require 'ruby-prof' require 'ruby-debug' $reporter = nil $mutex = module Rack class Reporter attr_accessor :logfile def initialize(logfile=nil) @logfile = logfile end end # Set the profile=process_time query parameter to download a # calltree profile of the request. # # Pass the :printer option to pick a different result format. class Analytics LOG_DIR = '.' LOGFILE_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 500# in bytes, ie 1 mb LOGFILE_MAX_AGE = 3 # in seconds, ie 1 hour MODES = %w( process_time wall_time cpu_time ) def initialize(app, options = {}) $reporter ||= @app = app @profile_type = :time @write_type = :file end def call(env) case @profile_type when :prof profile(env, mode) when :time start_time = app_response = end_time = time_taken = end_time - start_time # dup, otherwise we screw up the env hash for rack # also merge with an empty new Hash to create a real Hash and not a Mongrel::HttpParams 'hash' @rack_env = # a mix of IO and Action::* classes that rails can't to_yaml @rack_env.delete('rack.errors') @rack_env.delete('rack.input') @rack_env.delete('action_controller.rescue.request') @rack_env.delete('action_controller.rescue.response') @rack_env.delete('rack.session') data = {:time_taken => time_taken, :created_at =>, :rack_env => @rack_env} if @write_type == :file $mutex.synchronize do set_new_logfile unless $reporter.logfile filename = $reporter.logfile if logfile_needs_rotating?(filename) filename = rotate_logfile(filename) end file_write(filename, data.to_yaml) end elsif @write_type == :db ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("insert into log_entries (time_taken, details, created_at) values (#{time_taken}, #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(@rack_env)}, #{})") end app_response else end end def rotate_logfile(filename) debug "rotating logfile" `mv #{filename} archived.#{filename}` set_new_logfile end def logfile_needs_rotating?(filename) # this assumes an analysis.port_number.timestamp.log layout created_at = filename.split('.')[2].to_i ( - created_at) > LOGFILE_MAX_AGE or (::File.exists?(filename) and ::File.size(filename) > LOGFILE_MAX_SIZE) end def set_new_logfile $reporter.logfile = get_new_logfile_name end def get_new_logfile_name "analysis.#{@rack_env['SERVER_PORT']}.#{}.log" end def profile(env, mode) RubyProf.measure_mode = RubyProf.const_get(mode.upcase) rails_response = [] result = RubyProf.profile do rails_response = end store_in_filesystem(result, env) [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, rails_response[2]] end def file_write(filename, data) debug "writing out file #{filename}", 'a') {|file| file.write data} end def store_in_filesystem(result, env) filename = "public/analytics.profile.#{timestamp}.txt" string =, :min_percent => 0.01) string.rewind file_write(filename, string) filename = "public/analytics.rack_env.#{timestamp}.txt" file_write(filename, env.to_hash.to_yaml) end def timestamp "%10.6f" % end def debug(text) puts text if $DEBUG end end end