Ruby on Rails Security Guide
This manual describes common security problems in web applications and how to avoid them with Rails.
After reading this guide, you will know:
* All countermeasures _that are highlighted_.
* The concept of sessions in Rails, what to put in there and popular attack methods.
* How just visiting a site can be a security problem (with CSRF).
* What you have to pay attention to when working with files or providing an administration interface.
* How to manage users: Logging in and out and attack methods on all layers.
* And the most popular injection attack methods.
Web application frameworks are made to help developers build web applications. Some of them also help you with securing the web application. In fact one framework is not more secure than another: If you use it correctly, you will be able to build secure apps with many frameworks. Ruby on Rails has some clever helper methods, for example against SQL injection, so that this is hardly a problem.
In general there is no such thing as plug-n-play security. Security depends on the people using the framework, and sometimes on the development method. And it depends on all layers of a web application environment: The back-end storage, the web server and the web application itself (and possibly other layers or applications).
The Gartner Group however estimates that 75% of attacks are at the web application layer, and found out "that out of 300 audited sites, 97% are vulnerable to attack". This is because web applications are relatively easy to attack, as they are simple to understand and manipulate, even by the lay person.
The threats against web applications include user account hijacking, bypass of access control, reading or modifying sensitive data, or presenting fraudulent content. Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited e-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources. In order to prevent attacks, minimize their impact and remove points of attack, first of all, you have to fully understand the attack methods in order to find the correct countermeasures. That is what this guide aims at.
In order to develop secure web applications you have to keep up to date on all layers and know your enemies. To keep up to date subscribe to security mailing lists, read security blogs and make updating and security checks a habit (check the [Additional Resources](#additional-resources) chapter). It is done manually because that's how you find the nasty logical security problems.
A good place to start looking at security is with sessions, which can be vulnerable to particular attacks.
### What are Sessions?
NOTE: _HTTP is a stateless protocol. Sessions make it stateful._
Most applications need to keep track of certain state of a particular user. This could be the contents of a shopping basket or the user id of the currently logged in user. Without the idea of sessions, the user would have to identify, and probably authenticate, on every request.
Rails will create a new session automatically if a new user accesses the application. It will load an existing session if the user has already used the application.
A session usually consists of a hash of values and a session id, usually a 32-character string, to identify the hash. Every cookie sent to the client's browser includes the session id. And the other way round: the browser will send it to the server on every request from the client. In Rails you can save and retrieve values using the session method:
session[:user_id] =
### Session id
NOTE: _The session id is a 32 byte long MD5 hash value._
A session id consists of the hash value of a random string. The random string is the current time, a random number between 0 and 1, the process id number of the Ruby interpreter (also basically a random number) and a constant string. Currently it is not feasible to brute-force Rails' session ids. To date MD5 is uncompromised, but there have been collisions, so it is theoretically possible to create another input text with the same hash value. But this has had no security impact to date.
### Session Hijacking
WARNING: _Stealing a user's session id lets an attacker use the web application in the victim's name._
Many web applications have an authentication system: a user provides a user name and password, the web application checks them and stores the corresponding user id in the session hash. From now on, the session is valid. On every request the application will load the user, identified by the user id in the session, without the need for new authentication. The session id in the cookie identifies the session.
Hence, the cookie serves as temporary authentication for the web application. Anyone who seizes a cookie from someone else, may use the web application as this user - with possibly severe consequences. Here are some ways to hijack a session, and their countermeasures:
* Sniff the cookie in an insecure network. A wireless LAN can be an example of such a network. In an unencrypted wireless LAN it is especially easy to listen to the traffic of all connected clients. For the web application builder this means to _provide a secure connection over SSL_. In Rails 3.1 and later, this could be accomplished by always forcing SSL connection in your application config file:
config.force_ssl = true
* Most people don't clear out the cookies after working at a public terminal. So if the last user didn't log out of a web application, you would be able to use it as this user. Provide the user with a _log-out button_ in the web application, and _make it prominent_.
