module Resque module Plugins module ConcurrentRestriction # Used by the user in their job class to set the concurrency limit def concurrent(limit) @concurrent = limit end # Allows the user to specify the unique key that identifies a set # of jobs that share a concurrency limit. Defaults to the job class name def concurrent_identifier(*args) end # Used to query what the limit the user has set def concurrent_limit @concurrent ||= 1 end # The key used to acquire a lock so we can operate on multiple # redis structures (runnables set, running_count) atomically def lock_key(tracking_key) parts = tracking_key.split(":") "concurrent:lock:#{parts[2..-1].join(':')}" end # The redis key used to store the number of currently running # jobs for the restriction_identifier def running_count_key(tracking_key) parts = tracking_key.split(":") "concurrent:count:#{parts[2..-1].join(':')}" end # The key for the redis list where restricted jobs for the given resque queue are stored def restriction_queue_key(tracking_key, queue) parts = tracking_key.split(":") "concurrent:queue:#{queue}:#{parts[2..-1].join(':')}" end def restriction_queue_availability_key(tracking_key) parts = tracking_key.split(":") "concurrent:queue_availability:#{parts[2..-1].join(':')}" end # The key that groups all jobs of the same restriction_identifier together # so that we can work on any of those jobs if they are runnable # Stored in runnables set, and used to build keys for each queue where jobs # for those queues are stored def tracking_key(*args) id = concurrent_identifier(*args) id = ":#{id}" if id && id.strip.size > 0 "concurrent:tracking:#{self.to_s}#{id}" end def tracking_class(tracking_key) Resque.constantize(tracking_key.split(":")[2]) end # The key to the redis set where we keep a list of runnable tracking_keys def runnables_key(queue=nil) key = ":#{queue}" if queue "concurrent:runnable#{key}" end # Encodes the job intot he restriction queue def encode(job) item = {:queue => job.queue, :payload => job.payload} Resque.encode(item) end # Decodes the job from the restriction queue def decode(str) item = Resque.decode(str)['queue'], item['payload']) if item end # The restriction queues that have data for each tracking key # Adds/Removes the queue to the list of queues for that tracking key # so we can quickly tell in next_runnable_job if a runnable job exists on a # specific restriction queue def update_queues_available(tracking_key, queue, action) availability_key = restriction_queue_availability_key(tracking_key) case action when :add then Resque.redis.send(:sadd, availability_key, queue) when :remove then Resque.redis.send(:srem, availability_key, queue) else raise "Invalid action to ConcurrentRestriction.track_queue" end end def queues_available(tracking_key) availability_key = restriction_queue_availability_key(tracking_key) Resque.redis.smembers(availability_key) end # Pushes the job to the restriction queue def push_to_restriction_queue(job, location=:back) tracking_key = tracking_key(*job.args) case location when :back then Resque.redis.rpush(restriction_queue_key(tracking_key, job.queue), encode(job)) when :front then Resque.redis.lpush(restriction_queue_key(tracking_key, job.queue), encode(job)) else raise "Invalid location to ConcurrentRestriction.push_to_restriction_queue" end update_queues_available(tracking_key, job.queue, :add) mark_runnable(tracking_key, false) end # Pops a job from the restriction queue def pop_from_restriction_queue(tracking_key, queue) queue_key = restriction_queue_key(tracking_key, queue) str = Resque.redis.lpop(queue_key) post_pop_size = Resque.redis.llen(queue_key) if post_pop_size == 0 update_queues_available(tracking_key, queue, :remove) clear_runnable(tracking_key, queue) end # increment by one to indicate that we are running # do this before update_queues_available so that the current queue gets cleaned increment_running_count(tracking_key) if str decode(str) end # Grabs the raw data (undecoded) from the restriction queue def restriction_queue_raw(tracking_key, queue) Array(Resque.redis.lrange(restriction_queue_key(tracking_key, queue), 0, -1)) end # Grabs the contents of the restriction queue (decoded) def restriction_queue(tracking_key, queue) restriction_queue_raw(tracking_key, queue).collect {|s| decode(s) } end # Returns the number of jobs currently running def running_count(tracking_key) Resque.redis.get(running_count_key(tracking_key)).to_i end # Returns the number of jobs currently running def set_running_count(tracking_key, value) count_key = running_count_key(tracking_key) Resque.redis.set(count_key, value) restricted = (value > concurrent_limit) mark_runnable(tracking_key, !restricted) return restricted end def restricted?(tracking_key) count_key = running_count_key(tracking_key) value = Resque.redis.get(count_key).to_i restricted = (value >= concurrent_limit) return restricted end def increment_running_count(tracking_key) count_key = running_count_key(tracking_key) value = Resque.redis.incr(count_key) restricted = (value > concurrent_limit) mark_runnable(tracking_key, !restricted) return restricted end def decrement_running_count(tracking_key) count_key = running_count_key(tracking_key) value = Resque.redis.decr(count_key) Resque.redis.set(count_key, 0) if value < 0 restricted = (value >= concurrent_limit) mark_runnable(tracking_key, !restricted) return restricted end def runnable?