# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" require_relative "lib/brew_lib" def version `git describe --tags --abbrev=0`.chomp end desc "Show all tasks in current Rakefile, to see descriptions rake -T or rake -D" task :all do Rake::Task.tasks.each do |task| puts task.inspect end end desc "Show tasks in current Rakefile, to see descriptions rake -T or rake -D" task :tasks do sh "rake", "--tasks" end desc "Create a new release and push [patch|minor|major], default is patch" task bump: [:test] do |t, args| part = args.to_a.fetch(0, "patch") sh "{ git add -A && git commit --quiet -m 'bump #{part}' 2>/dev/null && gem bump --silent --quiet --tag --push --release && gh release create #{version} --generate-notes; } || true" end Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList["test/**/test_*.rb"] end require "rubocop/rake_task" RuboCop::RakeTask.new # rake --tasks task default: %i[test rubocop]