# encoding: utf-8 require 'uri' require 'paperclip/url_generator' require 'active_support/deprecation' module Paperclip # The Attachment class manages the files for a given attachment. It saves # when the model saves, deletes when the model is destroyed, and processes # the file upon assignment. class Attachment def self.default_options @default_options ||= { :convert_options => {}, :default_style => :original, :default_url => "/:attachment/:style/missing.png", :escape_url => true, :restricted_characters => /[&$+,\/:;=?@<>\[\]\{\}\|\\\^~%# ]/, :filename_cleaner => nil, :hash_data => ":class/:attachment/:id/:style/:updated_at", :hash_digest => "SHA1", :interpolator => Paperclip::Interpolations, :only_process => [], :path => ":rails_root/public:url", :preserve_files => false, :processors => [:thumbnail], :source_file_options => {}, :storage => :filesystem, :styles => {}, :url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename", :url_generator => Paperclip::UrlGenerator, :use_default_time_zone => true, :use_timestamp => true, :whiny => Paperclip.options[:whiny] || Paperclip.options[:whiny_thumbnails], :validate_media_type => true, :check_validity_before_processing => true } end attr_reader :name, :instance, :default_style, :convert_options, :queued_for_write, :whiny, :options, :interpolator, :source_file_options attr_accessor :post_processing # Creates an Attachment object. +name+ is the name of the attachment, # +instance+ is the model object instance it's attached to, and # +options+ is the same as the hash passed to +has_attached_file+. # # Options include: # # +url+ - a relative URL of the attachment. This is interpolated using +interpolator+ # +path+ - where on the filesystem to store the attachment. This is interpolated using +interpolator+ # +styles+ - a hash of options for processing the attachment. See +has_attached_file+ for the details # +only_process+ - style args to be run through the post-processor. This defaults to the empty list # +default_url+ - a URL for the missing image # +default_style+ - the style to use when an argument is not specified e.g. #url, #path # +storage+ - the storage mechanism. Defaults to :filesystem # +use_timestamp+ - whether to append an anti-caching timestamp to image URLs. Defaults to true # +whiny+, +whiny_thumbnails+ - whether to raise when thumbnailing fails # +use_default_time_zone+ - related to +use_timestamp+. Defaults to true # +hash_digest+ - a string representing a class that will be used to hash URLs for obfuscation # +hash_data+ - the relative URL for the hash data. This is interpolated using +interpolator+ # +hash_secret+ - a secret passed to the +hash_digest+ # +convert_options+ - flags passed to the +convert+ command for processing # +source_file_options+ - flags passed to the +convert+ command that controls how the file is read # +processors+ - classes that transform the attachment. Defaults to [:thumbnail] # +preserve_files+ - whether to keep files on the filesystem when deleting or clearing the attachment. Defaults to false # +filename_cleaner+ - An object that responds to #call(filename) that will strip unacceptable charcters from filename # +interpolator+ - the object used to interpolate filenames and URLs. Defaults to Paperclip::Interpolations # +url_generator+ - the object used to generate URLs, using the interpolator. Defaults to Paperclip::UrlGenerator # +escape_url+ - Perform URI escaping to URLs. Defaults to true def initialize(name, instance, options = {}) @name = name @instance = instance options = self.class.default_options.deep_merge(options) @options = options @post_processing = true @queued_for_delete = [] @queued_for_write = {} @errors = {} @dirty = false @interpolator = options[:interpolator] @url_generator = options[:url_generator].new(self, @options) @source_file_options = options[:source_file_options] @whiny = options[:whiny] initialize_storage end # What gets called when you call instance.attachment = File. It clears # errors, assigns attributes, and processes the file. It also queues up the # previous file for deletion, to be flushed away on #save of its host. In # addition to form uploads, you can also assign another Paperclip # attachment: # new_user.avatar = old_user.avatar def assign(uploaded_file) @file = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(uploaded_file) ensure_required_accessors! ensure_required_validations! if @file.assignment? clear(*only_process) if @file.nil? nil else assign_attributes post_process_file reset_file_if_original_reprocessed end else nil end end # Returns the public URL of the attachment