<%= render 'spotlight/shared/curation_sidebar' %>
<%= bootstrap_form_for @blacklight_configuration, url: spotlight.exhibit_blacklight_configuration_path(@exhibit), style: :horizontal, right: "col-sm-5" do |f| %>

<%= t('spotlight.curation.header') %>

<%= f.submit nil %>

<%= t('spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.header') %>

<%= t('spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.order_header') %>

Select metadata fields to display on each type of page. Drag and drop fields to specify the order they are displayed on the Item Details page.

<% @exhibit.blacklight_configuration.default_blacklight_config.view.keys.each do |type| %> <% end %> <%= f.fields_for :index_fields do |idxf| %> <% @exhibit.blacklight_configuration.all_index_fields.each do |key, config| %> <%= idxf.fields_for key do |field| %> <% @exhibit.blacklight_configuration.default_blacklight_config.view.keys.each do |type| %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= t :'spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.label' %> <%= t :'spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.view.show', default: t(:'blacklight.search.view.show') %><%= t "spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.view.#{type}", default: t("blacklight.search.view.#{type}") %>
<% end %>

<%= t('spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.exhibit_specific_header') %>

You can add metadata fields to supplement the metadata fields that are part of the repository item record.

<% @exhibit.custom_fields.each do |field| %> <% end %>
<%= field.label %>
<%= link_to t('helpers.submit.edit'), edit_custom_field_path(field), class: 'btn btn-text' %> · <%= link_to t('helpers.submit.destroy'), custom_field_path(field), method: :delete, data: { confirm: t(:'spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.destroy_are_you_sure') }, class: 'btn btn-text' %>
<%= field.short_description %>
<%= link_to t(:'spotlight.curation.metadata_fields.new_custom_field'), new_exhibit_custom_field_path(current_exhibit), class: 'btn btn-primary' %>