# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the lazier gem. Copyright (C) 2012 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Lazier do describe ".is_ruby_18?" do it "it return true for Ruby 1.8" do original_ruby_version = RUBY_VERSION ::Kernel::silence_warnings { Object.const_set("RUBY_VERSION", "1.8.7") } expect(::Lazier.is_ruby_18?).to be_true ::Kernel::silence_warnings { Object.const_set("RUBY_VERSION", original_ruby_version) } end it "it return false otherwise" do original_ruby_version = RUBY_VERSION ::Kernel::silence_warnings { Object.const_set("RUBY_VERSION", "1.9.3") } expect(::Lazier.is_ruby_18?).to be_false ::Kernel::silence_warnings { Object.const_set("RUBY_VERSION", original_ruby_version) } end end describe ".load!" do describe "should load all extensions by default" do ::Lazier.load! it "for Boolean" do expect(true).to respond_to("value") expect(true).to respond_to("to_i") end it "for DateTime" do expect(::DateTime).to respond_to("custom_format") expect(::DateTime.now).to respond_to("lstrftime") end it "for Hash" do expect({:a => "b"}).to respond_to("a") end it "for Math" do expect(::Math).to respond_to("min") end it "for Object" do expect(0).to respond_to("debug_dump") end it "for Pathname" do expect(::Pathname.new($0)).to respond_to("components") end it "for String" do expect("").to respond_to("remove_accents") end end end end