# Application template recipe for the rails_apps_composer. Change the recipe here: # https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_apps_composer/blob/master/recipes/setup.rb ## Ruby on Rails HOST_OS = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] say_wizard "Your operating system is #{HOST_OS}." say_wizard "You are using Ruby version #{RUBY_VERSION}." say_wizard "You are using Rails version #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}." ## Is sqlite3 in the Gemfile? gemfile = File.read(destination_root() + '/Gemfile') sqlite_detected = gemfile.include? 'sqlite3' ## Web Server prefs[:dev_webserver] = multiple_choice "Web server for development?", [["Puma (default)", "puma"], ["Thin", "thin"], ["Unicorn", "unicorn"], ["Phusion Passenger (Apache/Nginx)", "passenger"], ["Phusion Passenger (Standalone)", "passenger_standalone"]] unless prefs.has_key? :dev_webserver prefs[:prod_webserver] = multiple_choice "Web server for production?", [["Same as development", "same"], ["Thin", "thin"], ["Unicorn", "unicorn"], ["Phusion Passenger (Apache/Nginx)", "passenger"], ["Phusion Passenger (Standalone)", "passenger_standalone"]] unless prefs.has_key? :prod_webserver prefs[:prod_webserver] = prefs[:dev_webserver] if prefs[:prod_webserver] == 'same' ## Database Adapter prefs[:database] = "sqlite" if prefer :database, 'default' prefs[:database] = multiple_choice "Database used in development?", [["SQLite", "sqlite"], ["PostgreSQL", "postgresql"], ["MySQL", "mysql"]] unless prefs.has_key? :database ## Template Engine prefs[:templates] = multiple_choice "Template engine?", [["ERB", "erb"], ["Haml", "haml"], ["Slim", "slim"]] unless prefs.has_key? :templates ## Testing Framework if recipes.include? 'tests' prefs[:tests] = multiple_choice "Test framework?", [["None", "none"], ["RSpec with Capybara", "rspec"]] unless prefs.has_key? :tests case prefs[:tests] when 'rspec' say_wizard "Adding DatabaseCleaner, FactoryGirl, Faker, Launchy, Selenium" prefs[:continuous_testing] = multiple_choice "Continuous testing?", [["None", "none"], ["Guard", "guard"]] unless prefs.has_key? :continuous_testing end end ## Front-end Framework if recipes.include? 'frontend' prefs[:frontend] = multiple_choice "Front-end framework?", [["None", "none"], ["Bootstrap 3.3", "bootstrap3"], ["Bootstrap 2.3", "bootstrap2"], ["Zurb Foundation 5.5", "foundation5"], ["Zurb Foundation 4.0", "foundation4"], ["Simple CSS", "simple"]] unless prefs.has_key? :frontend end ## Email if recipes.include? 'email' unless prefs.has_key? :email say_wizard "The Devise 'forgot password' feature requires email." if prefer :authentication, 'devise' prefs[:email] = multiple_choice "Add support for sending email?", [["None", "none"], ["Gmail","gmail"], ["SMTP","smtp"], ["SendGrid","sendgrid"], ["Mandrill","mandrill"]] end else prefs[:email] = 'none' end ## Authentication and Authorization if (recipes.include? 'devise') || (recipes.include? 'omniauth') prefs[:authentication] = multiple_choice "Authentication?", [["None", "none"], ["Devise", "devise"], ["OmniAuth", "omniauth"]] unless prefs.has_key? :authentication case prefs[:authentication] when 'devise' prefs[:devise_modules] = multiple_choice "Devise modules?", [["Devise with default modules","default"], ["Devise with Confirmable module","confirmable"], ["Devise with Confirmable and Invitable modules","invitable"]] unless prefs.has_key? :devise_modules when 'omniauth' prefs[:omniauth_provider] = multiple_choice "OmniAuth