## Desired feature list * [X] Revise README.md * [] capistrano-runbook gem that integrates runbook into capistrano tasks * [] Create a generator for a runbook? Allow for custom generators? * Generate runbook templates * Generate runbook projects with Runbookfile, Gemfile, etc. * Generate plugins * [] Add Appraisal to test against multiple versions of Ruby * [] Update output to be more log friendly, including timestamps for operations * [] Allow for preventing echo when prompting for input * [] Add an ability for skipping mutation commands that will have an affect on the system * [] Add a revert section that does not get executed, but can be executed by passing a revert flag * [] Specify version in runbook to allow for supporting backwards incompatible runbook DSL format changes * [] Add support for sudo interaction handler for raw commands * [] Replace Thor with a solution that is more easily extendable (adding new flags, etc.) * [] Add goto statements for repeating steps (functionality exists in paranoid mode) * [] Add test statement * [] Feedback on completion of tmux commands (when they complete, return values, outputs) * [] Add shorter aliases for tmux layout keys * [] Add host aliases for ssh_config setters * [] Allow for step dependencies that get executed before the step * [] Add periodic flush for sshkit output * Add a way to execute a series of commands in groups * Docker testing story for more full-stack integration tests * Test integration with sshkit * Test sshkit-sudo functionality * logging solution for alternate output * Pattern for conditionally enabling plugins? Conditional plugins should be implemented as separate gems. * Requiring a plugin is the same as enabling it * Configuration can be added to toggle aspects of the plugin * Add a setup step that always executes even if start_at is defined * Yaml specification format (subset of Ruby) * Will not contain as much flexibility as Ruby format * Can convert from Ruby format to yaml (depending on compatibility) and yaml to Ruby * Guard for view updates (How to handle arguments?) * Be able to serve up markdown docs (web server) for easy viewing * Could provide a rake task for compiling and nooping runbooks? * Can specify input-format, output-format, input (file), and output (file)