2021-02-03 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) Part 102: Mathematics -- General concepts and linear algebra International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 102: Mathematics -- General concepts and linear algebra https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/160 /preview/info_iec60050-102%7Bed1.0%7Db.pdf IEC 60050-102:2007 urn:iec:std:iec:60050-102:2007:::en 2007-08-27 International Electrotechnical Commission IEC www.iec.ch 1.0 en This part of IEC 60050 gives the general mathematical terminology used in the fields of electricity, electronics and telecommunications, together with basic concepts in linear algebra. It maintains a clear distinction between mathematical concepts and physical concepts, even if some terms are used in both cases. Another part will deal with functions. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108. 60 60 2007 International Electrotechnical Commission IEC www.iec.ch Geneva international-standard TC 1 - Terminology 01.040.07 Natural and applied sciences (Vocabularies) 07.020 Mathematics 60050