Smalltalk current createPackage: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer' properties: #{}! Widget subclass: #MaglevDraggableObject instanceVariableNames: 'content' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevDraggableObject methodsFor: 'accessing'! content ^ content ! content: anObject content := anObject. ! ! !MaglevDraggableObject methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: html html div class: 'draggable-new-object-container' with: [ html div class: 'ui-widget-content ui-draggable draggable-new-object'; with: [ html div class: 'object-drag-dummy'; style: 'display: none;'; with: MaglevIcon move; with: content. html div class: 'object-iv-name'; with: content]]. ! ! !MaglevDraggableObject class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! with: anObject ^ self basicNew content: anObject; initialize; yourself ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevGsNMethodEditor instanceVariableNames: 'object editorContainer errorBox rubyIcon stIcon envIdContainer sourceLocationContainer editor editorHeight editorWidth classObject' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevGsNMethodEditor methodsFor: 'accessing'! classObject ^ MaglevObject newObjectWithoutUpdate: (self methodObject at: 5) ! classObject: anObject classObject := anObject. ! envId ^ self methodObject at: 2 ! filename ^ (self methodObject at: 4) at: 1 ! lineInFile ^ (self methodObject at: 4) at: 2 ! methodObject ^ object ! object ^ object ! object: anObject object := anObject ! sourceOffset ^ -1 ! sourceString ^ self methodObject at: 1 ! ! !MaglevGsNMethodEditor methodsFor: 'initializing'! initializeEditor |params extraKeys| extraKeys := Object new basicAt: 'Ctrl-S' put: [self commandSave]; yourself. params := Object new basicAt: 'mode' put: 'text/x-ruby'; basicAt: 'styleActiveLine' put: true; basicAt: 'lineNumbers' put: true; basicAt: 'matchBrackets' put: true; basicAt: 'extraKeys' put: extraKeys; yourself. editor := CodeMirror value: (editorContainer asJQuery at: 0) value: params. editor setValue: ''. self mouseFix. self makeEditorResizable. ! makeEditorResizable < self['@editorContainer']._asJQuery().find('.CodeMirror').resizable({ resize: function() { self['@editor'].setSize($(this).width(), $(this).height()); } }); > ! mouseFix < var editor = self['@editorContainer']; editor._asJQuery().mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }); > ! ! !MaglevGsNMethodEditor methodsFor: 'interactions'! commandSave |selectedCategory| errorBox hide. errorBox asJQuery empty. self envId = 1 ifTrue: [self classObject compileRubySourceCode: (editor getValue replace: '⚡' with: '') withCallback: [:success :obj | success ifTrue: [self signalSuccess] ifFalse: [self signalFailure: obj]]] ifFalse: [self classObject compileSmalltalkSourceCode: (editor getValue replace: '⚡' with: '') withCallback: [:success :obj | success ifTrue: [self signalSuccess] ifFalse: [self signalFailure: obj]]]. ! signalFailure: aDescription |html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: errorBox asJQuery. html with: aDescription inlineViewComponent. errorBox show. editorContainer asJQuery css: 'background-color' with: '#ff0039'. editorContainer asJQuery animate: (Object new basicAt: 'backgroundColor' put: '#ffffff'; yourself) timeout: 250. ! signalSuccess editorContainer asJQuery css: 'background-color' with: '#3fb618'. editorContainer asJQuery animate: (Object new basicAt: 'backgroundColor' put: '#ffffff'; yourself) timeout: 250. ! ! !MaglevGsNMethodEditor methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderEditorOn: html editorContainer := html span class: 'pull-left code-area'. html div style: 'clear: both;'. errorBox := html div class: 'alert alert-error'; style: 'margin-bottom: 0px;'; hide. self initializeEditor. ! renderMethodObject |envId| editor setValue: self sourceString. editorContainer show. envId := self envId. envIdContainer asJQuery empty. envIdContainer with: envId. sourceLocationContainer empty. envId = 1 ifTrue: [ sourceLocationContainer with: self filename. stIcon hide. rubyIcon show. editor setOption: 'mode' data: 'text/x-ruby'.] ifFalse: [sourceLocationContainer with: 'n/a']. envId = 0 ifTrue: [ stIcon show. rubyIcon hide. editor setOption: 'mode' data: 'text/x-stsrc']. envId > 1 ifTrue: [stIcon hide. rubyIcon hide]. ! renderOn: html self renderEditorOn: html. self renderStatusBarOn: html. self renderMethodObject. ! renderStatusBarOn: html html table class: 'table-bordered'; style: 'margin-top: 5px; width: 100%;'; with: [html tbody with: [ html tr with: [ html td with: [ rubyIcon := MaglevIconImage ruby hide; yourself. stIcon := MaglevIconImage smalltalk hide; yourself. html with: rubyIcon. html with: stIcon. envIdContainer := html span with: 'Environment ID']; style: 'width: 1px;'. html td with: [ sourceLocationContainer := html span with: 'Source location']]]]. ! ! !MaglevGsNMethodEditor class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! for: anObject ^ self basicNew object: anObject; initialize; yourself ! ! MaglevGsNMethodEditor subclass: #MaglevGsNMethodDebugEditor instanceVariableNames: 'argValueBox argSelect' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevGsNMethodDebugEditor commentStamp! Copied from _frameContentsAt: "Private. Returns an Array describing the specified level in the receiver. aLevel == 1 is top of stack. If aLevel is less than 1 or greater than stackDepth, returns nil. The result Array contains: offset item ----- ----- 1 gsMethod (a GsNMethod) 2 ipOffset (zero-based relative to first named instance variable in portable code; negative means a stack breakpoint is present) 3 frameOffset (zero-based) 4 varContext 5 saveProtectedMode 6 markerOrException 7 nil (not used) 8 self (possibly nil in a ComplexBlock) 9 argAndTempNames (an Array of Symbols or Strings) 10 receiver 11 arguments and temps, if any"! !MaglevGsNMethodDebugEditor methodsFor: 'accessing'! argAndTempNames ^ object at: 9 ! argOrTempValue: anInteger ^ MaglevObject newObject: ((object at: 11) at: anInteger) ! methodObject ^ object at: 1 ! ownerSelf ^ MaglevObject newObject: (object at: 8) ! receiver ^ MaglevObject newObject: (object at: 10) ! sourceOffset ^ object at: 12 ! sourceOffsetX ^ (object at: 13) at: 1 ! sourceOffsetY ^ (object at: 13) at: 2 ! ! !MaglevGsNMethodDebugEditor methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderArg |argIndex argValue| argIndex := (argSelect asJQuery at: 0) selectedIndex - 1. argIndex = -1 ifTrue: [argValue := self ownerSelf]. argIndex = 0 ifTrue: [argValue := self receiver]. argIndex > 0 ifTrue: [argValue := self argOrTempValue: argIndex]. argValueBox asJQuery empty. argValueBox with: argValue inlineViewComponent. ! renderArgsOn: html html table with: [ html tbody with: [ html tr with: [ html td with: [ argSelect := html select with: [html option with: '(self)']; with: [html option with: '(receiver)']; with: [self argAndTempNames do: [:arg | html option with: arg]]; style: 'margin-bottom: 0px;'; onChange: [self renderArg]. argValueBox := html div]. html td with: [argValueBox := html div]; style: 'padding-left: 5px;']]]; style: 'margin-top: 5px;'. self renderArg. ! renderMethodObject |rangeFrom rangeTo| super renderMethodObject. < self['@editor'].setSelection( {line: self._sourceOffsetY(), ch: self._sourceOffsetX()}, {line: self._sourceOffsetY(), ch: self._sourceOffsetX()}); >. editor replaceSelection: '⚡'. ! renderOn: html self renderEditorOn: html. self renderArgsOn: html. self renderStatusBarOn: html. self renderMethodObject. ! ! Object subclass: #MaglevHaltedThreadListener instanceVariableNames: 'container interval timer renderedOops html navbar' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevHaltedThreadListener methodsFor: 'accessing'! interval interval ifNil: [interval := 2500]. ^ interval ! interval: aNumber interval := aNumber. < clearInterval(self['@timer']); >. self startPolling. ! ! !MaglevHaltedThreadListener methodsFor: 'initializing'! initialize container := '#halted-threads-navigation' asJQuery. navbar := '#halted-threads-navbar' asJQuery. navbar hide. html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: container. renderedOops := Dictionary new. ! start timer := self startPolling. ! startPolling < return setInterval(function() {self._refresh();}, self._interval()); > ! ! !MaglevHaltedThreadListener methodsFor: 'polling'! refresh |params| params := Dictionary new at: 'allElements' put: true; at: 'noBehavior' put: true; yourself. MaglevObjectSpace instance evalObject evaluateWithoutUpdate: 'MaglevDatabaseExplorer.halted_threads' language: 'ruby' with: params withCallback: [:success :obj | |currentOops| success ifTrue:[ currentOops := Set new. obj do: [:el | (renderedOops includesKey: el oop) ifFalse: [self renderObject: el oop with: el inlineViewComponent]. currentOops add: el oop]. renderedOops keysAndValuesDo: [:oop :comp | (currentOops includes: oop) ifFalse: [self removeObject: oop with: comp]]. renderedOops size = 0 ifTrue: [navbar hide] ifFalse: [navbar show]]]. ! removeObject: oop with: component component asJQuery remove. renderedOops removeKey: oop. ! renderObject: oop with: component |inlineContainer| inlineContainer := html span style: 'padding: 4px 2px 2px 4px;'; with: component. renderedOops at: oop put: inlineContainer. ! ! MaglevHaltedThreadListener class instanceVariableNames: 'instance'! !MaglevHaltedThreadListener class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! instance instance ifNil: [instance := self new]. ^ instance ! start self instance start. ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevIcon instanceVariableNames: 'b icon spin caption' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevIcon methodsFor: 'accessing'! caption ^ caption ! caption: aString caption := aString. ! icon icon ifNil: [icon := 'star']. ^ icon ! icon: aString icon := aString. ! onClick: aBlock b onClick: aBlock. ! spin spin ifNil: [spin := false]. ^ spin ! spin: aBoolean spin := aBoolean. ! ! !MaglevIcon methodsFor: 'interactions'! hide b hide. ! show b show. ! ! !MaglevIcon methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: html |cssClass| cssClass := 'icon-', self icon. self spin ifTrue: [cssClass := cssClass, ' icon-spin']. caption ifNil: [b := html b class: cssClass; yourself] ifNotNil: [b := html b class: cssClass; data: 'toggle' with: 'tooltip'; data: 'placement' with: 'top'; data: 'original-title' with: caption; yourself. b asJQuery tooltip]. ! ! !MaglevIcon class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! codeFork ^ self new icon: 'code-fork'; yourself ! flag ^ self new icon: 'flag'; yourself ! globe ^ self new icon: 'globe'; yourself ! hdd ^ self new icon: 'hdd'; yourself ! listAlt ^ self new icon: 'list-alt'; yourself ! move ^ self new icon: 'move'; yourself ! pause ^ self new icon: 'pause'; yourself ! pencil ^ self new icon: 'pencil'; yourself ! play ^ self new icon: 'play'; yourself ! playCircle ^ self new icon: 'play-circle'; yourself ! remove ^ self new icon: 'remove'; yourself ! resizeSmall ^ self new icon: 'resize-small'; yourself ! search ^ self new icon: 'search'; yourself ! star ^ self new icon: 'star'; yourself ! stop ^ self new icon: 'stop'; yourself ! terminal ^ self new icon: 'terminal'; yourself ! trash ^ self new icon: 'trash'; yourself ! wait ^ self new icon: 'refresh'; spin: true; caption: 'Loading...'; yourself ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevIconImage instanceVariableNames: 'src cssClass image hidden' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevIconImage methodsFor: 'accessing'! cssClass: aString cssClass := aString. ! hidden hidden ifNil: [hidden := false]. ^ hidden ! src: aString src := aString. ! ! !MaglevIconImage methodsFor: 'interactions'! hide hidden := true. image ifNotNil: [image hide]. ! show hidden := false. image ifNotNil: [image show]. ! ! !MaglevIconImage methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderOn: html image := html img src: src; class: cssClass. self hidden ifTrue: [image hide]. ! ! !MaglevIconImage class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! rails ^ self new src: 'images/rails_tiny.png'; yourself ! ruby ^ self new src: 'images/ruby.png'; cssClass: 'icon-language'; yourself ! rubySmalltalkBridge ^ self new src: 'images/ruby_smalltalk_bridge.png'; cssClass: 'icon-language'; yourself ! smalltalk ^ self new src: 'images/smalltalk.png'; cssClass: 'icon-language'; yourself ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevListBox instanceVariableNames: 'list changedCallback htmlIv divContainer height searchbox searchInput olContainer olHeightBeforeSearch' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevListBox methodsFor: 'accessing'! changedCallback: aBlock changedCallback := aBlock. ! height ^ olContainer asJQuery height ! height: anInteger |searchboxHeight| (searchbox asJQuery is: ':visible') ifTrue: [searchboxHeight := searchbox asJQuery height + 2] ifFalse: [searchboxHeight := 0]. height := anInteger. olContainer asJQuery css: 'height' data: (anInteger - searchboxHeight) asString, 'px'. ! selectedData ^ (list asJQuery find: '.ui-selected') data: 'data' ! selectedDataIndex ^ (list asJQuery find: '.ui-selected') index + 1 ! selectedDataVisibleIndex ^ ((list asJQuery find: 'li:visible') index: (list asJQuery find: 'li.ui-selected')) + 1 ! size ^ (list asJQuery find: 'li') length ! sizeVisible ^ (list asJQuery find: 'li:visible') length ! style: aString divContainer style: aString. ! ! !MaglevListBox methodsFor: 'interactions'! bindEvents < self['@list']._asJQuery().selectable({ stop: function() {self._selectionChanged();}, tolerance: 'fit'}); > ! clear list asJQuery empty. ! commandFind olHeightBeforeSearch := self height. searchbox show. self height: self height. searchInput asJQuery focus. ! filterResults |text| text := searchInput asJQuery val. (list asJQuery find: 'li') each: [:idx :htmlEl | |el| < el = $(htmlEl); >. (el text includesSubString: text) ifTrue: [el show] ifFalse: [el hide]]. self hideSearchBox. ! focus list asJQuery focus. ! hide list hide. ! hideSearchBox searchbox hide. self height: olHeightBeforeSearch. list asJQuery focus. ! moveSelectionDown |newIndex| newIndex := self selectedDataVisibleIndex + 1 - 1. newIndex = self sizeVisible ifTrue: [newIndex := 0]. self unselectAll. (list asJQuery find: 'li:visible:eq(', newIndex asString, ')') addClass: 'ui-selected'. self selectionChanged. ! moveSelectionUp |newIndex| newIndex := self selectedDataVisibleIndex - 1 - 1. newIndex < 0 ifTrue: [newIndex := self sizeVisible - 1]. self unselectAll. (list asJQuery find: 'li:visible:eq(', newIndex asString, ')') addClass: 'ui-selected'. self selectionChanged. ! selectionChanged self focus. changedCallback value: self selectedData value: self selectedDataIndex. ! show list show. ! unselectAll (list asJQuery find: 'li') removeClass: 'ui-selected'. ! ! !MaglevListBox methodsFor: 'rendering'! makeResizable < self['@olContainer']._asJQuery().resizable({handles: 's'}); > ! renderOn: html divContainer := html div with: [ self renderSearchBoxOn: html. olContainer := html div style: 'overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa'; with: [ list := html ol style: 'width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; border: none; outline: none;'; at: 'tabindex' put: '1'; onKeyDown: [:e | e preventDefault. e keyCode = 40 ifTrue: [self moveSelectionDown]. e keyCode = 38 ifTrue: [self moveSelectionUp]. (e keyCode = 70 and: [e ctrlKey]) ifTrue: [self commandFind]]; onClick: [self focus]]. self makeResizable. htmlIv := html]. self bindEvents. ! renderSearchBoxOn: html searchbox := html div class: 'input-prepend'; style: 'margin-bottom: 2px; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; padding-right: 52px; width: 100%;'; with: [ html span class: 'add-on'; with: 'find'. searchInput := html input type: 'text'; class: 'span2'; style: 'width: 100%;'; onChange: [self filterResults]; onFocusOut: [self hideSearchBox]]; hide. ! with: content self with: content data: '' darker: false. ! with: content darker: aBoolean self with: content data: '' darker: aBoolean. ! with: content data: dataString "|html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: list asJQuery." list with: [ htmlIv li class: 'ui-widget-content'; data: 'data' with: dataString; with: [content value: htmlIv]]. ! with: content data: dataString darker: aBoolean list with: [ |li| li := htmlIv li class: 'ui-widget-content'; data: 'data' with: dataString; with: [content value: htmlIv]. aBoolean ifTrue: [li asJQuery addClass: 'list-darker']]. ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevObjectDropdown instanceVariableNames: 'container resultContainer editor editorElement rubyButton smalltalkButton object' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevObjectDropdown methodsFor: 'accessing'! code ^ editor getValue ! language self isRuby ifTrue: [^ 'ruby'] ifFalse: [^ 'smalltalk'] ! ! !MaglevObjectDropdown methodsFor: 'initializing'! initializeEditor |params extraKeys| extraKeys := Object new basicAt: 'Ctrl-D' put: [self evalPrintIt]; basicAt: 'Ctrl-P' put: [self evalPrintIt]; basicAt: 'Ctrl-S' put: [self evalPrintIt]; yourself. params := Object new basicAt: 'mode' put: 'text/x-ruby'; basicAt: 'styleActiveLine' put: true; basicAt: 'lineNumbers' put: true; basicAt: 'matchBrackets' put: true; basicAt: 'extraKeys' put: extraKeys; yourself. editor := CodeMirror value: (editorElement asJQuery at: 0) value: params. editor setValue: ''. ! mouseFix < var menu = self['@container']; var editor = self['@editorElement']; menu._asJQuery().mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }); editor._asJQuery().mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }); > ! ! !MaglevObjectDropdown methodsFor: 'interactions'! appendToInlineObject: anObject for: dropdownContainer object := anObject object. container asJQuery appendTo: dropdownContainer asJQuery. ! evalDoIt ! evalInspectIt ! evalPrintIt self executeWithCallback: [:success :resultObj | success ifTrue: [resultContainer with: resultObj inlineViewComponent] ifFalse: [resultContainer with: resultObj inlineViewComponent]]. ! executeWithCallback: aBlock resultContainer addClass: 'alert-info'; removeClass: 'alert-success'; removeClass: 'alert-error'. resultContainer asJQuery empty. resultContainer with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...'; show. object evaluate: self code language: self language withCallback: [:success :resultObj | resultContainer asJQuery empty. resultContainer removeClass: 'alert-info'. success ifTrue: [resultContainer addClass: 'alert-success'] ifFalse: [resultContainer addClass: 'alert-error']. aBlock value: success value: resultObj] ! languageChanged self isRuby ifFalse: [editor setOption: 'mode' data: 'text/x-ruby'] ifTrue: [editor setOption: 'mode' data: 'text/x-stsrc']. ! ! !MaglevObjectDropdown methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderButtonsOn: html "html button class: 'btn btn-primary'; type: 'button'; with: 'Do it'; onClick: [self evalDoIt]." html button class: 'btn btn-primary'; type: 'button'; style: 'margin-right: 10px;'; with: 'Print it'; onClick: [self evalPrintIt]. "html button class: 'btn btn-primary'; type: 'button'; with: 'Inspect it'; onClick: [self evalInspectIt]." html div class: 'btn-group'; style: 'float: right;'; data: 'toggle' with: 'buttons-radio'; with: [ rubyButton := html button class: 'btn active'; data: 'toggle' with: 'buttons-checkbox'; onClick: [self languageChanged]; type: 'button'; with: 'Ruby'. smalltalkButton := html button class: 'btn'; data: 'toggle' with: 'buttons-checkbox'; onClick: [self languageChanged]; type: 'button'; with: 'Smalltalk']. ! renderFormOn: html html form style: 'margin: 0px;'; with: [ editorElement := html div class: 'pull-left code-area'. html div style: 'clear: both;'. resultContainer := html div class: 'alert'; hide. html div class: 'button-area'; with: [self renderButtonsOn: html]]. ! renderOn: html container := html div class: 'dropdown-menu'; with: [html fieldset class: 'textbox'; style: 'padding: 10px'; with: [self renderFormOn: html]]. self initializeEditor. self mouseFix. ! ! !MaglevObjectDropdown methodsFor: 'testing'! isRuby ^ rubyButton asJQuery hasClass: 'active' ! isSmalltalk ^ smalltalkButton asJQuery hasClass: 'active' ! ! MaglevObjectDropdown class instanceVariableNames: 'instance'! !MaglevObjectDropdown class methodsFor: 'singleton'! instance instance ifNil: [ instance := self new. instance appendToJQuery: '#temporary-rendering-area' asJQuery]. ^ instance ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevObjectInline instanceVariableNames: 'object hasDropDown isDraggable depth isShort dragContent dragDummy dragObject fullInspection' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevObjectInline methodsFor: 'accessing'! depth depth ifNil: [depth := 1]. ^ depth ! depth: anInteger depth := anInteger. ! fullInspection fullInspection ifNil: [fullInspection := false]. ^ fullInspection ! fullInspection: aBoolean fullInspection := aBoolean. ! hasDropDown hasDropDown ifNil: [hasDropDown := self hasDropDownDefault]. ^ hasDropDown ! hasDropDown: aBoolean hasDropDown := aBoolean. ! isDraggable isDraggable ifNil: [isDraggable := self isDraggableDefault]. ^ isDraggable ! isDraggable: aBoolean isDraggable := aBoolean. ! isShort isShort ifNil: [isShort := false]. ^ isShort ! isShort: aBoolean isShort := aBoolean. ! object ^ object ! object: anObject object := anObject. ! ! !MaglevObjectInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ true ! isDraggableDefault ^ true ! maxDepth ^ 1 ! maxInspection self fullInspection ifTrue: [^ 1000] ifFalse: [^ 15]. ! ! !MaglevObjectInline methodsFor: 'interactions'! bindDraggable |options cursorPos| cursorPos := Object new basicAt: 'left' put: 0; basicAt: 'top' put: 0; yourself. options := Object new basicAt: 'create' put: [:event :ui | ]; basicAt: 'cursorPos' put: cursorPos; basicAt: 'start' put: [:event :ui | self dragStart: event a: ui]; basicAt: 'stop' put: [:event :ui | self dragStop: event a: ui]; yourself. dragObject asJQuery draggable: options. ! dragStart: event a: ui dragContent hide. dragDummy show. ! dragStop: event a: ui |position window| position := dragObject asJQuery offset. window := Maglev instance showReloadObjectWindow: object oop. window left: position left - (dragObject width / 2). window top: position top - (dragObject height / 2). dragObject left: 0. dragObject top: 0. dragDummy hide. dragContent show. ! showDropdownFor: dropdownContainer MaglevObjectDropdown instance appendToInlineObject: self for: dropdownContainer. ! ! !MaglevObjectInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderDraggableObjectOn: html html div class: 'draggable-new-object-container'; with: [ dragObject := html div class: 'ui-widget-content ui-draggable draggable-new-object'; with: [ dragDummy := html div class: 'object-drag-dummy'; style: 'display: none;'; with: MaglevIcon move; with: [self renderObjectContainerOn: html]. dragContent := html div class: 'object-iv-name'; with: [self renderObjectContainerOn: html]]]. self bindDraggable. ! renderLoadedObjectOn: html |text shorted| shorted := false. text := object inspection copyFrom: 1 to: self maxInspection. text size < object inspection size ifTrue: [ text := text, '...'. shorted := true. (text at: 2) = '<' ifTrue: [text := text, '>']]. html with: [|tooltip| tooltip := html span data: 'toggle' with: 'tooltip'; data: 'placement' with: 'top'; data: 'original-title' with: object inspection; with: text. shorted ifTrue: [tooltip asJQuery tooltip]]. ! renderObjectActionsOn: html " html with: MaglevIcon search; with: MaglevIcon pencil." ! renderObjectContainerOn: html html span class: 'object-inline-view-view'; with: [ self renderObjectActionsOn: html. html span class: 'object-inline-typed-view'; with: [ self hasDropDown ifTrue: [self renderObjectWithDropDownOn: html] ifFalse: [self renderObjectOn: html]]]. ! renderObjectOn: html object isLoaded ifTrue: [self renderLoadedObjectOn: html] ifFalse: [self renderUnloadedObjectOn: html]. ! renderObjectWithDropDownOn: html |dropdownContainer| dropdownContainer := html span class: 'dropdown'; with: [ html a class: 'dropdown-toggle btn object-dropdown-toggle'; data: 'toggle' with: 'dropdown'; onClick: [self showDropdownFor: dropdownContainer]; with: [ self renderObjectOn: html. html b class: 'caret']]. ! renderOn: html self isDraggable ifTrue: [self renderDraggableObjectOn: html] ifFalse: [self renderObjectContainerOn: html]. ! renderText: text withDropDownOn: html |dropdownContainer| self hasDropDown ifTrue: [ dropdownContainer := html span class: 'dropdown'; with: [ html a class: 'dropdown-toggle btn object-dropdown-toggle'; data: 'toggle' with: 'dropdown'; onClick: [self showDropdownFor: dropdownContainer]; with: [ html with: text. html b class: 'caret']]] ifFalse: [html with: text]. ! renderUnloadedObjectOn: html |text shorted| shorted := false. text := object inspection copyFrom: 1 to: self maxInspection. text size < object inspection size ifTrue: [ text := text, '...'. shorted := true. (text at: 2) = '<' ifTrue: [text := text, '>']]. html with: [|tooltip| tooltip := html span data: 'toggle' with: 'tooltip'; data: 'placement' with: 'top'; data: 'original-title' with: object inspection; with: text. shorted ifTrue: [tooltip asJQuery tooltip]]. ! ! !MaglevObjectInline class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! newWithDepth: anInteger ^ self basicNew depth: anInteger; initialize; yourself ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevArrayInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevArrayInline methodsFor: 'constants'! maxDepth ^ 2 ! maxElements ^ 3 ! ! !MaglevArrayInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderLoadedObjectOn: html |showElements maxElements| maxElements := self maxElements. showElements := maxElements min: self object elementsSize. self renderText: '[' withDropDownOn: html. html with: ' '. self isShort ifTrue: [html with: ' ... '] ifFalse: [ (1 to: showElements) do: [:idx | html with: ((self object at: idx) inlineViewComponentWithDepth: self depth - 1). (idx < showElements or: [self object elementsSize > maxElements]) ifTrue: [html with: ' , ']]. self object elementsSize > maxElements ifTrue: [html with: ' ... '] ]. html with: ' '. self renderText: ']' withDropDownOn: html. ! renderObjectWithDropDownOn: html "Do not render a drop down menu around the whole object." self renderObjectOn: html. ! renderUnloadedObjectOn: html self renderText: '[' withDropDownOn: html. html with: '...'