module JumpStart class Base # Accessor methods to make testing input or output easier. attr_accessor :input, :output # Monkeypatch gets to make testing easier. def gets(*args) @input.gets(*args) end # Monkeypatch puts to make testing easier. def puts(*args) @output.puts(*args) end # Sets up JumpStart::Base object with preliminary instance variables. def initialize(args) # setup for testing input @input = $stdin # setup for testing output @output = $stdout # set the name of the project from the first argument passed, or from the module instance variable JumpStart.default_template_name if no argument passed. @project_name = args[0].dup unless args[0].nil? @template_name = args[1].dup unless args[1].nil? case when args.nil? @template_name = JumpStart.default_template_name unless JumpStart.default_template_name.nil? jumpstart_menu when !args[0].nil? && args[1].nil? @template_name = JumpStart.default_template_name unless JumpStart.default_template_name.nil? end # set instance variable @template_path as the directory to read templates from. @template_path = FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name) end # Sets up instance variables from YAML file def set_config_file_options if @template_name.nil? || @template_path.nil? jumpstart_menu elsif File.exists?(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, '/jumpstart_config/',"#{@template_name}.yml")) @config_file = YAML.load_file(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, "/jumpstart_config/", "#{@template_name}.yml")) @install_command ||= @config_file[:install_command] @install_command_args ||= @config_file[:install_command_args] @replace_strings ||= @config_file[:replace_strings].each {|x| x} @install_path ||= @config_file[:install_path] else jumpstart_menu end end # Pre-install project configuration checking. def check_setup set_config_file_options lookup_existing_templates check_project_name check_template_name check_template_path check_install_path end # set up instance variable containing an array that will be populated with existing jumpstart templates def lookup_existing_templates @existing_templates = [] template_dirs = Dir.entries(JumpStart.templates_path) - IGNORE_DIRS template_dirs.each do |x| if, x)) if Dir.entries(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x)).include? "jumpstart_config" if File.exists?(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x, '/jumpstart_config/', "#{x}.yml")) @existing_templates << x end end end end end # Runs the configuration, generating the new project from the chosen template. def start puts "\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JumpStarting....\n".purple check_setup execute_install_command run_scripts_from_yaml(:run_after_install_command) parse_template_dir create_dirs populate_files_from_whole_templates populate_files_from_append_templates populate_files_from_line_templates remove_unwanted_files run_scripts_from_yaml(:run_after_jumpstart) check_for_strings_to_replace check_local_nginx_configuration exit_with_success end # Checks replace string values for :project_name and replaces these with the value of @project_name if found. This enables PROJECT_NAME entries in projects to be dynamically populated with the current project name. def check_replace_string_pairs_for_project_name_sub(hash) unless @project_name.nil? hash.each do |key, value| if key == :project_name hash[key] = @project_name end end end hash end private # Makes sure that the chosen project name is suitable. (Not nil or empty, at least 3 characters long, and starts with a letter or a number.) # Returns with the value of @project_name def check_project_name if @project_name.nil? || @project_name.empty? puts "\n Enter a name for your project.".yellow @project_name = gets.chomp.strip check_project_name elsif @project_name.length < 3 puts "\n The name #{@project_name} is too short. Please enter a name at least 3 characters long.".red @project_name = gets.chomp.strip check_project_name elsif @project_name.match(/^\W/) puts "\n #{@project_name} begins with an invalid character. Please enter a name thats starts with a letter or a number.".red @project_name = gets.chomp.strip check_project_name else @project_name end end # Launches the JumpStart menu system if a template has not been specified. def check_template_name if @template_name.nil? || @template_name.empty? jumpstart_menu end end # Ensures that the template path specified exists and can be accessed. Exits if an error occurs. def check_template_path begin Dir.chdir(@template_path) rescue puts "\nThe directory #{} could not be found, or you do not have the correct permissions to access it." exit_normal end end # Sets the install path to executing directory if @install_path varibale is nil or empty. This should result in projects being created in directory from which the jumpstart command was called, if the template specified does not set this option. # Checks the install path set in @install_path. # Checks that a directory with the same name as the project does not already exist in the install path. def check_install_path @install_path = JumpStart::LAUNCH_PATH if @install_path.nil? || @install_path.empty? if, @project_name)) puts "\nThe directory #{FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name).red} already exists.