# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveAdmin module Views class AttributesTable < ActiveAdmin::Component builder_method :attributes_table_for def build(obj, *attrs) @collection = Array.wrap(obj) @resource_class = @collection.first.class options = {} options[:for] = @collection.first if single_record? super(options) add_class "attributes-table" @table = table build_colgroups rows(*attrs) end def rows(*attrs) attrs.each { |attr| row(attr) } end def row(*args, &block) title = args[0] data = args[1] || args[0] options = args.extract_options! options["data-row"] = title.to_s.parameterize(separator: "_") if title.present? @table << tr(options) do th do header_content_for(title) end @collection.each do |record| td do content_for(record, block || data) end end end end protected def default_id_for_prefix "attributes_table" end # Build Colgroups # # Colgroups are only necessary for a collection of records; not # a single record. def build_colgroups return if single_record? reset_cycle(self.class.to_s) within @table do col # column for row headers @collection.each do |record| col(id: dom_id_for(record)) end end end def header_content_for(attr) if @resource_class.respond_to?(:human_attribute_name) @resource_class.human_attribute_name(attr, default: attr.to_s.titleize) else attr.to_s.titleize end end def empty_value span I18n.t("active_admin.empty"), class: "attributes-table-empty-value" end def content_for(record, attr) value = helpers.format_attribute record, attr value.blank? && current_arbre_element.children.to_s.empty? ? empty_value : value # Don't add the same Arbre twice, while still allowing format_attribute to call status_tag current_arbre_element << value unless current_arbre_element.children.include? value end def single_record? @single_record ||= @collection.size == 1 end end end end