* Many cross-site scripting (XSS) exploits aim at obtaining the user's cookie. You'll read [more about XSS](#cross-site-scripting-xss) later.
* Instead of stealing a cookie unknown to the attacker, they fix a user's session identifier (in the cookie) known to them. Read more about this so-called session fixation later.
The main objective of most attackers is to make money. The underground prices for stolen bank login accounts range from $10-$1000 (depending on the available amount of funds), $0.40-$20 for credit card numbers, $1-$8 for online auction site accounts and $4-$30 for email passwords, according to the [Symantec Global Internet Security Threat Report](
### Session Guidelines
Here are some general guidelines on sessions.
* _Do not store large objects in a session_. Instead you should store them in the database and save their id in the session. This will eliminate synchronization headaches and it won't fill up your session storage space (depending on what session storage you chose, see below).
This will also be a good idea, if you modify the structure of an object and old versions of it are still in some user's cookies. With server-side session storages you can clear out the sessions, but with client-side storages, this is hard to mitigate.
* _Critical data should not be stored in session_. If the user clears their cookies or closes the browser, they will be lost. And with a client-side session storage, the user can read the data.
### Session Storage
NOTE: _Rails provides several storage mechanisms for the session hashes. The most important is `ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore`._
Rails 2 introduced a new default session storage, CookieStore. CookieStore saves the session hash directly in a cookie on the client-side. The server retrieves the session hash from the cookie and eliminates the need for a session id. That will greatly increase the speed of the application, but it is a controversial storage option and you have to think about the security implications of it:
* Cookies imply a strict size limit of 4kB. This is fine as you should not store large amounts of data in a session anyway, as described before. _Storing the current user's database id in a session is usually ok_.
* The client can see everything you store in a session, because it is stored in clear-text (actually Base64-encoded, so not encrypted). So, of course, _you don't want to store any secrets here_. To prevent session hash tampering, a digest is calculated from the session with a server-side secret and inserted into the end of the cookie.
That means the security of this storage depends on this secret (and on the digest algorithm, which defaults to SHA1, for compatibility). So _don't use a trivial secret, i.e. a word from a dictionary, or one which is shorter than 30 characters_.
`secrets.secret_key_base` is used for specifying a key which allows sessions for the application to be verified against a known secure key to prevent tampering. Applications get `secrets.secret_key_base` initialized to a random key present in `config/secrets.yml`, e.g.:
secret_key_base: a75d...
secret_key_base: 492f...
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
Older versions of Rails use CookieStore, which uses `secret_token` instead of `secret_key_base` that is used by EncryptedCookieStore. Read the upgrade documentation for more information.
If you have received an application where the secret was exposed (e.g. an application whose source was shared), strongly consider changing the secret.
### Replay Attacks for CookieStore Sessions
TIP: _Another sort of attack you have to be aware of when using `CookieStore` is the replay attack._
It works like this:
* A user receives credits, the amount is stored in a session (which is a bad idea anyway, but we'll do this for demonstration purposes).
* The user buys something.
* The new adjusted credit value is stored in the session.
* The user takes the cookie from the first step (which they previously copied) and replaces the current cookie in the browser.
* The user has their original credit back.
Including a nonce (a random value) in the session solves replay attacks. A nonce is valid only once, and the server has to keep track of all the valid nonces. It gets even more complicated if you have several application servers (mongrels). Storing nonces in a database table would defeat the entire purpose of CookieStore (avoiding accessing the database).
The best _solution against it is not to store this kind of data in a session, but in the database_. In this case store the credit in the database and the logged_in_user_id in the session.
### Session Fixation
NOTE: _Apart from stealing a user's session id, the attacker may fix a session id known to them. This is called session fixation._

This attack focuses on fixing a user's session id known to the attacker, and forcing the user's browser into using this id. It is therefore not necessary for the attacker to steal the session id afterwards. Here is how this attack works:
* The attacker creates a valid session id: They load the login page of the web application where they want to fix the session, and take the session id in the cookie from the response (see number 1 and 2 in the image).