\nAs this is the location you have specified for creating your new project jumpstart will now exit to avoid overwriting anything." exit_normal end return true end # Creates a new blank template in whichever directory the default templates directory has been set to. def create_template if, @template_name)) puts "\nThe directory #{FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name).red} already exists. The template will not be created." exit_normal else FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, @template_name, "/jumpstart_config")) yaml =, "/source_templates/template_config.yml")), @template_name, "/jumpstart_config", "#{@template_name}.yml"), 'w') do |file| file.puts yaml end puts "The template #{} has been generated.\n" end end # Displays options for the main jumpstart menu. def jumpstart_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JUMPSTART MENU\n".purple puts " Here are your options:\n\n" puts " 1".yellow + " Create a new project from an existing template.\n" puts " 2".yellow + " Create a new template.\n" puts " 3".yellow + " Set the default template.\n" puts " 4".yellow + " Set the templates directory.\n\n" puts " x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" jumpstart_menu_options end # Captures user input for the main jumpstart menu and calls the appropriate method def jumpstart_menu_options lookup_existing_templates input = gets.chomp.strip case when input == "1" new_project_from_template_menu when input == "2" new_template_menu when input == "3" set_default_template_menu when input == "4" templates_dir_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red jumpstart_menu_options end end # Displays options for the "create a new jumpstart project from an existing template" menu def new_project_from_template_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " CREATE A NEW JUMPSTART PROJECT FROM AN EXISTING TEMPLATE\n\n".purple puts " Type a number for the template that you want.\n\n" count = 0 unless @existing_templates.nil? || @existing_templates.empty? @existing_templates.each do |t| count += 1 puts " #{count.to_s.yellow} #{t}" end end puts "\n b".yellow + " Back to main menu." puts "\n x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" new_project_from_template_options end # Captures user input for the "create a new jumpstart project from an existing template" menu and calls the appropriate method. # When the input matches a template number a project will be created from that template def new_project_from_template_options input = gets.chomp.strip case when input.to_i <= @existing_templates.count && input.to_i > 0 @template_name = @existing_templates[(input.to_i - 1)] check_project_name project =[@project_name, @template_name]) project.check_setup project.start when input == "b" jumpstart_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red end end # Displays output for the "create a new jumpstart template" menu def new_template_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " CREATE A NEW JUMPSTART TEMPLATE\n".purple puts " Existing templates:\n" lookup_existing_templates @existing_templates.each do |x| puts " #{}\n" end new_template_options end # Captures user input for "create a new jumpstart template" menu and calls the appropriate action. # If the template name provided meets the methods requirements then a directory of that name containing a jumpstart_config dir and matching yaml file are created. def new_template_options puts "\n Enter a unique name for the new template.\n".yellow input = gets.chomp.strip case when @existing_templates.include?(input) puts " A template of the name ".red + input.red_bold + " already exists.".red new_template_options when input.length < 3 puts " The template name ".red + input.red_bold + " is too short. Please enter a name that is at least 3 characters long.".red new_template_options when input.match(/^\W/) puts " The template name ".red + input.red_bold + " begins with an invalid character. Please enter a name that begins with a letter or a number.".red new_template_options else FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, input, "jumpstart_config")) FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, "source_templates/template_config.yml"), FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, input, "jumpstart_config", "#{input}.yml")) puts " The template ".green + input.green_bold + " has been created in your default jumpstart template directory ".green + JumpStart.templates_path.green_bold + " ready for editing.".green jumpstart_menu end end # Displays output for the "jumpstart default template options menu" def set_default_template_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JUMPSTART DEFAULT TEMPLATE OPTIONS\n\n".purple count = 0 @existing_templates.each do |t| count += 1 puts " #{count.to_s.yellow} #{t}" end puts "\n b".yellow + " Back to main menu.