. self renderText: ']' withDropDownOn: html. ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevBooleanInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevBooleanInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ false ! isDraggableDefault ^ false ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevExceptionInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevExceptionInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderObjectActionsOn: html object isTrappable ifFalse: [html with: (MaglevIcon terminal caption: 'Not trappable')]. object isResumable ifTrue: [html with: (MaglevIcon playCircle caption: 'Resumable')]. object isDBEHalt ifTrue: [html with: (MaglevIcon flag caption: 'Database Explorer Halt')]. ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevFixnumInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevFixnumInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ false ! isDraggableDefault ^ false ! ! !MaglevFixnumInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderObjectActionsOn: html ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevFloatInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevFloatInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ false ! isDraggableDefault ^ false ! ! !MaglevFloatInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderObjectActionsOn: html ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevHashInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevHashInline methodsFor: 'constants'! maxDepth ^ 2 ! maxElements ^ 3 ! ! !MaglevHashInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderLoadedObjectOn: html |showElements maxElements| maxElements := self maxElements. showElements := maxElements min: self object elementsSize. self renderText: '{' withDropDownOn: html. html with: ' '. self isShort ifTrue: [html with: ' ... '] ifFalse: [ (1 to: showElements) do: [:idx | |key value| key := (self object at: idx) key. value := (self object at: idx) value. html with: (key inlineViewComponentWithDepth: self depth + 1); with: '=>'; with: (value inlineViewComponentWithDepth: self depth + 1). (idx < showElements or: [self object elementsSize > maxElements]) ifTrue: [html with: ' , ']]. self object elementsSize > maxElements ifTrue: [html with: ' ... ']]. html with: ' '. self renderText: '}' withDropDownOn: html. ! renderObjectWithDropDownOn: html "Do not render a drop down menu around the whole object." self renderObjectOn: html. ! renderUnloadedObjectOn: html self renderText: '{' withDropDownOn: html. html with: '...'. self renderText: '}' withDropDownOn: html. ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevMaglevRecordBaseInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevMaglevRecordBaseInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderObjectActionsOn: html html with: (MaglevIcon hdd caption: 'MaglevRecord::Base') ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevModuleInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevModuleInline methodsFor: 'constants'! maxDepth ^ 1 ! ! MaglevModuleInline subclass: #MaglevClassInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevClassInline methodsFor: 'constants'! maxDepth ^ 1 ! renderObjectActionsOn: html html with: (MaglevIcon listAlt caption: 'List class instances'). ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevNilClassInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevNilClassInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ false ! isDraggableDefault ^ false ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevRubyWorkspaceInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevRubyWorkspaceInline methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderObjectActionsOn: html html with: (MaglevIcon terminal caption: 'Workspace'). ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevStringInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevStringInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ false ! isDraggableDefault ^ false ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevSymbolInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevSymbolInline methodsFor: 'constants'! hasDropDownDefault ^ false ! isDraggableDefault ^ false ! ! MaglevObjectInline subclass: #MaglevThreadInline instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevThreadInline methodsFor: 'constants'! maxInspection ^ 25 ! renderObjectActionsOn: html object isRailsThread ifTrue: [html with: MaglevIconImage rails]. object status = 'sleep' ifTrue: [html with: (MaglevIcon pause caption: 'Thread status: sleeping')]. object status = 'false' ifTrue: [html with: (MaglevIcon stop caption: 'Thread status: stopped (false)')]. object status = 'run' ifTrue: [html with: (MaglevIcon play caption: 'Thread status: running')]. object status = 'aborting' ifTrue: [html with: (MaglevIcon trash caption: 'Thread status: aborting')]. ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevObjectInstancesView instanceVariableNames: 'object rangeFrom rangeTo instancesWaitBox contentBox' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevObjectInstancesView methodsFor: 'accessing'! currentInstVarNames |ivNames| ivNames := Set new. (self rangeFrom to: self rangeTo) do: [:idx | |obj| obj := self objectAt: idx. obj instVarsDo: [:key :value | ivNames add: key string]]. ^ ivNames ! object ^ object ! object: anObject object := anObject. ! objectAt: anIndex ^ object instances at: anIndex ! rangeFrom rangeFrom ifNil: [rangeFrom := 1]. ^ rangeFrom ! rangeFrom: anInteger rangeFrom := anInteger. ! rangeTo rangeTo ifNil: [rangeTo := 10]. object instancesSize ifNotNil: [rangeTo := rangeTo min: object instancesSize]. ^ rangeTo ! rangeTo: anInteger rangeTo := anInteger. object instancesSize ifNotNil: [rangeTo := rangeTo min: object instancesSize]. ! ! !MaglevObjectInstancesView methodsFor: 'interactions'! currentPage ^ (self rangeFrom / 10) ceiled ! pages ^ (object instancesSize / 10) ceiled ! ! !MaglevObjectInstancesView methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderInstVarTable |html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: contentBox asJQuery. contentBox asJQuery empty. instancesWaitBox show. object loadInstancesFrom: self rangeFrom to: self rangeTo withCallback: [:obj | |ivNames| instancesWaitBox hide. object := obj. ivNames := self currentInstVarNames. html table class: 'table table-bordered'; style: 'margin-bottom: 0px;'; with: [html thead with: [ html tr with: [ html th with: 'oop'. html th with: 'Object'. ivNames do: [:ivName | html th with: ivName]]]. html tbody with: [ object instances do: [:obj | html tr with: [ html td with: obj oop. html td with: obj inlineViewComponent. ivNames do: [:ivName | html td with: (obj instVarAt: ivName ifAbsent: MaglevInvalidObject instance) inlineViewComponent]]]]]. self renderPaginationOn: html. instancesWaitBox hide]. ! renderOn: html instancesWaitBox := html div with: [html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']. contentBox := html div. self renderInstVarTable. ! renderPaginationOn: html |firstPage lastPage currentPage| currentPage := self currentPage. firstPage := currentPage - 5 max: 1. lastPage := firstPage + 10 min: self pages. html div style: 'text-align: center;'; with: [html span class: 'pagination'; with: [html ul style: 'margin-top: 10px;'; with: [(firstPage to: lastPage) do: [:index | |liClass| currentPage = index ifTrue: [liClass := 'disabled'] ifFalse: [liClass := 'active']. html li class: liClass; with: [html a onClick: [ self rangeFrom: (index - 1) * 10 + 1. self rangeTo: index * 10. self renderInstVarTable]; with: index asString]]]]]. ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevTable instanceVariableNames: 'object collectionName rangeFrom rangeTo isAssociationDictionary tableBody currentPage pageListItems pagination' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevTable methodsFor: 'accessing'! collection ^ object perform: collectionName ! collectionName ^ collectionName ! collectionName: aString collectionName := aString ! collectionSize ^ object perform: collectionName, 'Size' ! currentPage currentPage ifNil: [currentPage := 1]. ^ currentPage ! isAssociationDictionary isAssociationDictionary ifNil: [isAssociationDictionary := false]. ^ isAssociationDictionary ! isAssociationDictionary: aBoolean isAssociationDictionary := aBoolean. ! object ^ object ! object: anObject object := anObject. ! pageSize ^ 10 ! pages ^ (self collectionSize / self pageSize) ceiled ! rangeFrom rangeFrom ifNil: [rangeFrom := 1]. ^ rangeFrom ! rangeFrom: anInteger rangeFrom := anInteger. ! rangeTo ^ self rangeFrom + self pageSize - 1 min: self collectionSize ! ! !MaglevTable methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderAssociation: key to: value on: html html tr with: [ html td with: key inlineViewComponent. html td with: value inlineViewComponent]. ! renderAssociationDictionaryBodyOn: html (self rangeFrom to: self rangeTo) do: [:idx | |obj| obj := self collection at: idx. html tr with: [ html td with: obj key inlineViewComponent. html td with: obj value inlineViewComponent]]. ! renderDictionaryBodyOn: html (self rangeFrom to: self rangeTo) do: [:idx | |obj| obj := self collection at: idx. html tr with: [ html td with: idx inlineViewComponent. html td with: obj inlineViewComponent]]. ! renderOn: html |pagClass| self pages = 1 ifTrue: [pagClass := 'display: none;'] ifFalse: [pagClass := '']. html table class: 'table table-bordered'; style: 'margin-bottom: 0px;'; with: [tableBody := html tbody]. html div style: 'text-align: center;'; with: [pagination := html span class: 'pagination'; style: pagClass]. self renderPagination. self renderPage: 1. ! renderPage: anInteger |html| currentPage := anInteger. html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: tableBody asJQuery. rangeFrom := anInteger - 1 * self pageSize + 1. tableBody asJQuery empty. html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...'. self renderPagination. object ensureIsLoaded: collectionName from: rangeFrom to: self rangeTo withCallback: [ tableBody asJQuery empty. self renderTableBodyOn: (HTMLCanvas onJQuery: tableBody asJQuery)]. ! renderPagination |firstPage lastPage html| pageListItems := Dictionary new. firstPage := self currentPage - 5 max: 1. lastPage := firstPage + 10 min: self pages. pagination asJQuery empty. html := (HTMLCanvas onJQuery: pagination asJQuery). pagination with: [html ul style: 'margin-top: 10px;'; with: [(firstPage to: lastPage) do: [:index | |liClass| currentPage = index ifTrue: [liClass := 'disabled'] ifFalse: [liClass := 'active']. html li class: liClass; with: [html a onClick: [self renderPage: index]; with: index asString]]]]. ! renderTableBodyOn: html self isAssociationDictionary ifTrue: [self renderAssociationDictionaryBodyOn: html. ^ self] ifFalse: [self renderDictionaryBodyOn: html. ^ self]. ! ! !MaglevTable class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! newAssociationDictFor: anObject with: aString ^ self basicNew object: anObject; collectionName: aString; isAssociationDictionary: true; initialize; yourself ! newFor: anObject with: aString ^ self basicNew object: anObject; collectionName: aString; initialize; yourself ! ! Widget subclass: #MaglevWindow instanceVariableNames: 'container navigationItem' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevWindow methodsFor: 'accessing'! container ^ container ! navigationItem ^ navigationItem ! navigationItem: anObject navigationItem := anObject. ! ! !MaglevWindow methodsFor: 'attributes'! left: aValue container left: aValue. ! top: aValue container top: aValue. ! ! !MaglevWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! clear container asJQuery empty. ! closeWindow MaglevJsPlumb deleteEndpointsFor: container asJQuery. container asJQuery remove. ! connectTo: aWindow as: type with: caption MaglevJsPlumb connectWindow: self to: aWindow as: type with: caption. ! connectTo: aWindow with: parameters MaglevJsPlumb connectWindow: self to: aWindow with: parameters. ! moveToFront container asJQuery css: 'z-index' data: self class highestZIndex + 1. ! prepareWindow MaglevJsPlumb prepareObject: (container asJQuery). container onMouseEnter: [container removeClass: 'window-mouse-out']; onMouseLeave: [container addClass: 'window-mouse-out']. ! replace: aWindow aWindow clear. container := aWindow container. ! ! !MaglevWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! appendToWorkspace self renderOn: (HTMLCanvas onJQuery: '#workspace' asJQuery). ! renderCloseButtonOn: html html span class: 'display-inline-block'; style: 'float: right; margin-top: 3px; margin-left: 3px;'; with: [html a href: '#'; class: 'window-close-button'; onClick: [self closeWindow]; with: MaglevIcon remove]. ! renderHeightPlaceholderOn: html html span style: 'visibility: hidden;'; with: [ html a class: 'btn'; with: 'a']. ! renderHorziontalLineOn: html html hr style: 'margin: 10px;'. ! renderNavigationOn: html html with: 'New window'. ! renderOn: html container ifNil: [ container := html div. self prepareWindow]. container class: 'component window'; with: [ html div class: 'nowrap'; with: [ self renderWindowTitleOn: html. self renderWindowContentOn: html]]. container onMouseDown: [self moveToFront]. self moveToFront. ! renderReplace self renderOn: (HTMLCanvas onJQuery: container asJQuery). ! renderWindowContentOn: html ! renderWindowTitleContentOn: html html with: 'A new window'. self renderHeightPlaceholderOn: html. self renderCloseButtonOn: html. ! renderWindowTitleOn: html html div class: 'window-title'; with: [html span class: 'window-title-content'; with: [self renderWindowTitleContentOn: html]]. ! ! !MaglevWindow methodsFor: 'testing'! isWaitingWindow ^ false ! ! !MaglevWindow class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! newReplace: aWindow ^ self new replace: aWindow; yourself ! ! !MaglevWindow class methodsFor: 'interactions'! highestZIndex < var indexHighest = 0; $('.window').each(function(){ var indexCurrent = parseInt($(this).css("z-index"), 10); if(indexCurrent >> indexHighest) { indexHighest = indexCurrent; } }); return indexHighest; >. ! ! MaglevWindow subclass: #MaglevObjectWindow instanceVariableNames: 'container object classObject tabs captions tabsContainer currentTab' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevObjectWindow methodsFor: 'accessing'! captions captions ifNil: [captions := Dictionary new]. ^ captions ! container ^ container ! object ^ object ! object: anObject object := anObject. classObject := anObject classObject. ! tabs tabs ifNil: [tabs := Dictionary new]. ^ tabs ! ! !MaglevObjectWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! closeWindow MaglevObjectSpace instance unregisterWindow: self. super closeWindow. ! defaultTab ^ nil ! makeCurrentTabResizable currentTab style: 'overflow: hidden;'. currentTab asJQuery children first attr: 'style' with: 'width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto;'. currentTab asJQuery resizable. ! prepareWindow super prepareWindow MaglevObjectSpace registerWindow: self. ! replace: aWindow super replace: aWindow. aWindow isWaitingWindow ifFalse: [MaglevObjectSpace instance unregisterWindow: aWindow]. MaglevObjectSpace instance registerWindow: self. ! showTab: caption |allTabs| allTabs := self contentTabs. "Lazy generate new tabs." ((self tabs includesKey: caption) not and: [allTabs includesKey: caption]) ifTrue: [ |tab html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: tabsContainer asJQuery. tab := html div with: [ html div with: [self perform: (allTabs at: caption) withArguments: {html}]]. self tabs at: caption put: tab]. self tabs keysAndValuesDo: [:tabCaption :tab | |capEl| capEl := self captions at: tabCaption. caption = tabCaption ifTrue: [ currentTab := tab. tab show. capEl addClass: 'active'] ifFalse: [ tab hide. capEl removeClass: 'active']]. "return false to avoid scrolling to the top" ^ false ! ! !MaglevObjectWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow object instVarsDo: [:ivName :ivValue | ivValue == aWindow object ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #iv with: ivName inspection]]. (object classObject == aWindow object and: [object virtualClassObject ~~ aWindow object]) ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #class with: nil]. object virtualClassObject == aWindow object ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #virtualClass with: nil]. ! contentTabs |result| result := Dictionary new. self object hasInstVars ifTrue: [result at: 'Instance Variables' put: #renderInstanceVariablesOn:]. object customTabs do: [:customTab | |selector| selector := 'renderCustom', (customTab at: 2), 'On:'. self class compile: selector, 'html ', (customTab at: 3). result at: (customTab at: 1) put: selector asSymbol]. ^ result ! renderInstanceVariablesOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: self object with: #instVars). ! renderNavigationOn: html html with: object inlineViewComponentNavItem. ! renderVirtualClassAndClassOn: html classObject = object virtualClassObject ifFalse: [ html with: ' : '; with: object virtualClassObject inlineViewComponent]. html with: ' :: '; with: classObject inlineViewComponent. ! renderWindowContentOn: html |allTabs firstCaption defaultTab| allTabs := self contentTabs. allTabs size > 0 ifTrue: [ html ul class: 'nav nav-tabs'; style: 'display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 5px; width: 100%;'; with: [ html li style: 'float: right;'; onClick: [self makeCurrentTabResizable]; with: [ html a href: '#'; onClick: [self makeCurrentTabResizable]; with: MaglevIcon resizeSmall]. self contentTabs keysAndValuesDo: [:caption :generator | |capEl| firstCaption ifNil: [firstCaption := caption]. capEl := html li with: [ html a href: '#'; onClick: [self showTab: caption]; with: caption]. self captions at: caption put: capEl]]]. tabsContainer := html div. defaultTab := self defaultTab. defaultTab ifNil: [firstCaption ifNotNil: [self showTab: firstCaption]] ifNotNil: [self showTab: defaultTab]. ! renderWindowTitleContentOn: html html with: object inlineViewComponentShort. html with: [ html span style: 'margin-left: 5px;'; with: '<0x', object oop asHexString, '>']. self renderHeightPlaceholderOn: html. html div class: 'right-inline-block'; with: [ self renderVirtualClassAndClassOn: html. self renderCloseButtonOn: html]. ! ! !MaglevObjectWindow class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! newReplace: aWindow with: anObject ^ self new object: anObject; replace: aWindow; yourself ! ! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevArrayWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevArrayWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! defaultTab ^ 'Elements' ! ! !MaglevArrayWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow super checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow. object elements keysAndValuesDo: [:idx :value | value == aWindow object ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #arrayElement with: idx]]. ! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. self object hasElements ifTrue: [result at: 'Elements' put: #renderArrayElementsOn:]. ^ result ! renderArrayElementsOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newFor: self object with: #elements). ! ! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevExceptionWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevFixnumWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevFloatWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevHashWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevHashWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! defaultTab ^ 'Associations' ! ! !MaglevHashWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow super checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow. object keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value | key == aWindow object ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #hashKey with: 'self[...] = ', value shortInspection]. value == aWindow object ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #hashValue with: 'self[', key shortInspection, '] = ...']]. ! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. self object hasElements ifTrue: [result at: 'Associations' put: #renderHashElementsOn:]. ^ result ! renderHashElementsOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: self object with: #elements). ! ! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevMaglevRecordBaseWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevMaglevRecordBaseWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. result at: 'Attributes' put: #renderAttributesOn:. ^ result ! renderAttributesOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: self object with: #attributes). ! ! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevModuleWindow instanceVariableNames: 'categoryNamesSelect selectorsSelect selectors rubySelectors methodContainer waitingScreen hierarchyContainer' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevModuleWindow methodsFor: 'initializing'! initializeTree: container < container.jstree({ plugins: ["crrm", "html_data", "themes"], core: { animation: 0, open_parents: true}}); // setTimout: jstree fix setTimeout(function(){ container.find('.treeview-replace-me').each(function(index, el) { var jqEl = $(el); self._renderInlineViewFor_inside_('oop'), jqEl); jqEl.removeClass('treeview-replace-me'); });}, 0); > ! ! !MaglevModuleWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! defaultTab ^ 'Code' ! renderHierarchySubclass: cls for: oop < var ownerLi = self['@hierarchyContainer']._asJQuery().find("[data-oop='" + oop + "']"); if (ownerLi.find("[data-oop='" + cls._oop() + "']").length == 0) { self['@hierarchyContainer']._asJQuery().jstree('create', ownerLi, null, {attr: {'data-oop': cls._oop(), 'data-replace-me': '1'}}, null, true); } > ! renderSelectors: selectedCategory |currentSelectors| selectorsSelect clear. currentSelectors := selectors at: selectedCategory. currentSelectors ifNil: [^ self]. currentSelectors do: [:sel | selectorsSelect with: [:html | html with: sel] data: sel]. ! renderSourceCode: selectorString |selectedCategory| methodContainer asJQuery empty. selectorString ifNil: [^ self]. waitingScreen show. selectedCategory := self selectedCategoryString. selectedCategory = '(all Ruby)' ifTrue: [self renderRubySourceCodeFor: selectorString] ifFalse: [self renderSmalltalkSourceCodeFor: selectorString]. ! replaceHierarchySubclasses < self['@hierarchyContainer']._asJQuery().find("[data-replace-me='1']").each(function(idx, el) { // TODO: jQuery not working here for unknown reasons el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].remove(); el.removeAttribute('data-replace-me'); var jqEl = $(el); self._renderInlineViewFor_inside_('oop'), jqEl); }); > ! selectedCategoryString ^ categoryNamesSelect selectedData ! ! !MaglevModuleWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. self object hasConstants ifTrue: [result at: 'Constants' put: #renderConstantsOn:]. self object hasIncludedModules ifTrue: [result at: 'Included Modules' put: #renderIncludedModulesOn:]. result at: 'Code' put: #renderCodeTabOn:. result at: 'Hierarchy' put: #renderHierarchyOn:. ^ result ! renderCodeTabOn: html html root style: 'width: 100%;'. self renderListsOn: html. waitingScreen := html div with: [html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']. methodContainer := html div style: 'margin-top: 10px;'. self object allSelectorsWithCallback: [:obj | selectors := obj. self renderSelectorCategories. waitingScreen hide. categoryNamesSelect show. selectorsSelect show]. ! renderConstantsOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: self object with: #constants). ! renderHierarchyOn: htmlIn |waitingBox hcContainer| hcContainer := htmlIn div style: 'height: 300px; overflow: hidden;'. waitingBox := htmlIn div with: [ htmlIn with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']. object ensureSuperListLoadedWithCallback: [ |renderedInlines html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: hcContainer asJQuery. renderedInlines := Array new. hierarchyContainer := html div style: 'width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto;'; with: [ |lastUl| lastUl := html ul. object superList do: [:cls | "render superclasses" lastUl with: [ html li data: 'oop' with: cls oop asString; with: [|container| container := html span data: 'oop' with: cls oop asString; class: 'treeview-replace-me'. renderedInlines add: container]; with: [lastUl := html ul]]]]. self initializeTree: hierarchyContainer asJQuery. hcContainer asJQuery resizable. waitingBox hide]. ! renderIncludedModulesOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newFor: self object with: #includedModules). ! renderInlineViewFor: oop inside: htmlElement |html subclassesButton waitIcon| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: htmlElement. waitIcon := MaglevIcon wait. html with: waitIcon. waitIcon hide. subclassesButton := MaglevIcon codeFork. html with: [html a with: subclassesButton]. subclassesButton onClick: [ |obj| subclassesButton hide. waitIcon show. obj := MaglevObjectSpace instance at: oop. obj ensureSubclassesLoadedWithCallback: [ obj subclasses do: [:cls | self renderHierarchySubclass: cls for: oop]. self replaceHierarchySubclasses. waitIcon hide]]. (MaglevObjectSpace instance at: oop) inlineViewComponentFull renderOn: html. ! renderListsOn: html categoryNamesSelect := MaglevListBox