module Devise module Mailers module Helpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Devise::Controllers::ScopedViews attr_reader :scope_name, :resource end protected # Configure default email options def devise_mail(record, action) initialize_from_record(record) mail headers_for(action) end def initialize_from_record(record) @scope_name = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(record) @resource = instance_variable_set("@#{}", record) end def devise_mapping @devise_mapping ||= Devise.mappings[scope_name] end def headers_for(action) headers = { :subject => translate(devise_mapping, action), :to =>, :from => mailer_sender(devise_mapping), :reply_to => mailer_reply_to(devise_mapping), :template_path => template_paths } if resource.respond_to?(:headers_for) headers.merge!(resource.headers_for(action)) end @email = headers[:to] headers end def mailer_reply_to(mapping) mailer_sender(mapping, :reply_to) end def mailer_from(mapping) mailer_sender(mapping, :from) end def mailer_sender(mapping, sender = :from) if default_params[sender].present? default_params[sender] elsif Devise.mailer_sender.is_a?(Proc) else Devise.mailer_sender end end def template_paths template_path = [self.class.mailer_name] template_path.unshift "#{@devise_mapping.scoped_path}/mailer" if self.class.scoped_views? template_path end # Setup a subject doing an I18n lookup. At first, it attemps to set a subject # based on the current mapping: # # en: # devise: # mailer: # confirmation_instructions: # user_subject: '...' # # If one does not exist, it fallbacks to ActionMailer default: # # en: # devise: # mailer: # confirmation_instructions: # subject: '...' # def translate(mapping, key) I18n.t(:"#{}_subject", :scope => [:devise, :mailer, key], :default => [:subject, key.to_s.humanize]) end end end end