require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper') describe "Twitter::ClassUtilMixin mixed-in class" do before(:each) do class TestClass include Twitter::ClassUtilMixin attr_accessor :var1, :var2, :var3 end @init_hash = { :var1 => 'val1', :var2 => 'val2', :var3 => 'val3' } end it "should have Twitter::ClassUtilMixin as an included module" do TestClass.included_modules.member?(Twitter::ClassUtilMixin).should be(true) end it "should set attributes passed in the hash to" do test = @init_hash.each do |key, val| test.send(key).should eql(val) end end it "should not set attributes passed in the hash that are not attributes in" do test = nil lambda { test = => 'val4')) }.should_not raise_error test.respond_to?(:var4).should be(false) end end describe "Twitter::RESTError#to_s" do before(:each) do @hash = { :code => 200, :message => 'OK', :uri => '' } @error = @expected_message = "HTTP #{@hash[:code]}: #{@hash[:message]} at #{@hash[:uri]}" end it "should return @expected_message" do @error.to_s.should eql(@expected_message) end end describe "Twitter::Status#eql?" do before(:each) do @id = 34329594003 @attr_hash = { :text => 'Status', :id => @id, :user => { :name => 'Tess', :description => "Unfortunate D'Urberville", :location => 'Dorset', :url => nil, :id => 34320304, :screen_name => 'maiden_no_more' }, :created_at => 'Wed May 02 03:04:54 +0000 2007'} @obj = @attr_hash @other = @attr_hash end it "should return true when non-transient object attributes are eql?" do @obj.should eql(@other) end it "should return false when not all non-transient object attributes are eql?" do @other.created_at = @obj.should_not eql(@other) end it "should return true when comparing same object to itself" do @obj.should eql(@obj) @other.should eql(@other) end end describe "Twitter::User#eql?" do before(:each) do @attr_hash = { :name => 'Elizabeth Jane Newson-Henshard', :description => "Wronged 'Daughter'", :location => 'Casterbridge', :url => nil, :id => 6748302, :screen_name => 'mayors_daughter_or_was_she?' } @obj = @attr_hash @other = @attr_hash end it "should return true when non-transient object attributes are eql?" do @obj.should eql(@other) end it "should return false when not all non-transient object attributes are eql?" do = 1 @obj.should_not eql(@other) @obj.eql?(@other).should be(false) end it "should return true when comparing same object to itself" do @obj.should eql(@obj) @other.should eql(@other) end end describe "Twitter::ClassUtilMixin#require_block" do before(:each) do class TestClass include Twitter::ClassUtilMixin end @test_subject = end it "should respond to :require_block" do @test_subject.should respond_to(:require_block) end it "should raise ArgumentError when block not given" do lambda { @test_subject.send(:require_block, false) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise ArgumentError when block is given" do lambda { @test_subject.send(:require_block, true) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end after(:each) do @test_subject = nil end end