new. html with: categoryNamesSelect. categoryNamesSelect changedCallback: [:cat :index | self renderSelectors: cat]; height: 250; style: 'float: left; width: 50%; margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; display: inline-block;'; hide. selectorsSelect := MaglevListBox new. html with: selectorsSelect. selectorsSelect changedCallback: [:sel :index | self renderSourceCode: sel]; height: 250; style: 'display: inline-block; width: 50%; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; padding-right: 10px;'; hide. ! renderMethodObject: obj |methodEditor| methodEditor := MaglevGsNMethodEditor for: obj. methodEditor classObject: object. methodContainer with: methodEditor. waitingScreen hide. ! renderRubySourceCodeFor: selectorString object sourceCodeFor: selectorString language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:obj | self renderMethodObject: obj]. ! renderSelectorCategories categoryNamesSelect clear. selectors keysAndValuesDo: [:category :catSelectors | categoryNamesSelect with: [:html | category = '(all Ruby)' ifTrue: [html with: MaglevIconImage ruby] ifFalse: [html with: MaglevIconImage smalltalk]. html with: category] data: category]. ! renderSmalltalkSourceCodeFor: selectorString object sourceCodeFor: selectorString language: 'smalltalk' withCallback: [:obj | self renderMethodObject: obj]. ! sortList: aListBox |box children| box := aListBox asJQuery. < children = box.children('option').sort(function (a, b) {return a.innerHTML >> b.innerHTML ? 1 : -1}); >. box empty. children appendTo: box. ! ! MaglevModuleWindow subclass: #MaglevClassWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevClassWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow super checkAddConnectionTo: aWindow. object superclassObject == aWindow object ifTrue: [self connectTo: aWindow as: #superclass with: nil]. ! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. result at: 'Instances' put: #renderInstancesOn:. ^ result ! renderInstancesOn: html html with: object instancesViewComponent. ! renderWindowTitleContentOn: html html with: object inlineViewComponentShort; with: ' < '; with: object superclassObject inlineViewComponent. html with: [ html span style: 'margin-left: 5px;'; with: '<0x', object oop asHexString, '>']. self renderHeightPlaceholderOn: html. html div class: 'right-inline-block'; with: [ self renderVirtualClassAndClassOn: html. self renderCloseButtonOn: html]. ! ! MaglevClassWindow subclass: #MaglevSystemClassWindow instanceVariableNames: 'transactionResultBox persistenceModeButton' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevSystemClassWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! abortTransaction self showTransactionWaitingBox. object evaluate: 'self.__DBEAbortTransaction' language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:success :resultObj | transactionResultBox asJQuery empty. transactionResultBox removeClass: 'alert-info'. success ifTrue: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-success'] ifFalse: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-error']. transactionResultBox with: resultObj inlineViewComponent]. ! commitTransaction self showTransactionWaitingBox. object evaluate: 'self.__DBECommitTransaction' language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:success :resultObj | transactionResultBox asJQuery empty. transactionResultBox removeClass: 'alert-info'. success ifTrue: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-success'] ifFalse: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-error']. transactionResultBox with: resultObj inlineViewComponent]. ! continueTransaction self showTransactionWaitingBox. object evaluate: 'self.__DBEContinueTransaction' language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:success :resultObj | transactionResultBox asJQuery empty. transactionResultBox removeClass: 'alert-info'. success ifTrue: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-success'] ifFalse: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-error']. transactionResultBox with: resultObj inlineViewComponent]. ! defaultTab ^ 'Control Panel' ! togglePersistentMode self showTransactionWaitingBox. object evaluate: 'self.__DBETogglePersistenceMode' language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:success :resultObj | transactionResultBox asJQuery empty. transactionResultBox removeClass: 'alert-info'. success ifTrue: [ transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-success'. resultObj value = true ifTrue: [persistenceModeButton asJQuery addClass: 'active'] ifFalse: [persistenceModeButton asJQuery removeClass: 'active']. transactionResultBox hide] ifFalse: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-error']. transactionResultBox with: resultObj inlineViewComponent]. ! updatePersistentMode self showTransactionWaitingBox. object evaluate: 'self.__DBEPersistenceMode' language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:success :resultObj | transactionResultBox asJQuery empty. transactionResultBox removeClass: 'alert-info'. success ifTrue: [ transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-success'. resultObj value = true ifTrue: [persistenceModeButton asJQuery addClass: 'active'] ifFalse: [persistenceModeButton asJQuery removeClass: 'active']. transactionResultBox hide] ifFalse: [transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-error']. transactionResultBox with: resultObj inlineViewComponent]. ! ! !MaglevSystemClassWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. result at: 'Stone Version Report' put: #renderStoneVersionReportOn:. result at: 'Gem Version Report' put: #renderGemVersionReportOn:. result at: 'Control Panel' put: #renderControlPanelOn:. ^ result ! renderControlPanelOn: html html with: [ html div class: 'well'; with: [ html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-warning'; value: 'Abort Transaction'; style: 'width: 25%; margin-right: 1%;'; onClick: [self abortTransaction]. html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-warning'; value: 'Commit Transaction'; style: 'width: 25%; margin-right: 1%;'; onClick: [self commitTransaction]. html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-warning'; value: 'Continue Transaction'; style: 'width: 25%; margin-right: 1%;'; onClick: [self continueTransaction]. persistenceModeButton := html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn'; value: 'Persistent Mode'; style: 'width: 22%;'; onClick: [self togglePersistentMode]. transactionResultBox := html div style: 'margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 0px;'; class: 'alert'; hide]]. self updatePersistentMode. ! renderGemVersionReportOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: self object with: #gemVersionReport). ! renderStoneVersionReportOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: self object with: #stoneVersionReport). ! showTransactionWaitingBox transactionResultBox addClass: 'alert-info'; removeClass: 'alert-success'; removeClass: 'alert-error'. transactionResultBox asJQuery empty. transactionResultBox with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...'; show. ! ! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevNilClassWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevRubyWorkspaceWindow instanceVariableNames: 'terminalBox commandBox' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevRubyWorkspaceWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! defaultTab ^ 'Workspace' ! handleEnter |command html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: terminalBox asJQuery. command := commandBox asJQuery val. command := command replace: '''' with: ''''''. commandBox asJQuery prop: 'disabled' value: true. html with: command; with: html br. object evaluate: 'self.evaluate(''', command, ''')' language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:success :resultObj | |class| (resultObj at: 1) value ifTrue: [class := 'alert alert-error'] ifFalse: [class := 'alert alert-success']. terminalBox with: [html div class: class; with: '=> '; with: (resultObj at: 2) inlineViewComponent; with: html br]. self scrollToBottom. commandBox asJQuery prop: 'disabled' value: false. commandBox asJQuery val: '']. ! scrollToBottom terminalBox asJQuery scrollTop: (terminalBox asJQuery at: 0) scrollHeight. ! ! !MaglevRubyWorkspaceWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. result at: 'Workspace' put: #renderWorkspaceOn:. ^ result ! mouseFix < var editor = self['@terminalBox']; editor._asJQuery().mousedown(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }); > ! renderWorkspaceOn: html terminalBox := html pre style: 'height: 350px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; color: #000000;'. commandBox := html input type: 'text'; style: 'width: 97%;'; onKeyPress: [:evt | evt keyCode == 13 ifTrue: [self handleEnter]]. self mouseFix. ! ! