# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid #:nodoc: class Identity #:nodoc: class << self # Create the identity for the +Document+. # # The id will be set in either in the form of a Mongo # +ObjectId+ or a composite key set up by defining a key on the document. # # The _type will be set to the document's class name. def create(doc) identify(doc); type(doc); doc end protected # Return the proper id for the document. def generate_id id = BSON::ObjectId.new Mongoid.use_object_ids ? id : id.to_s end # Set the id for the document. def identify(doc) doc.id = compose(doc).join(" ").identify if doc.primary_key doc.id = generate_id if doc.id.blank? end # Set the _type field on the document. def type(doc) doc._type = doc.class.name if doc.hereditary? end # Generates the composite key for a document. def compose(doc) doc.primary_key.collect { |key| doc.attributes[key] }.reject { |val| val.nil? } end end end end