# encoding: utf-8 require 'uri' module Backup module Notifier class Pushover < Base ## # The API User Token attr_accessor :user ## # The API Application Token attr_accessor :token ## # The user's device identifier to sent the message directly to, # rather than all of the user's devices attr_accessor :device ## # The message title attr_accessor :title ## # The priority of the notification attr_accessor :priority def initialize(model, &block) super instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end private ## # Notify the user of the backup operation results. # # `status` indicates one of the following: # # `:success` # : The backup completed successfully. # : Notification will be sent if `on_success` is `true`. # # `:warning` # : The backup completed successfully, but warnings were logged. # : Notification will be sent if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`. # # `:failure` # : The backup operation failed. # : Notification will be sent if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`. # def notify!(status) send_message(message.call(model, :status => status_data_for(status))) end def send_message(message) uri = 'https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json' data = { :user => user, :token => token, :message => message } [:device, :title, :priority].each do |param| val = send(param) data.merge!(param => val) if val end options = { :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, :body => URI.encode_www_form(data) } options.merge!(:expects => 200) # raise error if unsuccessful Excon.post(uri, options) end end end end