# frozen_string_literal: true module Grape # An Endpoint is the proxy scope in which all routing # blocks are executed. In other words, any methods # on the instance level of this class may be called # from inside a `get`, `post`, etc. class Endpoint include Grape::DSL::Settings include Grape::DSL::InsideRoute attr_accessor :block, :source, :options attr_reader :env, :request, :headers, :params class << self def new(*args, &block) self == Endpoint ? Class.new(Endpoint).new(*args, &block) : super end def before_each(new_setup = false, &block) @before_each ||= [] if new_setup == false return @before_each unless block @before_each << block else @before_each = [new_setup] end end def run_before_each(endpoint) superclass.run_before_each(endpoint) unless self == Endpoint before_each.each { |blk| blk.call(endpoint) if blk.respond_to?(:call) } end # @api private # # Create an UnboundMethod that is appropriate for executing an endpoint # route. # # The unbound method allows explicit calls to +return+ without raising a # +LocalJumpError+. The method will be removed, but a +Proc+ reference to # it will be returned. The returned +Proc+ expects a single argument: the # instance of +Endpoint+ to bind to the method during the call. # # @param [String, Symbol] method_name # @return [Proc] # @raise [NameError] an instance method with the same name already exists def generate_api_method(method_name, &block) raise NameError.new("method #{method_name.inspect} already exists and cannot be used as an unbound method name") if method_defined?(method_name) define_method(method_name, &block) method = instance_method(method_name) remove_method(method_name) proc do |endpoint_instance| ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('endpoint_render.grape', endpoint: endpoint_instance) do method.bind(endpoint_instance).call end end end end # Create a new endpoint. # @param new_settings [InheritableSetting] settings to determine the params, # validations, and other properties from. # @param options [Hash] attributes of this endpoint # @option options path [String or Array] the path to this endpoint, within # the current scope. # @option options method [String or Array] which HTTP method(s) can be used # to reach this endpoint. # @option options route_options [Hash] # @note This happens at the time of API definition, so in this context the # endpoint does not know if it will be mounted under a different endpoint. # @yield a block defining what your API should do when this endpoint is hit def initialize(new_settings, options = {}, &block) require_option(options, :path) require_option(options, :method) self.inheritable_setting = new_settings.point_in_time_copy # now +namespace_stackable(:declared_params)+ contains all params defined for # this endpoint and its parents, but later it will be cleaned up, # see +reset_validations!+ in lib/grape/dsl/validations.rb route_setting(:declared_params, namespace_stackable(:declared_params).flatten) route_setting(:saved_validations, namespace_stackable(:validations)) namespace_stackable(:representations, []) unless namespace_stackable(:representations) namespace_inheritable(:default_error_status, 500) unless namespace_inheritable(:default_error_status) @options = options @options[:path] = Array(options[:path]) @options[:path] << '/' if options[:path].empty? @options[:method] = Array(options[:method]) @options[:route_options] ||= {} @lazy_initialize_lock = Mutex.new @lazy_initialized = nil @block = nil @status = nil @stream = nil @body = nil @proc = nil return unless block @source = block @block = self.class.generate_api_method(method_name, &block) end # Update our settings from a given set of stackable parameters. Used when # the endpoint's API is mounted under another one. def inherit_settings(namespace_stackable) inheritable_setting.route[:saved_validations] += namespace_stackable[:validations] parent_declared_params = namespace_stackable[:declared_params] inheritable_setting.route[:declared_params].concat(parent_declared_params.flatten) if parent_declared_params endpoints&.each { |e| e.inherit_settings(namespace_stackable) } end def require_option(options, key) raise Grape::Exceptions::MissingOption.new(key) unless options.key?(key) end def method_name [options[:method], Namespace.joined_space(namespace_stackable(:namespace)), (namespace_stackable(:mount_path) || []).join('/'), options[:path].join('/')] .join(' ') end def routes @routes ||= endpoints ? endpoints.collect(&:routes).flatten : to_routes end def reset_routes! endpoints&.each(&:reset_routes!) @namespace = nil @routes = nil end def mount_in(router) if endpoints endpoints.each { |e| e.mount_in(router) } else reset_routes! routes.each do |route| methods = [route.request_method] methods << Grape::Http::Headers::HEAD if !namespace_inheritable(:do_not_route_head) && route.request_method == Grape::Http::Headers::GET methods.each do |method| route = Grape::Router::Route.new(method, route.origin, **route.attributes.to_h) unless route.request_method == method router.append(route.apply(self)) end end end end def to_routes route_options = prepare_default_route_attributes map_routes do |method, path| path = prepare_path(path) params = merge_route_options(**route_options.merge(suffix: path.suffix)) route = Router::Route.new(method, path.path, **params) route.apply(self) end.flatten end def prepare_routes_requirements endpoint_requirements = options[:route_options][:requirements] || {} all_requirements = (namespace_stackable(:namespace).map(&:requirements) << endpoint_requirements) all_requirements.reduce({}) do |base_requirements, single_requirements| base_requirements.merge!(single_requirements) end end def prepare_default_route_attributes { namespace: namespace, version: prepare_version, requirements: prepare_routes_requirements, prefix: namespace_inheritable(:root_prefix), anchor: options[:route_options].fetch(:anchor, true), settings: inheritable_setting.route.except(:declared_params, :saved_validations), forward_match: options[:forward_match] } end def prepare_version version = namespace_inheritable(:version) || [] return if version.empty? version.length == 1 ? version.first.to_s : version end def merge_route_options(**default) options[:route_options].clone.merge!