txt[ The following errors are displayed in the form: em[message]   source: em[macro_source]   path: em[macro_path] em[macro_value] Where: * em[message] is the error message. * em[macro_source] is the file or snippet where the error occurred. * em[macro_path] is the full path to the macro that returned the error, within the document syntax tree, e.g. @document/body/bodymatter/chapter/section/header/&@ if the error occurrent in a snippet within the header of a section in the @bodymatter@ part of the document. * em[macro_value] is the value of the macro (shown only if Glyph is running in =>[#debug_switch|debug mode]). ] error_table[ ref_error[Macro '\/em[name]' takes up to em[x] parameter(s) (\/em[y] given)| Returned if the macro was called with extra parameters. ] ref_error[Macro '\/em[name]' takes at least em[x] parameter(s) (\/em[y] given)| Returned if the macro was called with fewer parameters than expected. ] ref_error[Macro '\/em[name]' takes exactly em[x] parameter(s) (\/em[y] given)| Returned if the macro was called with a different number of parameters than. ] ref_error[Macro not available when compiling a single file.| Returned by the %>[include] if used in =>[#lite_mode|lite mode]. ] ref_error[Filter macro '\/em[extension]' not available| Returned by a filter macro if $>[options.filters_by_file_extension] is set to @true@, but the extension was not recognized. ] ref_error[Invalid regular expression: em[regexp]| Returned by the %>[match] if an invalid regular expression was supplied. ] ref_error[Macro '\/em[name]' takes no parameters (\/em[x] given)| Returned if the macro was called with parameters but none are requested. ] ref_error[No highlighter installed. Please run: gem install coderay| Returned by the %>[highlight] if no highlighters are installed. ] ref_error[CodeRay highlighter not installed. Please run: gem install coderay| Returned by the %>[highlight] if $>[filters.highlighter] is set to @coderay@ but &[coderay] is not installed. ] ref_error[UltraViolet highlighter not installed. Please run: gem install ultraviolet| Returned by the %>[highlight] if $>[filters.highlighter] is set to @ultraviolet@ but &[uv] is not installed. ] ref_error[Mutual Inclusion in parameter/attribute(\/em[name]): '\/em[value]'| Returned if a catch-22 situation occurs with macro inclusion, for example if the value of a snippet includes a reference to the same snippet. ] ref_error[Snippet '\/em[snippet_id]' does not exist| Returned by the %>[snippet] if an invalid snippet ID was supplied. ] ref_error[File '\/em[file_name]' not found| Returned by the %>[include] if an invalid file was supplied. ] ref_error[Filter macro '\/em[macro_name]' not found| Returned by the %>[include] if the $>[options.filters_by_file_extension] is set to @true@ but the file extension of the included file is not recognized as a filter macro. ] ref_error[RedCloth gem not installed. Please run: gem install RedCloth| Returned by the %>[textile] if the RedCloth gem is not installed. ] ref_error[No MarkDown converter installed. Please run: gem install bluecloth| Returned by the %>[markdown] if no valid Markdown converter gem is installed. Glyph checks for: BlueCloth, Maruku, Kramdown and RDiscount. ] ref_error[Image/Figure not found| Retured by the %>[image] or the %>[figure] respectively, if the specified image file could not be found within the code[images/] folder. ] ref_error[Bookmark '\/em[bookmark_name]' already exists| Returned by the %>[anchor] or by the %>[section] if the anchor ID supplied as attribute has already been used in the document. ] ref_error[Bookmark '\/em[bookmark_name]' already exists| Returned by the %>[link] if the anchor ID supplied as parameter has not been used in the document. ] ref_error[Stylesheet '\/em[file_name]' not found| Returned by the %>[style] if the code[.css] or code[.sass] file supplied as parameter was not found in the code[styles/] directory. ] ref_error[Haml is not installed. Please run: gem install haml| Returned by the %>[style] if a code[.sass] file was passed as parameter but the Haml gem is not installed. ] ref_error[Invalid XML element: '\/em[element_name]'| An invalid XML element name was supplied to the code[\|xml\|] system macro (see =>[#other_elements]). ] ref_error[Invalid XML element: '\/em[element_name]'| An invalid XML attribute name was supplied to the code[\|xml\|] system macro (see =>[#other_elements]). ] ref_error[Macro '\/em[macro_name]' cannot be used in safe mode| Returned if a forbidden macro was used in safe mode (see =>[#modes]). ] ref_error[Cannot reset 'system.\/em[setting_name]' setting (system use only).| Returned by the =>[#m_config_] when attempting to override a setting in the code[system.*] namespace. ] ref_error[Macro '\/em[macro_a]' must be within a '\/em[macro_b]' macro| Returned if a macro was used in the wrong place. ] ref_error[Macro '\/em[macro_a]' must not be within a '\/em[macro_b]' macro| Returned if a macro was used in the wrong place. ] ]