\n\n" puts " x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" set_default_template_options end # Sets the default template to be used by JumpStart and writes it to a YAML file. def set_default_template_options input = gets.chomp.strip case when input.to_i <= @existing_templates.count && input.to_i > 0 JumpStart.default_template_name = @existing_templates[(input.to_i - 1)] JumpStart.dump_jumpstart_setup_yaml puts " The default jumpstart template has been set to: #{}" jumpstart_menu when input == "b" jumpstart_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red set_default_template_options end end # Displays output for the "jumpstart templates directory options" menu. def templates_dir_menu puts "\n\n******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" puts " JUMPSTART TEMPLATES DIRECTORY OPTIONS\n\n".purple puts " 1".yellow + " Set templates directory.\n" puts " 2".yellow + " Reset templates directory to default\n\n" puts " b".yellow + " Back to main menu.\n\n" puts " x".yellow + " Exit jumpstart\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n\n" templates_dir_options end # Captures user input for the "jumpstart templates directory options" menu and calls the appropriate method. def templates_dir_options input = gets.chomp.strip case when input == "1" set_templates_dir when input == "2" reset_templates_dir_to_default_check when input == "b" jumpstart_menu when input == "x" exit_normal else puts "That command hasn't been understood. Try again!".red templates_dir_options end end # Sets the path for templates to be used by JumpStart. # Copies templates in the existing template dir to the new location. # The folder specified must not exist yet, but it's parent should. def set_templates_dir puts "Please enter the absolute path for the directory that you would like to contain your jumpstart templates." input = gets.chomp.strip root_path = input.sub(/\/\w*\/*$/, '') case when puts "A directory of that name already exists, please choose a directory that does not exist." set_templates_dir when begin Dir.chdir(root_path) Dir.mkdir(input) files_and_dirs = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs(JumpStart.templates_path) puts "\nCopying existing templates to #{input}" files_and_dirs[:dirs].each {|x| FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(input, x))} files_and_dirs[:files].each {|x| FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(input, x)) } JumpStart.templates_path = input.to_s JumpStart.dump_jumpstart_setup_yaml puts "\nTransfer complete!".green jumpstart_menu rescue puts "It looks like you do not have the correct permissions to create a directory in #{}" end end end # Checks to see if the JumpStart template directory should be reset to the default location. (within the gem.) def reset_templates_dir_to_default_check if JumpStart.templates_path == "#{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates" puts " You do not need to reset the jumpstart templates directory, it is already set to: #{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates\n\n".red templates_dir_menu else puts " Resetting the jumpstart templates directory to the default: #{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates\n\n" @current_files_and_dirs = FileUtils.sort_contained_files_and_dirs(JumpStart.templates_path) puts " Moving your jumpstart templates back to the default directory will delete any templates that are currently there. Proceed?\n".yellow puts " Type yes (" + "y".yellow + ") or no (" + "n".yellow + ")\n\n" reset_templates_dir_to_default_set end end # Resets the JumpStart template directory to the default location. (within the gem.) def reset_templates_dir_to_default_set input = gets.chomp.strip if input == "yes" || input == "y" FileUtils.delete_dir_contents(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates')) FileUtils.touch(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '.gitignore')) @current_files_and_dirs[:dirs].each {|x| FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates', x))} @current_files_and_dirs[:files].each {|x| FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(JumpStart.templates_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates', x)) } JumpStart.templates_path = FileUtils.join_paths(ROOT_PATH, '/jumpstart_templates') JumpStart.dump_jumpstart_setup_yaml puts "\n SUCCESS! the jumpstart templates directory has been set to the default: #{ROOT_PATH}/jumpstart_templates".green templates_dir_menu elsif input == "no" || input == "n" puts "\n You have chosen not to move the jumpstart templates directory, nothing has been changed." templates_dir_menu else puts "\n The command you entered could not be understood, please enter yes '" + "y".yellow + "' or no '" + "n".yellow + "'" reset_templates_dir_to_default_set end end # Runs the main install command specified in the selected templates YAML file. def execute_install_command Dir.chdir(@install_path) unless @install_command.nil? || @install_command.empty? puts "Executing command: #{} #{} #{}" system "#{@install_command} #{@project_name} #{@install_command_args}" end end # Parses the contents of the @template_path and sorts ready for template creation. def parse_template_dir @dir_list = [] file_list = [] @append_templates = [] @line_templates = [] @whole_templates = [] Find.find(@template_path) do |x| case when File.file?(x) && x !~ /\/jumpstart_config/ then file_list << x.sub!(@template_path, '') when && x !~ /\/jumpstart_config/ then @dir_list << x.sub!