(**default) end def map_routes options[:method].map { |method| options[:path].map { |path| yield method, path } } end def prepare_path(path) path_settings = inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_stackable].merge(inheritable_setting.to_hash[:namespace_inheritable]) Path.prepare(path, namespace, path_settings) end def namespace @namespace ||= Namespace.joined_space_path(namespace_stackable(:namespace)) end def call(env) lazy_initialize! dup.call!(env) end def call!(env) env[Grape::Env::API_ENDPOINT] = self @env = env @app.call(env) end # Return the collection of endpoints within this endpoint. # This is the case when an Grape::API mounts another Grape::API. def endpoints options[:app].endpoints if options[:app].respond_to?(:endpoints) end def equals?(e) (options == e.options) && (inheritable_setting.to_hash == e.inheritable_setting.to_hash) end protected def run ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('endpoint_run.grape', endpoint: self, env: env) do @header = {} @request = Grape::Request.new(env, build_params_with: namespace_inheritable(:build_params_with)) @params = @request.params @headers = @request.headers begin cookies.read(@request) self.class.run_before_each(self) run_filters befores, :before if (allowed_methods = env[Grape::Env::GRAPE_ALLOWED_METHODS]) raise Grape::Exceptions::MethodNotAllowed.new(header.merge('Allow' => allowed_methods)) unless options? header 'Allow', allowed_methods response_object = '' status 204 else run_filters before_validations, :before_validation run_validators validations, request run_filters after_validations, :after_validation response_object = execute end run_filters afters, :after cookies.write(header) # status verifies body presence when DELETE @body ||= response_object # The body commonly is an Array of Strings, the application instance itself, or a Stream-like object response_object = stream || [body] [status, header, response_object] ensure run_filters finallies, :finally end end end def build_stack(helpers) stack = Grape::Middleware::Stack.new stack.use Rack::Head stack.use Class.new(Grape::Middleware::Error), helpers: helpers, format: namespace_inheritable(:format), content_types: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:content_types), default_status: namespace_inheritable(:default_error_status), rescue_all: namespace_inheritable(:rescue_all), rescue_grape_exceptions: namespace_inheritable(:rescue_grape_exceptions), default_error_formatter: namespace_inheritable(:default_error_formatter), error_formatters: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:error_formatters), rescue_options: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:rescue_options) || {}, rescue_handlers: namespace_reverse_stackable_with_hash(:rescue_handlers) || {}, base_only_rescue_handlers: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:base_only_rescue_handlers) || {}, all_rescue_handler: namespace_inheritable(:all_rescue_handler) stack.concat namespace_stackable(:middleware) if namespace_inheritable(:version) stack.use Grape::Middleware::Versioner.using(namespace_inheritable(:version_options)[:using]), versions: namespace_inheritable(:version) ? namespace_inheritable(:version).flatten : nil, version_options: namespace_inheritable(:version_options), prefix: namespace_inheritable(:root_prefix), mount_path: namespace_stackable(:mount_path).first end stack.use Grape::Middleware::Formatter, format: namespace_inheritable(:format), default_format: namespace_inheritable(:default_format) || :txt, content_types: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:content_types), formatters: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:formatters), parsers: namespace_stackable_with_hash(:parsers) builder = stack.build builder.run ->(env) { env[Grape::Env::API_ENDPOINT].run } builder.to_app end def build_helpers helpers = namespace_stackable(:helpers) || [] Module.new { helpers.each { |mod_to_include| include mod_to_include } } end private :build_stack, :build_helpers def execute @block ? @block.call(self) : nil end def helpers lazy_initialize! && @helpers end def lazy_initialize! return true if @lazy_initialized @lazy_initialize_lock.synchronize do return true if @lazy_initialized @helpers = build_helpers.tap { |mod| self.class.send(:include, mod) } @app = options[:app] || build_stack(@helpers) @lazy_initialized = true end end def run_validators(validator_factories, request) validation_errors = [] validators = validator_factories.map { |options| Grape::Validations::ValidatorFactory.create_validator(**options) } ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('endpoint_run_validators.grape', endpoint: self, validators: validators, request: request) do validators.each do |validator| validator.validate(request) rescue Grape::Exceptions::Validation => e validation_errors << e break if validator.fail_fast? rescue Grape::Exceptions::ValidationArrayErrors => e validation_errors.concat e.errors break if validator.fail_fast? end end validation_errors.any? && raise(Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors.new(errors: validation_errors, headers: header)) end def run_filters(filters, type = :other) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('endpoint_run_filters.grape', endpoint: self, filters: filters, type: type) do (filters || []).each { |filter| instance_eval(&filter) } end post_extension = DSL::InsideRoute.post_filter_methods(type) extend post_extension if post_extension end def befores namespace_stackable(:befores) || [] end def before_validations namespace_stackable(:before_validations) || [] end def after_validations namespace_stackable(:after_validations) || [] end def afters namespace_stackable(:afters) || [] end def finallies namespace_stackable(:finallies) || [] end def validations route_setting(:saved_validations) || [] end def options? options[:options_route_enabled] && env[Grape::Http::Headers::REQUEST_METHOD] == Grape::Http::Headers::OPTIONS end end end