describe 'up.util', -> u = up.util describe 'JavaScript functions', -> describe 'up.util.previewable', -> it 'wraps a function into a proxy function with an additional .promise attribute', -> fun = -> 'return value' proxy = up.util.previewable(fun) expect(u.isFunction(proxy)).toBe(true) expect(u.isPromise(proxy.promise)).toBe(true) expect(proxy()).toEqual('return value') it "resolves the proxy's .promise when the inner function returns", (done) -> fun = -> 'return value' proxy = up.util.previewable(fun) callback = jasmine.createSpy('promise callback') proxy.promise.then(callback) u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() proxy() u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('return value') done() it "delays resolution of the proxy's .promise if the inner function returns a promise", (done) -> funDeferred = u.newDeferred() fun = -> funDeferred proxy = up.util.previewable(fun) callback = jasmine.createSpy('promise callback') proxy.promise.then(callback) proxy() u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() funDeferred.resolve('return value') u.nextFrame -> expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('return value') done() describe 'up.util.DivertibleChain', -> it "instantiates a task queue whose (2..n)th tasks can be changed by calling '.asap'", (done) -> chain = new up.util.DivertibleChain() timer1Spy = jasmine.createSpy('timer1 has been called') timer1 = -> timer1Spy() u.promiseTimer(50) timer2Spy = jasmine.createSpy('timer2 has been called') timer2 = -> timer2Spy() u.promiseTimer(50) timer3Spy = jasmine.createSpy('timer3 has been called') timer3 = -> timer3Spy() u.promiseTimer(50) timer4Spy = jasmine.createSpy('timer4 has been called') timer4 = -> timer4Spy() u.promiseTimer(50) chain.asap(timer1) u.nextFrame -> expect(timer1Spy).toHaveBeenCalled() chain.asap(timer2) u.nextFrame -> # timer2 is still waiting for timer1 to finish expect(timer2Spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() # Override the (2..n)th tasks. This unschedules timer2. chain.asap(timer3, timer4) u.setTimer 80, -> expect(timer2Spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(timer3Spy).toHaveBeenCalled() u.setTimer 70, -> expect(timer4Spy).toHaveBeenCalled() done() describe 'up.util.sequence', -> it 'combines the given functions into a single function', -> values = [] one = -> values.push('one') two = -> values.push('two') three = -> values.push('three') sequence = up.util.sequence(one, two, three) expect(values).toEqual([]) sequence() expect(values).toEqual(['one', 'two', 'three']) describe 'up.util.createElementFromHtml', -> it 'parses a string that contains a serialized HTML document', -> string = """ document title
line 1
line 2
""" element = up.util.createElementFromHtml(string) expect(element.querySelector('head title').textContent).toEqual('document title') expect(element.querySelector('body').getAttribute('data-env')).toEqual('production') expect(element.querySelectorAll('body div').length).toBe(2) expect(element.querySelectorAll('body div')[0].textContent).toEqual('line 1') expect(element.querySelectorAll('body div')[1].textContent).toEqual('line 2') it 'parses a string that contains carriage returns (bugfix)', -> string = """ \r \r
\r \r \r """ $element = up.util.createElementFromHtml(string) expect($element.querySelector('body')).toBeGiven() expect($element.querySelector('body div').textContent).toEqual('line') it 'does not run forever if a page has a without a (bugfix)', -> html = """ <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <link href='/images/favicon.png' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/png'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1'> <base href="/examples/update-fragment/" /> <link href='|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700|Source+Sans+Pro:300,400,700,400italic,700italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/stylesheets/example/all.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="/javascripts/example.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="page"> <div class="story"> <h1>Full story</h1> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p> <a href="preview.html" up-target=".story"> Read summary </a> </div> </div> </body> </html> """ element = up.util.createElementFromHtml(html) expect(element.querySelector("title")).toBeMissing() expect(element.querySelector("h1").textContent).toEqual('Full story') it 'can parse HTML without a <head>', -> html = """ <html> <body> <h1>Full story</h1> </body> </html> """ element = up.util.createElementFromHtml(html) expect(element.querySelector("title")).toBeMissing() expect(element.querySelector("h1").textContent).toEqual('Full story') it 'can parse a HTML fragment without a <body>', -> html = """ <h1>Full story</h1> """ element = up.util.createElementFromHtml(html) expect(element.querySelector("title")).toBeMissing() expect(element.querySelector("h1").textContent).toEqual('Full story') describe 'up.util.isFixed', -> it 'returns true if the given element or one of its ancestors has a "fixed" CSS position', -> $grandGrandParent = affix('.grand-parent') $grandParent = $grandGrandParent.affix('.grand-parent') $parent = $grandParent.affix('.parent') $child = $parent.affix('.child') $grandParent.css(position: 'fixed') expect(up.util.isFixed($child)).toBe(true) expect(up.util.isFixed($parent)).toBe(true) expect(up.util.isFixed($grandParent)).toBe(true) expect(up.util.isFixed($grandGrandParent)).toBe(false) it 'returns false if the given element and its ancestors all have a non-"fixed" CSS position', -> $element = affix('.element') expect(up.util.isFixed($element)).toBe(false) describe 'up.util.setTimer', -> it 'calls the given function after waiting the given milliseconds', (done) -> callback = jasmine.createSpy() expectNotCalled = -> expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expectCalled = -> expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled() up.util.setTimer(100, callback) expectNotCalled() setTimeout(expectNotCalled, 50) setTimeout(expectCalled, 50 + 75) setTimeout(done, 50 + 75) describe 'if the delay is zero', -> it 'calls the given function in the next execution frame', -> callback = jasmine.createSpy() up.util.setTimer(0, callback) expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() setTimeout((-> expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled()), 0) # describe 'up.util.argNames', -> # # it 'returns an array of argument names for the given function', -> # fun = ($element, data) -> # expect(up.util.argNames(fun)).toEqual(['$element', 'data']) describe 'up.util.trim', -> it 'removes leading and trailing whitespace from the given string', -> string = "\t\n\r abc \r\n\t" expect(up.util.trim(string)).toEqual('abc') describe 'up.util.only', -> it 'returns a copy of the given object with only the given whitelisted properties', -> original = foo: 'foo-value' bar: 'bar-value' baz: 'baz-value' bam: 'bam-value' whitelisted = up.util.only(original, 'bar', 'bam') expect(whitelisted).toEqual bar: 'bar-value' bam: 'bam-value' # Show that original did not change expect(original).toEqual foo: 'foo-value' bar: 'bar-value' baz: 'baz-value' bam: 'bam-value' describe 'up.util.except', -> it 'returns a copy of the given object but omits the given blacklisted properties', -> original = foo: 'foo-value' bar: 'bar-value' baz: 'baz-value' bam: 'bam-value' whitelisted = up.util.except(original, 'foo', 'baz') expect(whitelisted).toEqual bar: 'bar-value' bam: 'bam-value' # Show that original did not change expect(original).toEqual foo: 'foo-value' bar: 'bar-value' baz: 'baz-value' bam: 'bam-value' describe 'up.util.selectorForElement', -> it "prefers using the element's 'up-id' attribute to using the element's ID", -> $element = affix('div[up-id=up-id-value]#id-value') expect(up.util.selectorForElement($element)).toBe("[up-id='up-id-value']") it "prefers using the element's ID to using the element's name", -> $element = affix('div#id-value[name=name-value]') expect(up.util.selectorForElement($element)).toBe("#id-value") it "prefers using the element's name to using the element's classes", -> $element = affix('div[name=name-value].class1.class2') expect(up.util.selectorForElement($element)).toBe("[name='name-value']") it "prefers using the element's classes to using the element's tag name", -> $element = affix('div.class1.class2') expect(up.util.selectorForElement($element)).toBe(".class1.class2") it "uses the element's tag name if no better description is available", -> $element = affix('div') expect(up.util.selectorForElement($element)).toBe("div") describe 'up.util.castedAttr', -> it 'returns true if the attribute value is the string "true"', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'true') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(true) it 'returns true if the attribute value is the name of the attribute', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'foo') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(true) it 'returns false if the attribute value is the string "false"', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'false') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(false) it 'returns undefined if the element has no such attribute', -> $element = affix('div') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(undefined) it 'returns the attribute value unchanged if the value is some string', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'some text') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe('some text') describe 'up.util.any', -> it 'returns true if an element in the array returns true for the given function', -> result = up.util.any [null, undefined, 'foo', ''], up.util.isPresent expect(result).toBe(true) it 'returns false if no element in the array returns true for the given function', -> result = up.util.any [null, undefined, ''], up.util.isPresent expect(result).toBe(false) it 'short-circuits once an element returns true', -> count = 0 up.util.any [null, undefined, 'foo', ''], (element) -> count += 1 up.util.isPresent(element) expect(count).toBe(3) describe 'up.util.all', -> it 'returns true if all element in the array returns true for the given