#!/usr/bin/env rake require File.expand_path('../lib/credly/version', __FILE__) desc "Build" task "build" do system("gem build credly.gemspec") end desc "Build and publish the gem" task :publish => :build do tags = `git tag` system("git tag #{Credly::VERSION}") unless tags =~ /#{Credly::VERSION}/ system("gem push credly-#{Credly::VERSION}.gem") system("git push --tags") end task :release => :publish do end task :install_gems do # Used when testing in 1.8.6, where bundler is not available. system("gem install faraday activesupport multi_json rake pry-debugger json_spec rspec guard-bundler guard-rspec rb-inotify rb-fsevent rb-fchange ruby_gntp faraday fabrication fuubar awesome_print") end