== 1.7.0 2009-03-03 * rails/javascript_test: -j/--jshoulda flag to use jshoulda instead of vanilla jsunittest * rack/javascript_test: same as rails/javascript_test but for non-rails web apps * jshoulda is vendored and copied into project via "rake vendor:update:jshoulda" == 1.6.0 2008-10-09 * page generator (for newjs_iphone) - creates src/model.js,.css,.html and test/test_model.html == 1.5.1 2008-10-09 * Added newsjs_iphone to Manifest for distribution == 1.5.0 2008-10-05 * newjs_iphone: installs variant of newjs in Html/ subfolder of an Xcode project This includes Html/Rakefile, Html/script/generate etc. It is still a work in progress, e.g. do we need specific generators etc. * Update jsunittest files for 0.7.2 == 1.4.2 2008-07-08 * Updated the gem dependencies == 1.4.1 2008-07-08 * rstakeout: fixed !# ruby * newjs: creates src/proj_name.js.erb to show its a template, not a js file == 1.4.0 2008-05-03 * javascript_test: nested folders for tests; e.g. javascript_test models/game -> test/javascript/models/game_test.html * javascript_test: rake tasks/js_autotest - support nested folders for tests * javascript_test: -f/--framework=[jquery|prototype] - deploys + includes external framework * javascript_test: -l/--library - creates a name.js stub file * install_website: txt webpages are processed through ERb == 1.3.7 2008-03-04 * Update to jsunittest 0.6.3 with IE6/7 fixes == 1.3.6 2008-02-21 * rails/javascript_test: mounts public/javascripts not src == 1.3.5 2008-02-20 * Arrg - upgrading to rubigen 1.2.2 == 1.3.4 2008-02-20 * update jsunittest.js to 0.6.1 == 1.3.3 2008-02-20 * Push out rubigen 1.2.1 with its bug fixes for APP_ROOT * generate/destroy apply expand_path to APP_ROOT == 1.3.2 2008-02-20 * remove options from 'env ruby' in newjs bin == 1.3.1 2008-02-18 * rails/javascript_test: unpacks rstakeout/js_autotest too == 1.3.0 2008-02-18 * rails: javascript_test generator - creates HTML test, plus installs assets + rake tasks * install_website: txt2html uses RUBYFORGE_PROJECT for downloads url == 1.2.0 2008-02-18 MAJOR CHANGE * using jsunittest (http://drnicjavascript.rubyforge.org/jsunittest/) * no prototypejs dependencies == 1.1.0 2008-02-17 MAJOR CHANGE - test files in test/unit HOWTO UPGRADE: * Run 'newjs .' within your project * Take note of differences and apply them to your files * Move all tests to test/unit and add '../' to all