require 'bundler/gem_tasks' # Add rspec tasks for testing require 'rspec/core/rake_task''spec') # Load instance manager require './lib/architect4r/instance_manager' # Setting up default tasks desc "Run specs" task :default => :spec namespace :server do current_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) server_path = File.join(current_path, 'neo4j_server') neo_manager = # Install is partialy taken the # But only Unix part of it for now desc "Install test server" task :install do puts "Installing Neo4j server (community edition)..." %x[wget] %x[tar -xvzf neo4j-community-1.5-unix.tar.gz] %x[mv neo4j-community-1.5 neo4j_server] %x[rm neo4j-community-1.5-unix.tar.gz] puts "Neo4j Installed in to neo4j_server directory." puts "Type 'rake server:start' to start it or 'rake server:stop' to stop" end desc "Stop the neo4j server" task :start do neo_manager.start end desc "Stop the neo4j server" task :stop do neo_manager.stop end desc "Reset the test server" task :reset do neo_manager.reset_to_sample_data("#{current_path}/spec/fixtures/graph.db.default/") end end