(@template_path, '') when File.file?(x) && x =~ /\/jumpstart_config\/nginx.local.conf/ then @nginx_local_template = x when File.file?(x) && x =~ /\/jumpstart_config\/nginx.remote.conf/ then @nginx_remote_template = x end end file_list.each do |file| if file =~ /_([lL]?)\._{1}\w*/ @append_templates << file elsif file =~ /_(\d+)\._{1}\w*/ @line_templates << file else @whole_templates << file end end end # Makes folders for the project def create_dirs @dir_list.each {|dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, dir)) } unless @dir_list.nil? end # Create files from whole templates def populate_files_from_whole_templates @whole_templates.each {|x| FileUtils.cp(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, x)) } unless @whole_templates.nil? end # Create files from append (_._ _l._ or _L._) templates def populate_files_from_append_templates @append_templates.each do |x| new_name = x.sub(/_([lL]?)\._{1}/, '') FileUtils.touch(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name)) FileUtils.append_to_end_of_file(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name), JumpStart::Base.remove_last_line?(x)) end end # Create files from line number templates (e.g. _12._ or _1._) def populate_files_from_line_templates @line_templates.each do |x| new_name = x.sub(/_(\d+)\._{1}/, '') FileUtils.touch(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name)) FileUtils.insert_text_at_line_number(FileUtils.join_paths(@template_path, x), FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, new_name), JumpStart::Base.get_line_number(x)) end end # Checks to see if options for configuring a local Nginx environment have been specified in the template. If they have, runs the relevant JumpStart::FileTools class methods (included in FileUtils module.) def check_local_nginx_configuration if @nginx_local_template.nil? || @config_file[:local_nginx_conf].nil? puts " \nNginx will not be configured as options have not been set for this." else FileUtils.config_nginx(@nginx_local_template, @config_file[:local_nginx_conf], @project_name) FileUtils.config_hosts("/etc/hosts", @project_name) end end # Removes files specified in templates YAML def remove_unwanted_files file_array = [] root_path = FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name) unless @config_file[:remove_files].nil? @config_file[:remove_files].each do |file| file_array << FileUtils.join_paths(root_path, file) end FileUtils.remove_files(file_array) end end # Runs additional scripts specified in YAML. Runs one set after the install command has executed, and another after the templates have been generated. def run_scripts_from_yaml(script_name) unless @config_file[script_name].nil? || @config_file[script_name].empty? begin Dir.chdir(FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name)) @config_file[script_name].each do |x| puts "\nExecuting command: #{}" system "#{x}" end rescue puts "\nCould not access the directory #{FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name).red}.\nIn the interest of safety JumpStart will NOT run any YAML scripts from #{script_name.to_s.red_bold} until it can change into the new projects home directory." end end end # Looks for strings IN_CAPS that are specified for replacement in the templates YAML def check_for_strings_to_replace if @replace_strings.nil? || @replace_strings.empty? return false else puts "\nChecking for strings to replace inside files...\n\n" @replace_strings.each do |file| if file[:target_path].nil? || file[:symbols].nil? return false else puts "Target file: #{file[:target_path].green}\n" puts "Strings to replace:\n\n" check_replace_string_pairs_for_project_name_sub(file[:symbols]) file[:symbols].each do |x,y| puts "Key: #{}" puts "Value: #{}\n\n" end puts "\n" path = FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name, file[:target_path]) FileUtils.replace_strings(path, file[:symbols]) end end end end # Exit after creating a project, dumping current setup information to YAML def exit_with_success puts "\n\n Exiting JumpStart...".purple puts "\n Success! ".green + @project_name.green_bold + " has been created at: ".green + FileUtils.join_paths(@install_path, @project_name).green_bold + "\n\n".green puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n" JumpStart.dump_jumpstart_setup_yaml exit end # Exit normally, dumping current setup information to YAML def exit_normal puts "\n\n Exiting JumpStart...".purple puts "\n Goodbye!\n\n" puts "******************************************************************************************************************************************\n" JumpStart.dump_jumpstart_setup_yaml exit end class << self # Class instance method that returns an integer to be used as the line number for line templates. Returns false if no match is found. def get_line_number(file_name) if file_name.match(/_(\d+)\._\w*/) number = file_name.match(/_(\d+)\._\w*/)[1] number.to_i else return false end end # Class instance method that returns true or false for removing the last line of a file. # Append templates with the _l._ or _L._ prefix will return true. def remove_last_line?(file_name) if file_name.match(/_([lL]{1})\._{1}\w*/) return true else return false end end end end end