(tracking_key, queue) Resque.redis.sismember(runnables_key(queue), tracking_key) end def get_next_runnable(queue) Resque.redis.srandmember(runnables_key(queue)) end # Returns the list of tracking_keys that have jobs waiting to run (are not over the concurrency limit) def runnables(queue=nil) Resque.redis.smembers(runnables_key(queue)) end # Keeps track of which jobs are currently runnable, that is the # tracking_key should have jobs on some restriction queue and # also have less than concurrency_limit jobs running # def mark_runnable(tracking_key, runnable) queues = queues_available(tracking_key) queues.each do |queue| runnable_queues_key = runnables_key(queue) if runnable Resque.redis.sadd(runnable_queues_key, tracking_key) else Resque.redis.srem(runnable_queues_key, tracking_key) end end if runnable Resque.redis.sadd(runnables_key, tracking_key) if queues.size > 0 else Resque.redis.srem(runnables_key, tracking_key) end end def clear_runnable(tracking_key, queue) Resque.redis.srem(runnables_key(queue), tracking_key) Resque.redis.srem(runnables_key, tracking_key) end # Acquires a lock using the given key and lock expiration time def acquire_lock(lock_key, lock_expiration) # acquire the lock to work on the restriction queue expiration_time = lock_expiration + 1 acquired_lock = Resque.redis.setnx(lock_key, expiration_time) # If we didn't acquire the lock, check the expiration as described # at if ! acquired_lock # If expiration time is in the future, then someone else beat us to getting the lock old_expiration_time = Resque.redis.get(lock_key) return false if old_expiration_time.to_i > # if expiration time was in the future when we set it, then someone beat us to it old_expiration_time = Resque.redis.getset(lock_key, expiration_time) return false if old_expiration_time.to_i > end # expire the lock eventually so we clean up keys - not needed to timeout # lock, just to keep redis clean for locks that aren't being used' Resque.redis.expireat(lock_key, expiration_time + 300) return true end # Releases the lock acquired by #acquire_lock def release_lock(lock_key, lock_expiration) # Only delete the lock if the one we created hasn't expired expiration_time = lock_expiration + 1 Resque.redis.del(lock_key) if expiration_time > end # Uses a lock to ensure that a sequence of redis operations happen atomically # We don't use watch/multi/exec as it doesn't work in a DistributedRedis setup def run_atomically(lock_key) trying = true exp_backoff = 1 while trying do lock_expiration = + 10 if acquire_lock(lock_key, lock_expiration) begin yield ensure release_lock(lock_key, lock_expiration) end trying = false else sleep (rand(1000) * 0.0001 * exp_backoff) exp_backoff *= 2 end end end # Pushes the job to restriction queue if it is restricted # If the job is within the concurrency limit, thus needs to be run, we # keep the running count incremented so that other calls don't erroneously # see a lower value and run their job. This count gets decremented by call # to release_restriction when job completes def stash_if_restricted(job) restricted = false tracking_key = tracking_key(*job.args) lock_key = lock_key(tracking_key) run_atomically(lock_key) do restricted = restricted?(tracking_key) if restricted push_to_restriction_queue(job) else increment_running_count(tracking_key) end end return restricted end # Returns the next job that is runnable def next_runnable_job(queue) tracking_key = get_next_runnable(queue) return nil unless tracking_key job = nil lock_key = lock_key(tracking_key) run_atomically(lock_key) do # since we don't have a lock when we get the runnable, # we need to check it again still_runnable = runnable?(tracking_key, queue) if still_runnable klazz = tracking_class(tracking_key) job = klazz.pop_from_restriction_queue(tracking_key, queue) end end return job end # Decrements the running_count - to be called at end of job def release_restriction(job) tracking_key = tracking_key(*job.args) lock_key = lock_key(tracking_key) run_atomically(lock_key) do # decrement the count after a job has run decrement_running_count(tracking_key) end end def stats results = {} queue_keys = Resque.redis.keys("concurrent:queue:*") queue_sizes = {} ident_sizes = {} queue_keys.each do |k| parts = k.split(":") ident = parts[3..-1].join(":") queue_name = parts[2] size = Resque.redis.llen(k) queue_sizes[queue_name] ||= 0 queue_sizes[queue_name] += size ident_sizes[ident] ||= 0 ident_sizes[ident] += size end count_keys = Resque.redis.keys("concurrent:count:*") running_counts = {} count_keys.each do |k| parts = k.split(":") ident = parts[2..-1].join(":") running_counts[ident] = Resque.redis.get(k).to_i end lock_keys = Resque.redis.keys("concurrent:lock:*") lock_count = lock_keys.size runnable_count = Resque.redis.scard(runnables_key) return { :queue_totals => { :by_queue_name => queue_sizes, :by_identifier => ident_sizes }, :running_counts => running_counts, :lock_count => lock_count, :runnable_count => runnable_count, } end end # Allows users to subclass instead of extending in their job classes class ConcurrentRestrictionJob extend ConcurrentRestriction end end end