# #-- # Includes portion originally Copyright (C)2008 Michael Fellinger # license See file LICENSE for details # #-- require 'rack' module Stallion class Mount def initialize(name, *methods, &block) @name, @methods, @block = name, methods, block end def ride @block.call end def match?(request) method = request['REQUEST_METHOD'] right_method = @methods.empty? or @methods.include?(method) end end class Stable attr_reader :request, :response def initialize @boxes = {} end def in(path, *methods, &block) mount = Mount.new(path, *methods, &block) @boxes[[path, methods]] = mount mount end def call(request, response) @request, @response = request, response @boxes.each do |(path, methods), mount| if mount.match?(request) mount.ride end end end end STABLES = {} def self.saddle(name = nil) STABLES[name] = stable = Stable.new yield stable end def self.run(options = {}) options = {:Host => "", :Port => 8080}.merge(options) Rack::Handler::Mongrel.run(Rack::Lint.new(self), options) end def self.call(env) request = Rack::Request.new(env) response = Rack::Response.new STABLES.each do |name, stable| stable.call(request, response) end response.finish end end Stallion.saddle :spec do |stable| stable.in '/' do if stable.request.path_info == '/fail' stable.response.status = 404 elsif stable.request.query_string == 'q=test' stable.response.write 'test' elsif stable.request.path_info == '/echo_query' stable.response["ETag"] = "abcdefg" stable.response["Last-Modified"] = "Fri, 13 Aug 2010 17:31:21 GMT" stable.response.write stable.request.query_string elsif stable.request.path_info == '/echo_content_length' stable.response.write stable.request.content_length elsif stable.request.head? && stable.request.path_info == '/' stable.response.status = 200 elsif stable.request.delete? stable.response.status = 200 elsif stable.request.put? stable.response.write stable.request.body.read elsif stable.request.post? if stable.request.path_info == '/echo_content_type' stable.response.write stable.request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] else stable.response.write stable.request.body.read end elsif stable.request.path_info == '/set_cookie' stable.response["Set-Cookie"] = "id=1; expires=Tue, 09-Aug-2011 17:53:39 GMT; path=/;" stable.response.write "cookie set" elsif stable.request.path_info == '/echo_cookie' stable.response.write stable.request.env["HTTP_COOKIE"] elsif stable.request.path_info == '/timeout' sleep(10) stable.response.write 'timeout' elsif stable.request.path_info == '/redirect' stable.response.status = 301 stable.response["Location"] = "/gzip" stable.response.write 'redirect' elsif stable.request.path_info == '/redirect/bad' stable.response.status = 301 stable.response["Location"] = "" elsif stable.request.path_info == '/redirect/head' stable.response.status = 301 stable.response["Location"] = "/" elsif stable.request.path_info == '/redirect/nohost' stable.response.status = 301 stable.response["Location"] = "http:/" elsif stable.request.path_info == '/redirect/badhost' stable.response.status = 301 stable.response["Location"] = "http://$$$@$!%&^" elsif stable.request.path_info == '/gzip' io = StringIO.new gzip = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(io) gzip << "compressed" gzip.close stable.response.write io.string stable.response["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" elsif stable.request.path_info == '/deflate' stable.response.write Zlib::Deflate.deflate("compressed") stable.response["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate" elsif stable.request.env["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] stable.response.status = 304 elsif stable.request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] if stable.request.path_info == '/oauth_auth' stable.response.status = 200 stable.response.write stable.request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] else auth = "Basic %s" % Base64.encode64(['user', 'pass'].join(':')).chomp if auth == stable.request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] stable.response.status = 200 stable.response.write 'success' else stable.response.status = 401 end end elsif stable.request.path_info == '/relative-location' stable.response.status = 301 stable.response["Location"] = '/forwarded' elsif stable.response.write 'Hello, World!' end end end Thread.new do begin Stallion.run :Host => '', :Port => 8080 rescue Exception => e print e end end # # Tunneling HTTP Proxy server # Thread.new do server = TCPServer.new('', 8082) loop do session = server.accept request = "" while (data = session.gets) != "\r\n" request << data end parts = request.split("\r\n") method, destination, http_version = parts.first.split(' ') if method == 'CONNECT' target_host, target_port = destination.split(':') client = TCPSocket.open(target_host, target_port) session.write "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\nProxy-agent: Whatever\r\n\r\n" session.flush content_length = -1 verb = "" req = "" while data = session.gets if request = data.match(/(\w+).*HTTP\/1\.1/) verb = request[1] end if post = data.match(/Content-Length: (\d+)/) content_length = post[1].to_i end req += data # read POST data if data == "\r\n" and verb == "POST" req += session.read(content_length) end if data == "\r\n" client.write req client.flush client.close_write break end end while data = client.gets session.write data end session.flush client.close end session.close end end # # CONNECT-less HTTP Proxy server # Thread.new do server = TCPServer.new('', 8083) loop do session = server.accept request = "" while (data = session.gets) != "\r\n" request << data end parts = request.split("\r\n") method, destination, http_version = parts.first.split(' ') if destination =~ /^http:/ uri = Addressable::URI.parse(destination) absolute_path = uri.path + (uri.query ? "?#{uri.query}" : "") client = TCPSocket.open(uri.host, uri.port || 80) client.write "#{method} #{absolute_path} #{http_version}\r\n" parts[1..-1].each do |part| client.write "#{part}\r\n" end client.write "\r\n" client.flush client.close_write # Take the initial line from the upstream response session.write client.gets # What (absolute) uri was requested? Send it back in a header session.write "X-The-Requested-URI: #{destination}\r\n" while data = client.gets session.write data end session.flush client.close end session.close end end sleep(1)