with a given style. This does # not necessarily need to point to a file that your Web server can access # and can instead point to an action in your app, for example for fine grained # security; this has a serious performance tradeoff. # # Options: # # +timestamp+ - Add a timestamp to the end of the URL. Default: true. # +escape+ - Perform URI escaping to the URL. Default: true. # # Global controls (set on has_attached_file): # # +interpolator+ - The object that fills in a URL pattern's variables. # +default_url+ - The image to show when the attachment has no image. # +url+ - The URL for a saved image. # +url_generator+ - The object that generates a URL. Default: Paperclip::UrlGenerator. # # As mentioned just above, the object that generates this URL can be passed # in, for finer control. This object must respond to two methods: # # +#new(Paperclip::Attachment, options_hash)+ # +#for(style_name, options_hash)+ def url(style_name = default_style, options = {}) if options == true || options == false # Backwards compatibility. @url_generator.for(style_name, default_options.merge(:timestamp => options)) else @url_generator.for(style_name, default_options.merge(options)) end end def default_options { :timestamp => @options[:use_timestamp], :escape => @options[:escape_url] } end # Alias to +url+ that allows using the expiring_url method provided by the cloud # storage implementations, but keep using filesystem storage for development and # testing. def expiring_url(time = 3600, style_name = default_style) url(style_name) end # Returns the path of the attachment as defined by the :path option. If the # file is stored in the filesystem the path refers to the path of the file # on disk. If the file is stored in S3, the path is the "key" part of the # URL, and the :bucket option refers to the S3 bucket. def path(style_name = default_style) path = original_filename.nil? ? nil : interpolate(path_option, style_name) path.respond_to?(:unescape) ? path.unescape : path end # :nodoc: def staged_path(style_name = default_style) if staged? @queued_for_write[style_name].path end end # :nodoc: def staged? ! @queued_for_write.empty? end # Alias to +url+ def to_s style_name = default_style url(style_name) end def as_json(options = nil) to_s((options && options[:style]) || default_style) end def default_style @options[:default_style] end def styles if @options[:styles].respond_to?(:call) || @normalized_styles.nil? styles = @options[:styles] styles = styles.call(self) if styles.respond_to?(:call) @normalized_styles = styles.dup styles.each_pair do |name, options| @normalized_styles[name.to_sym] = Paperclip::Style.new(name.to_sym, options.dup, self) end end @normalized_styles end def only_process only_process = @options[:only_process].dup only_process = only_process.call(self) if only_process.respond_to?(:call) only_process.map(&:to_sym) end def processors processing_option = @options[:processors] if processing_option.respond_to?(:call) processing_option.call(instance) else processing_option end end # Returns an array containing the errors on this attachment. def errors @errors end # Returns true if there are changes that need to be saved. def dirty? @dirty end # Saves the file, if there are no errors. If there are, it flushes them to # the instance's errors and returns false, cancelling the save. def save flush_deletes unless @options[:keep_old_files] flush_writes @dirty = false true end # Clears out the attachment. Has the same effect as previously assigning # nil to the attachment. Does NOT save. If you wish to clear AND save, # use #destroy. def clear(*styles_to_clear) if styles_to_clear.any? queue_some_for_delete(*styles_to_clear) else queue_all_for_delete @queued_for_write = {} @errors = {} end end # Destroys the attachment. Has the same effect as previously assigning # nil to the attachment *and saving*. This is permanent. If you wish to # wipe out the existing attachment but not save, use #clear. def destroy clear save end # Returns the uploaded file if present. def uploaded_file instance_read(:uploaded_file) end # Returns the name of the file as originally assigned, and lives in the # _file_name attribute of the model. def original_filename instance_read(:file_name) end # Returns the size of the file as originally assigned, and lives in the # _file_size attribute of the model. def size instance_read(:file_size) || (@queued_for_write[:original] && @queued_for_write[:original].size) end # Returns the fingerprint of the file, if one's defined. The fingerprint is # stored in the _fingerprint attribute of the model. def fingerprint