# RSpec::HTML _RSpec::HTML_ provides a simple object interface to HTML responses from [_RSpec Rails_ request specs](https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-rails/docs/request-specs/request-spec). ## Installation Add the gem to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'rspec-html', '~> 0.2.13' ``` And rebuild your bundle: ```bash $ bundle install ``` ## Usage Require the gem in your `spec_helper.rb`: ``` # spec/spec_helper.rb require 'rspec/html' ``` Several [matchers](#matchers) are provided to identify text and _HTML_ elements within the _DOM_. These matchers can only be used with the provided [object interface](#object-interface). ### Object Interface The top-level object `document` is available in all tests which reflects the current response body (e.g. in request specs). If you need to parse _HTML_ manually you can use the provided `parse_html` helper and then access `document` as normal: ```ruby before { parse_html('hello') } it 'says hello' do expect(document.body).to contain_text 'hello' end ``` This method can also be used for _ActionMailer_ emails: ```ruby before { parse_html(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.body.decoded) } ``` To navigate the _DOM_ by a sequence of tag names use chained method calls on the `document` object: #### Tag Traversal ```ruby expect(document.body.div.span).to contain_text 'some text' ``` #### Attribute Matching To select an element matching certain attributes pass a hash to any of the chained methods: ```ruby expect(document.body.div(id: 'my-div').span(align: 'left')).to contain_text 'some text' ``` Special attributes like `checked` can be found using the `#attributes` method: ```ruby expect(document.input(type: 'checkbox', name: 'my-name')).attributes).to include 'checked' ``` #### Class Matching _CSS_ classes are treated as a special case: to select an element matching a set of classes pass the `class` parameter: ```ruby expect(document.body.div(id: 'my-div').span(class: 'my-class')).to contain_text 'some text' expect(document.body.div(id: 'my-div').span(class: 'my-class my-other-class')).to contain_text 'some text' ``` Classes can be provided in any order, i.e. `'my-class my-other-class'` is equivalent to `'my-other-class my-class'`. #### Simple CSS Matching To use a simple CSS selector when no other attributes are needed, pass a string to the tag method: ```ruby expect(document.body.div('#my-id.my-class1.my-class2')).to contain_text 'some text' ``` This is effectively shorthand for: ```ruby expect(document.body.div(id: 'my-id', class: 'my-class1 my-class2')).to contain_text 'some text' ``` #### Text Matching To select an element that includes a given text string (i.e. excluding mark-up) use the `text` option: ```ruby expect(document.body.div(text: 'some text').input[:value]).to eql 'some-value' ``` #### Attribute Retrieval To select an attribute from an element use the hash-style interface: ```ruby expect(document.body.div.span[:class]).to contain_text 'my-class' expect(document.body.div.span['data-content']).to contain_text 'my content' ``` #### Retrieve all matching elements To select all matching elements as an array, use `#all`: ```ruby expect(document.span.all.map(&:text)).to eql ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] ``` #### Indexing a Matching Set To select an index from a set of matched elements use the array-style interface (the first matching element is `1`, not `0`): ```ruby expect(document.body.div[1].span[1][:class]).to contain_text 'my-class' ``` #### Element Existence To test if a matching element was found use the `exist` matcher: ```ruby expect(document.body.div[1]).to exist expect(document.body.div[4]).to_not exist ``` #### Length of matched attributes To test the length of matched elements use the `#size` or `#length` method: ```ruby expect(document.body.div.size).to eql 3 expect(document.body.div.length).to eql 3 ``` #### XPath / CSS Selectors If you need something more specific you can always use the _Nokogiri_ `#xpath` and `#css` methods on any element: ```ruby expect(document.body.xpath('//span[@class="my-class"]')).to contain_text 'some text' expect(document.body.css('span.my-class')).to contain_text 'some text' ``` To simply check that an _XPath_ or _CSS_ selector exists use `have_xpath` and `have_css`: ```ruby expect(document.body).to have_css 'html body div.myclass' expect(document.body).to have_xpath '//html/body/div[@class="myclass"]' ``` #### Checkboxes Use `be_checked` to test if a checkbox is checked: ```ruby expect(document.input(type: 'checkbox')).to be_checked ``` ### Custom Matchers #### match_text Use the `match_text` matcher to locate text within a _DOM_ element. All mark-up elements are stripped when using this matcher. This matcher receives either a string or a regular expression. ```ruby expect(document.body.form).to match_text 'Please enter your password' expect(document.body.form).to match_text /Please enter your [a-z]+/ ``` #### contain_tag Use the `contain_tag` matcher to locate _DOM_ elements within any given element. This matcher accepts two arguments: * The tag name of the element you want to match (e.g. `:div`); * _(Optional)_ A hash of options. All options supported by the [object interface](#object-interface) can be used here. Without options: ```ruby expect(document.div(class: 'my-class')).to contain_tag :span ``` With options: ```ruby expect(document.form(class: 'my-form')).to contain_tag :input, name: 'email', class: 'email-input' ``` ## Contributing Feel free to make a pull request. ## License [MIT License](LICENSE)