function', -> result = up.util.all ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], up.util.isPresent expect(result).toBe(true) it 'returns false if an element in the array returns false for the given function', -> result = up.util.all ['foo', 'bar', null, 'baz'], up.util.isPresent expect(result).toBe(false) it 'short-circuits once an element returns false', -> count = 0 up.util.all ['foo', 'bar', '', 'baz'], (element) -> count += 1 up.util.isPresent(element) expect(count).toBe(3) describe 'up.util.isBlank', -> it 'returns false for false', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(false)).toBe(false) it 'returns false for true', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(true)).toBe(false) it 'returns true for null', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(null)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for undefined', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(undefined)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an empty String', -> expect(up.util.isBlank('')).toBe(true) it 'returns false for a String with at least one character', -> expect(up.util.isBlank('string')).toBe(false) it 'returns true for an empty array', -> expect(up.util.isBlank([])).toBe(true) it 'returns false for an array with at least one element', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(['element'])).toBe(false) it 'returns true for an empty jQuery collection', -> expect(up.util.isBlank($([]))).toBe(true) it 'returns false for a jQuery collection with at least one element', -> expect(up.util.isBlank($('body'))).toBe(false) it 'returns true for an empty object', -> expect(up.util.isBlank({})).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an object with at least one key', -> expect(up.util.isBlank({key: 'value'})).toBe(false) describe 'up.util.normalizeUrl', -> it 'normalizes a relative path', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('foo')).toBe("http://#{location.hostname}:#{location.port}/foo") it 'normalizes an absolute path', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('/foo')).toBe("http://#{location.hostname}:#{location.port}/foo") it 'normalizes a full URL', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('')).toBe('') it 'does not strip a trailing slash by default', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('/foo/')).toEqual("http://#{location.hostname}:#{location.port}/foo/") it 'normalizes redundant segments', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('/foo/../foo')).toBe("http://#{location.hostname}:#{location.port}/foo") describe 'up.util.detect', -> it 'finds the first element in the given array that matches the given tester', -> array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] tester = (element) -> element[0] == 'b' expect(up.util.detect(array, tester)).toEqual('bar') it "returns undefined if the given array doesn't contain a matching element", -> array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] tester = (element) -> element[0] == 'z' expect(up.util.detect(array, tester)).toBeUndefined() describe 'up.util.config', -> it 'creates an object with the given attributes', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1, b: 2) expect(object.a).toBe(1) expect(object.b).toBe(2) it 'does not allow to set a key that was not included in the factory settings', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1) object.b = 2 expect(object.b).toBeUndefined() describe '#reset', -> it 'resets the object to its original state', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1) expect(object.b).toBeUndefined() object.a = 2 expect(object.a).toBe(2) object.reset() expect(object.a).toBe(1) it 'does not remove the #reset or #update method from the object', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1) object.b = 2 object.reset() expect(object.reset).toBeDefined() describe 'up.util.remove', -> it 'removes the given string from the given array', -> array = ['a', 'b', 'c'] up.util.remove(array, 'b') expect(array).toEqual ['a', 'c'] it 'removes the given object from the given array', -> obj1 = { 'key': 1 } obj2 = { 'key': 2 } obj3 = { 'key': 3 } array = [obj1, obj2, obj3] up.util.remove(array, obj2) expect(array).toEqual [obj1, obj3] describe 'up.util.requestDataAsQuery', -> encodedOpeningBracket = '%5B' encodedClosingBracket = '%5D' encodedSpace = '%20' it 'returns the query section for the given object', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery('foo-key': 'foo value', 'bar-key': 'bar value') expect(string).toEqual("foo-key=foo#{encodedSpace}value&bar-key=bar#{encodedSpace}value") it 'returns the query section for the given nested object', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery('foo-key': { 'bar-key': 'bar-value' }, 'bam-key': 'bam-value') expect(string).toEqual("foo-key#{encodedOpeningBracket}bar-key#{encodedClosingBracket}=bar-value&bam-key=bam-value") it 'returns the query section for the given array with { name } and { value } keys', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery([ { name: 'foo-key', value: 'foo value' }, { name: 