instance_read(:fingerprint) end # Returns the content_type of the file as originally assigned, and lives # in the _content_type attribute of the model. def content_type instance_read(:content_type) end # Returns the creation time of the file as originally assigned, and # lives in the _created_at attribute of the model. def created_at if able_to_store_created_at? time = instance_read(:created_at) time && time.to_f.to_i end end # Returns the last modified time of the file as originally assigned, and # lives in the _updated_at attribute of the model. def updated_at time = instance_read(:updated_at) time && time.to_f.to_i end # The time zone to use for timestamp interpolation. Using the default # time zone ensures that results are consistent across all threads. def time_zone @options[:use_default_time_zone] ? Time.zone_default : Time.zone end # Returns a unique hash suitable for obfuscating the URL of an otherwise # publicly viewable attachment. def hash_key(style_name = default_style) raise ArgumentError, "Unable to generate hash without :hash_secret" unless @options[:hash_secret] require 'openssl' unless defined?(OpenSSL) data = interpolate(@options[:hash_data], style_name) OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.const_get(@options[:hash_digest]).new, @options[:hash_secret], data) end # This method really shouldn't be called that often. It's expected use is # in the paperclip:refresh rake task and that's it. It will regenerate all # thumbnails forcefully, by reobtaining the original file and going through # the post-process again. # NOTE: Calling reprocess WILL NOT delete existing files. This is due to # inconsistencies in timing of S3 commands. It's possible that calling # #reprocess! will lose data if the files are not kept. def reprocess!(*style_args) saved_only_process, @options[:only_process] = @options[:only_process], style_args saved_preserve_files, @options[:preserve_files] = @options[:preserve_files], true begin assign(self) save instance.save rescue Errno::EACCES => e warn "#{e} - skipping file." false ensure @options[:only_process] = saved_only_process @options[:preserve_files] = saved_preserve_files end end # Returns true if a file has been assigned. def file? !original_filename.blank? end alias :present? :file? def blank? not present? end # Determines whether the instance responds to this attribute. Used to prevent # calculations on fields we won't even store. def instance_respond_to?(attr) instance.respond_to?(:"#{name}_#{attr}") end # Writes the attachment-specific attribute on the instance. For example, # instance_write(:file_name, "me.jpg") will write "me.jpg" to the instance's # "avatar_file_name" field (assuming the attachment is called avatar). def instance_write(attr, value) setter = :"#{name}_#{attr}=" if instance.respond_to?(setter) instance.send(setter, value) end end # Reads the attachment-specific attribute on the instance. See instance_write # for more details. def instance_read(attr) getter = :"#{name}_#{attr}" if instance.respond_to?(getter) instance.send(getter) end end private def path_option @options[:path].respond_to?(:call) ? @options[:path].call(self) : @options[:path] end def active_validator_classes @instance.class.validators.map(&:class) end def missing_required_validator? (active_validator_classes.flat_map(&:ancestors) & Paperclip::REQUIRED_VALIDATORS).empty? end def ensure_required_validations! if missing_required_validator? raise Paperclip::Errors::MissingRequiredValidatorError end end def ensure_required_accessors! #:nodoc: %w(file_name).each do |field| unless @instance.respond_to?("#{name}_#{field}") && @instance.respond_to?("#{name}_#{field}=") raise Paperclip::Error.new("#{@instance.class} model missing required attr_accessor for '#{name}_#{field}'") end end end def log message #:nodoc: Paperclip.log(message) end def initialize_storage #:nodoc: storage_class_name = @options[:storage].to_s.downcase.camelize begin storage_module = Paperclip::Storage.const_get(storage_class_name) rescue NameError raise Errors::StorageMethodNotFound, "Cannot load storage module '#{storage_class_name}'" end self.extend(storage_module) end def assign_attributes @queued_for_write[:original] = @file assign_file_information assign_fingerprint(@file.fingerprint) assign_timestamps end def assign_file_information instance_write(:file_name, cleanup_filename(@file.original_filename)) instance_write(:content_type, @file.content_type.to_s.strip) instance_write(:file_size, @file.size) end def assign_fingerprint(fingerprint) if instance_respond_to?