module Bling module API # This class is used to make requests to all available # actions related to users in Bling api. Is strongly recommended # to use the Bling::API module wrapper # class User < Request # Get a list of available users # # @example # users = # # @return [Array] Call users index and return an array with records # def list get_request(t_url(:users)) end # Get a specific object based on user_id # # @example # user = # # @param [String] cpf or cnpj from the user in Bling # # @return [Array] Call user#show and return an array with one record # def get(user_id) get_request(t_url(:user, user_id)) end # Insert a user in Bling # # @example # user = # { # name: 'Jonh Doe', # company_name: '', # tax_type: 1, # document: '35165478662', # ir_rg: '306153420', # address: 'My great street', # number: '33', # additional_address: 'apt 12', # zipcode: '03454020', # city: 'Sao Paulo', # uf: 'SP', # phone: '(11) 2233-3322', # email:' # } # ) # # @param [Hash] params A hash with user options # # @return [Array] Call user#create and return an array with one record # def create(params) post_request(t_url(:user), parsed_xml(params)) end private def parsed_xml(params) params = translate(params) unless Bling.config.default_language == :en validate(params, :name, :user_type, :tax_type, :document) user_template % params end end end end