'bar-key', value: 'bar value' } ]) expect(string).toEqual("foo-key=foo#{encodedSpace}value&bar-key=bar#{encodedSpace}value") it 'returns an empty string for an empty object', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery({}) expect(string).toEqual('') it 'returns an empty string for an empty string', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery('') expect(string).toEqual('') it 'returns an empty string for undefined', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery(undefined) expect(string).toEqual('') it 'URL-encodes characters in the key and value', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery({ 'äpfel': 'bäume' }) expect(string).toEqual('%C3%A4pfel=b%C3%A4ume') it 'URL-encodes plus characters', -> string = up.util.requestDataAsQuery({ 'my+key': 'my+value' }) expect(string).toEqual('my%2Bkey=my%2Bvalue') describe 'up.util.unresolvablePromise', -> it 'return a pending promise', (done) -> promise = up.util.unresolvablePromise() promiseState(promise).then (result) -> expect(result.state).toEqual('pending') done() it 'returns a different object every time (to prevent memory leaks)', -> one = up.util.unresolvablePromise() two = up.util.unresolvablePromise() expect(one).not.toBe(two) describe 'up.util.requestDataAsArray', -> it 'normalized null to an empty array', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray(null) expect(array).toEqual([]) it 'normalized undefined to an empty array', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray(undefined) expect(array).toEqual([]) it 'normalizes an object hash to an array of objects with { name } and { value } keys', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray( 'foo-key': 'foo-value' 'bar-key': 'bar-value' ) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'foo-key', value: 'foo-value' }, { name: 'bar-key', value: 'bar-value' }, ]) it 'normalizes a nested object hash to a flat array using param naming conventions', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray( 'foo-key': 'foo-value' 'bar-key': { 'bam-key': 'bam-value' 'baz-key': { 'qux-key': 'qux-value' } } ) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'foo-key', value: 'foo-value' }, { name: 'bar-key[bam-key]', value: 'bam-value' }, { name: 'bar-key[baz-key][qux-key]', value: 'qux-value' }, ]) it 'returns a given array without modification', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray([ { name: 'foo-key', value: 'foo-value' }, { name: 'bar-key', value: 'bar-value' }, ]) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'foo-key', value: 'foo-value' }, { name: 'bar-key', value: 'bar-value' }, ]) it 'does not URL-encode special characters keys or values', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray( 'äpfel': { 'bäume': 'börse' } ) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'äpfel[bäume]', value: 'börse' }, ]) it 'does not URL-encode spaces in keys or values', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray( 'my key': 'my value' ) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'my key', value: 'my value' }, ]) it 'does not URL-encode ampersands in keys or values', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray( 'my&key': 'my&value' ) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'my&key', value: 'my&value' }, ]) it 'does not URL-encode equal signs in keys or values', -> array = up.util.requestDataAsArray( 'my=key': 'my=value' ) expect(array).toEqual([ { name: 'my=key', value: 'my=value' }, ]) describe 'up.util.flatten', -> it 'flattens the given array', -> array = [1, [2, 3], 4] expect(u.flatten(array)).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]) it 'only flattens one level deep for performance reasons', -> array = [1, [2, [3,4]], 5] expect(u.flatten(array)).toEqual([1, 2, [3, 4], 5]) describe 'up.util.renameKey', -> it 'renames a key in the given property', -> object = { a: 'a value', b: 'b value'} u.renameKey(object, 'a', 'c') expect(object.a).toBeUndefined() expect(object.b).toBe('b value') expect(object.c).toBe('a value') describe 'up.util.selectInSubtree', -> it 'finds the selector in ancestors and descendants of the given element', -> $grandMother = affix('.grand-mother.match') $mother = $grandMother.affix('.mother') $element = $mother.affix('.element') $child = $element.affix('.child.match') $grandChild = $child.affix('.grand-child.match') $matches = up.util.selectInSubtree($element, '.match') $expected = $child.add($grandChild) expect($matches).toEqual $expected it 'finds the element itself if it matches the selector', -> $element = affix('.element.match') $matches = up.util.selectInSubtree($element, '.match') expect($matches).toEqual $element describe 'when given a jQuery collection with multiple elements', -> it 'searches in a all subtrees of the given elements', -> $a_grandMother = affix('.grand-mother.match') $a_mother = $a_grandMother.affix('.mother') $a_element = $a_mother.affix('.element') $a_child = $a_element.affix('.child.match') $a_grandChild = $a_child.affix('.grand-child.match') $b_grandMother = affix('.grand-mother.match') $b_mother = $b_grandMother.affix('.mother') $b_element = $b_mother.affix('.element') $b_child = $b_element.affix('.child.match') $b_grandChild = $b_child.affix('.grand-child.match') $matches = up.util.selectInSubtree($a_element.add($b_element), '.match') expect($matches).toEqual $a_child.add($a_grandChild).add($b_child).add($b_grandChild) describe 'up.util.selectInDynasty', -> it 'finds the selector in both ancestors and descendants of the given element', -> $grandMother = affix('.grand-mother.match') $mother = $grandMother.affix('.mother') $element = $mother.affix('.element') $child = $element.affix('.child.match') $grandChild = $child.affix('.grand-child.match') $matches = up.util.selectInDynasty($element, '.match') $expected = $grandMother.add($child).add($grandChild) expect($matches).toEqual $expected it 'finds the element itself if it matches the selector', -> $element = affix('.element.match') $matches = up.util.selectInDynasty($element, '.match') expect($matches).toEqual $element describe 'up.util.isCrossDomain', -> it 'returns false for an absolute path', -> expect(up.util.isCrossDomain('/foo')).toBe(false) it 'returns false for an relative path', -> expect(up.util.isCrossDomain('foo')).toBe(false) it 'returns false for a fully qualified URL with the same protocol and hostname as the current location', -> fullUrl = "#{location.protocol}//#{}/foo" expect(up.util.isCrossDomain(fullUrl)).toBe(false) it 'returns true for a fully qualified URL with a different protocol than the current location', -> fullUrl = "otherprotocol://#{}/foo" expect(up.util.isCrossDomain(fullUrl)).toBe(true) it 'returns false for a fully qualified URL with a different hostname than the current location', -> fullUrl = "#{location.protocol}//other-host.tld/foo" expect(up.util.isCrossDomain(fullUrl)).toBe(true) describe 'up.util.isOptions', -> it 'returns true for an Object instance', -> expect(up.util.isOptions(new Object())).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an object literal', -> expect(up.util.isOptions({ foo: 'bar'})).toBe(true) it 'returns false for undefined', -> expect(up.util.isOptions(undefined)).toBe(false) it 'returns false for null', -> expect(up.util.isOptions(null)).toBe(false) it 'returns false for a function (which is technically an object)', -> fn = -> 'foo' fn.key = 'value' expect(up.util.isOptions(fn)).toBe(false) it 'returns false for an array', -> expect(up.util.isOptions(['foo'])).toBe(false) it 'returns false for a jQuery collection', -> expect(up.util.isOptions($('body'))).toBe(false) it 'returns false for a promise', -> expect(up.util.isOptions(Promise.resolve())).toBe(false) it 'returns false for a FormData object', -> expect(up.util.isOptions(new FormData())).toBe(false) describe 'up.util.isObject', -> it 'returns true for an Object instance', -> expect(up.util.isObject(new Object())).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an object literal', -> expect(up.util.isObject({ foo: 'bar'})).toBe(true) it 'returns false for undefined', -> expect(up.util.isObject(undefined)).toBe(false) it 'returns false for null', -> expect(up.util.isObject(null)).toBe(false) it 'returns true for a function (which is technically an object)', -> fn = -> 'foo' fn.key = 'value' expect(up.util.isObject(fn)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an array', -> expect(up.util.isObject(['foo'])).toBe(true) it 'returns true for a jQuery collection', -> expect(up.util.isObject($('body'))).toBe(true) it 'returns true for a promise', -> expect(up.util.isObject(Promise.resolve())).toBe(true) it 'returns true for a FormData object', -> expect(up.util.isObject(new FormData())).toBe(true) describe 'up.util.memoize', -> it 'returns a function that calls the memoized function', -> fun = (a, b) -> a + b memoized = u.memoize(fun) expect(memoized(2, 3)).toEqual(5) it 'returns the cached return value of the first call when called again', -> spy = jasmine.createSpy().and.returnValue(5) memoized = u.memoize(spy) expect(memoized(2, 3)).toEqual(5) expect(memoized(2, 3)).toEqual(5) expect(spy.calls.count()).toEqual(1) ['assign', 'assignPolyfill'].forEach (assignVariant) -> describe "up.util.#{assignVariant}", -> assign = up.util[assignVariant] it 'copies the second object into the first object', -> target = { a: 1 } source = { b: 2, c: 3 } assign(target, source) expect(target).toEqual { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } # Source is unchanged expect(source).toEqual { b: 2, c: 3 } it 'copies null property values', -> target = { a: 1, b: 2 } source = { b: null } assign(target, source) expect(target).toEqual { a: 1, b: null } it 'copies undefined property values', -> target = { a: 1, b: 2 } source = { b: undefined } assign(target, source) expect(target).toEqual { a: 1, b: undefined } it 'returns the first object', -> target = { a: 1 } source = { b: 2 } result = assign(target, source) expect(result).toBe(target) it 'takes multiple sources to copy from', -> target = { a: 1 } source1 = { b: 2, c: 3 } source2 = { d: 4, e: 5 } assign(target, source1, source2) expect(target).toEqual { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5 }