--- title: Welcome to Happy Seeds Static Site --- .container .row .col-xs-12 %h1.animated.bounce.text-center Welcome to Happy Seed .row .col-sm-6 %h2 What's installed %p.lead = "Here is a basic middleman app that's setup with Bootstrap-SASS, jQuery," = link_to "animate.css", "http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/" and = link_to "socicons", "http://socicon.com" = "." %p.lead The following middleman components are installed %ul %li= link_to "middleman", "https://middlemanapp.com" %li= link_to "middleman-deploy", "https://github.com/middleman-contrib/middleman-deploy" %li= link_to "middleman-meta-tags", "https://github.com/HappyFunCorp/middleman-autometatags" %li= link_to "middleman-livereload", "https://github.com/middleman/middleman-livereload" %li= link_to "bh", "https://github.com/Fullscreen/bh" = link_to "Read Middleman Documentation", "http://middlemanapp.com/" .col-sm-6 %h2 What's configured %p.lead %ul %li Layout and files moved to HAML %li Bootstrap-Sass is included via Sass @import; %li CNAME file gets generated if it exists for github pages subdomaining %li data/site.yml file for default site meta data %li meta_tags is enabled with the auto_meta tagger %li Bootstrap helpers %li Livereload is on for development %li Asset cleanup is on for build %li Deploy to github pages setup by default .row .col-sm-6 %h2 Site meta data %pre~"title: \"My Static Site\"\npublisher_twitter: \"@HappyFunCorp\"\ntwitter_id: \"@wschenk\"\n# google_analytics_id:\n" %p Set google_analytics_id for it to show up on a build version of the page. .col-sm-6 %h2 Example social icons %ul %li %a{ href: "http://twitter.com/HappyFunCorp" } %span.socicon.socicon-twitter.fgcolor = "@HappyFunCorp" %li %a{ href: "http://sublimeguile.com/"} %span.socicon.socicon-tumblr.fgcolor Tumblr