provider?", [["Facebook", "facebook"], ["Twitter", "twitter"], ["GitHub", "github"], ["LinkedIn", "linkedin"], ["Google-Oauth-2", "google_oauth2"], ["Tumblr", "tumblr"]] unless prefs.has_key? :omniauth_provider end prefs[:authorization] = multiple_choice "Authorization?", [["None", "none"], ["Simple role-based", "roles"], ["Pundit", "pundit"]] unless prefs.has_key? :authorization if prefer :authentication, 'devise' if (prefer :authorization, 'roles') || (prefer :authorization, 'pundit') prefs[:dashboard] = multiple_choice "Admin interface for database?", [["None", "none"], ["Thoughtbot Administrate", "administrate"], ["Upmin", "upmin"]] unless prefs.has_key? :dashboard end end end ## Form Builder prefs[:form_builder] = multiple_choice "Use a form builder gem?", [["None", "none"], ["SimpleForm", "simple_form"]] unless prefs.has_key? :form_builder ## Pages if recipes.include? 'pages' prefs[:pages] = multiple_choice "Add pages?", [["None", "none"], ["Home", "home"], ["Home and About", "about"], ["Home and Users", "users"], ["Home, About, and Users", "about+users"]] unless prefs.has_key? :pages end ## Bootstrap Page Templates if recipes.include? 'pages' if prefs[:frontend] == 'bootstrap3' say_wizard "Which Bootstrap page template? Visit startbootstrap.com." prefs[:layouts] = multiple_choice "Add Bootstrap page templates?", [["None", "none"], ["1 Col Portfolio", "one_col_portfolio"], ["2 Col Portfolio", "two_col_portfolio"], ["3 Col Portfolio", "three_col_portfolio"], ["4 Col Portfolio", "four_col_portfolio"], ["Bare", "bare"], ["Blog Home", "blog_home"], ["Business Casual", "business_casual"], ["Business Frontpage", "business_frontpage"], ["Clean Blog", "clean_blog"], ["Full Width Pics", "full_width_pics"], ["Heroic Features", "heroic_features"], ["Landing Page", "landing_page"], ["Modern Business", "modern_business"], ["One Page Wonder", "one_page_wonder"], ["Portfolio Item", "portfolio_item"], ["Round About", "round_about"], ["Shop Homepage", "shop_homepage"], ["Shop Item", "shop_item"], ["Simple Sidebar", "simple_sidebar"], ["Small Business", "small_business"], ["Stylish Portfolio", "stylish_portfolio"], ["The Big Picture", "the_big_picture"], ["Thumbnail Gallery", "thumbnail_gallery"]] unless prefs.has_key? :layouts end end # save configuration before anything can fail create_file 'config/railscomposer.yml', "# This application was generated with Rails Composer\n\n" append_to_file 'config/railscomposer.yml' do <<-TEXT development: apps4: #{prefs[:apps4]} announcements: #{prefs[:announcements]} dev_webserver: #{prefs[:dev_webserver]} prod_webserver: #{prefs[:prod_webserver]} database: #{prefs[:database]} templates: #{prefs[:templates]} tests: #{prefs[:tests]} continuous_testing: #{prefs[:continuous_testing]} frontend: #{prefs[:frontend]} email: #{prefs[:email]} authentication: #{prefs[:authentication]} devise_modules: #{prefs[:devise_modules]} omniauth_provider: #{prefs[:omniauth_provider]} authorization: #{prefs[:authorization]} form_builder: #{prefs[:form_builder]} pages: #{prefs[:pages]} layouts: #{prefs[:layouts]} locale: #{prefs[:locale]} analytics: #{prefs[:analytics]} deployment: #{prefs[:deployment]} ban_spiders: #{prefs[:ban_spiders]} github: #{prefs[:github]} local_env_file: #{prefs[:local_env_file]} better_errors: #{prefs[:better_errors]} pry: #{prefs[:pry]} rvmrc: #{prefs[:rvmrc]} dashboard: #{prefs[:dashboard]} TEXT end __END__ name: setup description: "Make choices for your application." author: RailsApps run_after: [git, railsapps] category: configuration