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevStringWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevSymbolWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! MaglevObjectWindow subclass: #MaglevThreadWindow instanceVariableNames: 'methodSelect methodContainer waitingScreen waitForStackTrace' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevThreadWindow methodsFor: 'accessing'! frameIndex ^ methodSelect selectedDataIndex ! ! !MaglevThreadWindow methodsFor: 'interactions'! defaultTab ^ 'Stack Trace' ! isMethodUnimportant: aString |unimportant| unimportant := {'AbstractException >>'. 'AbstractException class'. 'GsProcess >>'. 'GsProcess class'. 'ProcessorScheduler >>'. 'ProcessorScheduler class'. 'CodeEvaluation class'. 'RubyCompiler >>'. 'RubyCompiler class'. 'onException:do:'. 'RubyProc >> callAndRescue:'. '_gsReturnToC'. '>> onSynchronous:do:'. 'ExecBlock >> ensure:'. 'ExecBlock >> rubyEnsure:'}. unimportant do: [:str | (aString includesSubString: str) ifTrue: [^ true]]. ^ false ! proceed object proceedWithCallback: [:obj | object fullReloadWithCallback: [:threadReloaded | object isRailsThread ifTrue: [self closeWindow] ifFalse: [(threadReloaded windowViewComponentReplace: self) renderReplace]]]. ! reloadStackWithCallback: aBlock |html| waitForStackTrace show. methodSelect clear. object stackTraceMethodsWithCallback: [:obj | obj do: [:method | |isUnimportant| isUnimportant := self isMethodUnimportant: method. methodSelect with: [:html | (method includesSubString: '(envId 0)') ifTrue: [html with: MaglevIconImage smalltalk]. (method includesSubString: '(envId 1)') ifTrue: [html with: MaglevIconImage ruby]. (method includesSubString: '(envId 1b)') ifTrue: [html with: MaglevIconImage rubySmalltalkBridge]. html with: method] darker: isUnimportant]. waitForStackTrace hide. aBlock = nil ifFalse: [aBlock value]]. ! selectStackFrame: anInteger < self['@methodSelect']._asJQuery()[0].selectedIndex = anInteger - 1; >. self renderFrame: anInteger. ! stepInto |frameIndex| frameIndex := self frameIndex. object stepInto: frameIndex withCallback: [:obj | self reloadStackWithCallback: [ self selectStackFrame: frameIndex]]. ! stepOver |frameIndex| frameIndex := self frameIndex. object stepOver: frameIndex withCallback: [:obj | self reloadStackWithCallback: [ self selectStackFrame: frameIndex]]. ! trimStack |frameIndex| frameIndex := self frameIndex. object trimTo: frameIndex withCallback: [:obj | self reloadStackWithCallback: [ self selectStackFrame: frameIndex]]. ! ! !MaglevThreadWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! contentTabs |result| result := super contentTabs. result at: 'Stack Trace' put: #renderStackTraceOn:. result at: 'Thread Local Storage' put: #renderLocalStorageOn:. ^ result ! renderButtonsOn: html html div class: 'button-area'; style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;'; with: [ html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-primary'; value: 'Proceed'; style: 'margin-right: 1%; width: 24%;'; onClick: [self proceed]. html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-primary'; value: 'Step into'; style: 'margin-right: 1%; width: 24%;'; onClick: [self stepInto]. html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-primary'; value: 'Step over'; style: 'margin-right: 1%; width: 24%;'; onClick: [self stepOver]. html input type: 'button'; class: 'btn btn-primary'; value: 'Trim stack'; style: 'width: 25%;'; onClick: [self trimStack]]. ! renderFrame: frameIndex methodContainer asJQuery empty. waitingScreen show. frameIndex > 0 ifTrue: [object stackFrame: frameIndex withCallback: [:obj | methodContainer asJQuery empty. methodContainer with: (MaglevGsNMethodDebugEditor for: obj). waitingScreen hide]] ifFalse: [waitingScreen hide]. ! renderLocalStorageOn: html html with: (MaglevTable newAssociationDictFor: object localStorage with: #elements). ! renderStackTraceOn: html waitForStackTrace := html div with: [html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']. methodSelect := MaglevListBox new. html with: methodSelect. methodSelect changedCallback: [:text :index | self renderFrame: index]; height: 250; style: 'width: 100%;'. self renderButtonsOn: html. waitingScreen := html div with: [html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']; hide. methodContainer := html div. self reloadStackWithCallback: nil. ! ! MaglevWindow subclass: #MaglevSearchWindow instanceVariableNames: 'maglev selectBox waitForResult listContents methodContainer waitingScreen' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevSearchWindow methodsFor: 'not yet classified'! listIndex ^ (selectBox asJQuery at: 0) selectedIndex + 1 ! maglev maglev ifNil: [maglev := Maglev instance]. ^maglev ! renderClass |listElement cls selector envId| waitingScreen show. listElement := listContents at: self listIndex. cls := (listElement at: 1) at:1. envId := ((listElement at: 1) at:2) inspection asNumber. selector := listElement at: 2. envId = 0 ifTrue:[ cls sourceCodeFor: selector language: 'smalltalk' withCallback: [:obj| self renderMethodObject: obj.] ] ifFalse:[ cls sourceCodeFor: selector language: 'ruby' withCallback: [:obj| self renderMethodObject: obj] ] ! renderListOf: selectors |html| html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: selectBox asJQuery. selectBox asJQuery empty. listContents := Array new. selectors do:[:selector| self maglev implementersOf: selector withCallback:[:success :obj| obj hasElements ifTrue:[ selectBox with: [obj do: [:cls | listContents add: {cls. selector}. html option with: (cls at:1) inspection, '>>' , selector]]; size: 10; style: 'width: 100%;'; show "onChange: [self renderClass]" ]. waitForResult hide. ] ] ! renderMethodObject: obj methodContainer asJQuery empty. methodContainer with: (MaglevGsNMethodEditor for: obj). waitingScreen hide. ! renderWindowContentOn: html html div class: 'maglev-search'; with: [ html form class: 'search-form'; onSubmit: [:e|e preventDefault. self searchSelectorsAndClasses.]; with:[ html input class: 'search-input' ] ]. selectBox := html select size: 10; style: 'width: 100%;'; onChange: [self renderClass]; hide. waitForResult := html div with: [html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']; hide. waitingScreen := html div with: [html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...']; hide. methodContainer := html div. ! searchSelectorsAndClasses |input maglev selectors| input := '.search-input' asJQuery val. selectors := Array new. waitForResult show. self maglev findMethodNamesMatching: input with:[:success :obj| success ifTrue: [selectors addAll: (obj string tokenize: ' '). self renderListOf: selectors]. ]. ! ! MaglevWindow subclass: #MaglevWaitingWindow instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevWaitingWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderWindowContentOn: html ! renderWindowTitleOn: html html with: MaglevIcon wait; with: ' loading...'. ! ! !MaglevWaitingWindow methodsFor: 'testing'! isWaitingWindow ^ true ! ! MaglevWindow subclass: #MaglevWebBrowserWindow instanceVariableNames: 'url inputUrl iframe' package: 'Maglev-Database-Explorer'! !MaglevWebBrowserWindow methodsFor: 'accessing'! url ^ url ! url: aString url := aString. inputUrl asJQuery attr: 'value' with: aString. iframe asJQuery attr: 'src' with: aString. ! ! !MaglevWebBrowserWindow methodsFor: 'rendering'! renderWindowContentOn: html |iframeContainer| html div class: 'input-prepend'; style: 'width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; padding-right: 51px; margin-bottom: 5px;'; with: [ html span class: 'add-on'; with: 'URL'. inputUrl := html input type: 'text'; style: 'width: 100%;'; onKeyPress: [:evt | evt which = 13 ifTrue: [self url: inputUrl asJQuery val]]]. iframeContainer := html div style: 'margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px;'; with: [ iframe := html iframe style: 'width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 1px solid #ccc;'; frameborder: '0'; src: 'about:blank']. iframeContainer asJQuery resizable. ! renderWindowTitleContentOn: html html with: MaglevIcon globe. html with: 'Web Browser'. self renderHeightPlaceholderOn: html. self renderCloseButtonOn: html. ! ! !MaglevWebBrowserWindow class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! defaultUrl < var port = parseInt(':')[1]) - 1; return window.location.protocol + '//' +':')[0] + ':' + port + '/'; > ! showNew ^ self new appendToWorkspace; url: self defaultUrl. ! !