post", "title": "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see", "image": "/uploads/output-1.png", "image2": "/uploads/8-jan.PNG", "author": "Balark", "comments": true, "description": "", "url": "history-of-company-copy-12", "path": "_posts/2021-01-08-history-of-company copy 12.md" }, { "tags": ["ok"], "categories": ["Scrabble", "history"], "layout": "post", "title": "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see", "image": "/uploads/output-1.png", "image2": "/uploads/8-jan.PNG", "author": "Balark", "comments": true, "description": "", "url": "history-of-company-copy-13", "path": "_posts/2021-01-08-history-of-company copy 13.md" }, { "tags": ["ok"], "categories": ["Scrabble", "history"], "layout": "post", "title": "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see", "image": "/uploads/output-1.png", "image2": "/uploads/8-jan.PNG", "author": "Balark", "comments": true, "description": "", "url": "history-of-company-copy-14", "path": "_posts/2021-01-08-history-of-company copy 14.md" }, { "tags": ["ok"], "categories": ["Scrabble", "history"], "layout": "post", "title": "Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see", "image": "/uploads/output-1.png", "image2": "/uploads/8-jan.PNG", "author": "Balark", "comments": true, "description": "", "url": "history-of-company-copy-15", "path": "_posts/2021-01-08-history-of-company copy 15.md" } ] }