(:fingerprint) instance_write(:fingerprint, fingerprint) end end def assign_timestamps if has_enabled_but_unset_created_at? instance_write(:created_at, Time.now) end instance_write(:updated_at, Time.now) end def post_process_file dirty! if post_processing post_process(*only_process) end end def dirty! @dirty = true end def reset_file_if_original_reprocessed instance_write(:file_size, @queued_for_write[:original].size) assign_fingerprint(@queued_for_write[:original].fingerprint) reset_updater end def reset_updater if instance.respond_to?(updater) instance.send(updater) end end def updater :"#{name}_file_name_will_change!" end def extra_options_for(style) #:nodoc: process_options(:convert_options, style) end def extra_source_file_options_for(style) #:nodoc: process_options(:source_file_options, style) end def process_options(options_type, style) #:nodoc: all_options = @options[options_type][:all] all_options = all_options.call(instance) if all_options.respond_to?(:call) style_options = @options[options_type][style] style_options = style_options.call(instance) if style_options.respond_to?(:call) [ style_options, all_options ].compact.join(" ") end def post_process(*style_args) #:nodoc: return if @queued_for_write[:original].nil? instance.run_paperclip_callbacks(:post_process) do instance.run_paperclip_callbacks(:"#{name}_post_process") do unless @options[:check_validity_before_processing] && instance.errors.any? post_process_styles(*style_args) end end end end def post_process_styles(*style_args) #:nodoc: post_process_style(:original, styles[:original]) if styles.include?(:original) && process_style?(:original, style_args) styles.reject{ |name, style| name == :original }.each do |name, style| post_process_style(name, style) if process_style?(name, style_args) end end def post_process_style(name, style) #:nodoc: begin raise RuntimeError.new("Style #{name} has no processors defined.") if style.processors.blank? intermediate_files = [] @queued_for_write[name] = style.processors.inject(@queued_for_write[:original]) do |file, processor| file = Paperclip.processor(processor).make(file, style.processor_options, self) intermediate_files << file file end unadapted_file = @queued_for_write[name] @queued_for_write[name] = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@queued_for_write[name]) unadapted_file.close if unadapted_file.respond_to?(:close) @queued_for_write[name] rescue Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError => e log("An error was received while processing: #{e.inspect}") (@errors[:processing] ||= []) << e.message if @options[:whiny] ensure unlink_files(intermediate_files) end end def process_style?(style_name, style_args) #:nodoc: style_args.empty? || style_args.include?(style_name) end def interpolate(pattern, style_name = default_style) #:nodoc: interpolator.interpolate(pattern, self, style_name) end def queue_some_for_delete(*styles) @queued_for_delete += styles.uniq.map do |style| path(style) if exists?(style) end.compact end def queue_all_for_delete #:nodoc: return if !file? unless @options[:preserve_files] @queued_for_delete += [:original, *styles.keys].uniq.map do |style| path(style) if exists?(style) end.compact end instance_write(:file_name, nil) instance_write(:content_type, nil) instance_write(:file_size, nil) instance_write(:fingerprint, nil) instance_write(:created_at, nil) if has_enabled_but_unset_created_at? instance_write(:updated_at, nil) end def flush_errors #:nodoc: @errors.each do |error, message| [message].flatten.each {|m| instance.errors.add(name, m) } end end # called by storage after the writes are flushed and before @queued_for_write is cleared def after_flush_writes unlink_files(@queued_for_write.values) end def unlink_files(files) Array(files).each do |file| file.close unless file.closed? file.unlink if file.respond_to?(:unlink) && file.path.present? && File.exist?(file.path) end end # You can either specifiy :restricted_characters or you can define your own # :filename_cleaner object. This object needs to respond to #call and takes # the filename that will be cleaned. It should return the cleaned filenme. def filename_cleaner @options[:filename_cleaner] || FilenameCleaner.new(@options[:restricted_characters]) end def cleanup_filename(filename) filename_cleaner.call(filename) end # Check if attachment database table has a created_at field def able_to_store_created_at? @instance.respond_to?("#{name}_created_at".to_sym) end # Check if attachment database table has a created_at field which is not yet set def has_enabled_but_unset_created_at? able_to_store_created_at? && !instance_read(:created_at) end end end