require 'asciidoctor/extensions' module Asciidoctor module PDF # An include processor that skips the implicit author line below # the document title within include documents. class ImplicitHeaderProcessor < ::Asciidoctor::Extensions::IncludeProcessor def process doc, reader, target, attributes return reader unless File.exist? target target, 'r' do |fd| # FIXME handle case where doc id is specified above title if (first_line = fd.readline) && (first_line.start_with? '= ') # HACK reset counters for each article for Editions if doc.attr? 'env', 'editions' doc.counters.each do |counter_key, counter_val| doc.attributes.delete counter_key end doc.counters.clear end if (second_line = fd.readline) if AuthorInfoLineRx =~ second_line # FIXME temporary hack to set author and e-mail attributes; this should handle all attributes in header! author = [$1, $2, $3].compact * ' ' email = $4 reader.push_include fd.readlines, target, target, 3, attributes unless fd.eof? reader.push_include first_line, target, target, 1, attributes lines = [%(:author: #{author})] lines << %(:email: #{email}) if email reader.push_include lines, target, target, 2, attributes else lines = [second_line] lines += fd.readlines unless fd.eof? reader.push_include lines, target, target, 2, attributes reader.push_include first_line, target, target, 1, attributes end else reader.push_include first_line, target, target, 1, attributes end else lines = [first_line] lines += fd.readlines unless fd.eof? reader.push_include lines, target, target, 1, attributes end end reader end def handles? target # FIXME should not require this hack to skip processing bio !(target.end_with? 'bio.adoc') && ((target.end_with? '.adoc') || (target.end_with? '.asciidoc')) end # FIXME this method shouldn't be required def update_config config (@config ||= {}).update config end end end end Asciidoctor::Extensions.register :pdf do include_processor Asciidoctor::PDF::ImplicitHeaderProcessor if @document.backend == 'pdf' end