* They maintain the session by accessing the web application periodically in order to keep an expiring session alive.
* The attacker forces the user's browser into using this session id (see number 3 in the image). As you may not change a cookie of another domain (because of the same origin policy), the attacker has to run a JavaScript from the domain of the target web application. Injecting the JavaScript code into the application by XSS accomplishes this attack. Here is an example: ``. Read more about XSS and injection later on.
* The attacker lures the victim to the infected page with the JavaScript code. By viewing the page, the victim's browser will change the session id to the trap session id.
* As the new trap session is unused, the web application will require the user to authenticate.
* From now on, the victim and the attacker will co-use the web application with the same session: The session became valid and the victim didn't notice the attack.
### Session Fixation - Countermeasures
TIP: _One line of code will protect you from session fixation._
The most effective countermeasure is to _issue a new session identifier_ and declare the old one invalid after a successful login. That way, an attacker cannot use the fixed session identifier. This is a good countermeasure against session hijacking, as well. Here is how to create a new session in Rails:
If you use the popular RestfulAuthentication plugin for user management, add reset_session to the SessionsController#create action. Note that this removes any value from the session, _you have to transfer them to the new session_.
Another countermeasure is to _save user-specific properties in the session_, verify them every time a request comes in, and deny access, if the information does not match. Such properties could be the remote IP address or the user agent (the web browser name), though the latter is less user-specific. When saving the IP address, you have to bear in mind that there are Internet service providers or large organizations that put their users behind proxies. _These might change over the course of a session_, so these users will not be able to use your application, or only in a limited way.
### Session Expiry
NOTE: _Sessions that never expire extend the time-frame for attacks such as cross-site request forgery (CSRF), session hijacking and session fixation._
One possibility is to set the expiry time-stamp of the cookie with the session id. However the client can edit cookies that are stored in the web browser so expiring sessions on the server is safer. Here is an example of how to _expire sessions in a database table_. Call `Session.sweep("20 minutes")` to expire sessions that were used longer than 20 minutes ago.
class Session < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.sweep(time = 1.hour)
if time.is_a?(String)
time = time.split.inject { |count, unit| count.to_i.send(unit) }
delete_all "updated_at < '#{time.ago.to_s(:db)}'"
The section about session fixation introduced the problem of maintained sessions. An attacker maintaining a session every five minutes can keep the session alive forever, although you are expiring sessions. A simple solution for this would be to add a created_at column to the sessions table. Now you can delete sessions that were created a long time ago. Use this line in the sweep method above:
delete_all "updated_at < '#{time.ago.to_s(:db)}' OR
created_at < '#{2.days.ago.to_s(:db)}'"
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
This attack method works by including malicious code or a link in a page that accesses a web application that the user is believed to have authenticated. If the session for that web application has not timed out, an attacker may execute unauthorized commands.

In the [session chapter](#sessions) you have learned that most Rails applications use cookie-based sessions. Either they store the session id in the cookie and have a server-side session hash, or the entire session hash is on the client-side. In either case the browser will automatically send along the cookie on every request to a domain, if it can find a cookie for that domain. The controversial point is, that it will also send the cookie, if the request comes from a site of a different domain. Let's start with an example:
* Bob browses a message board and views a post from a hacker where there is a crafted HTML image element. The element references a command in Bob's project management application, rather than an image file.
* ``
* Bob's session at is still alive, because he didn't log out a few minutes ago.
* By viewing the post, the browser finds an image tag. It tries to load the suspected image from As explained before, it will also send along the cookie with the valid session id.
* The web application at verifies the user information in the corresponding session hash and destroys the project with the ID 1. It then returns a result page which is an unexpected result for the browser, so it will not display the image.
* Bob doesn't notice the attack - but a few days later he finds out that project number one is gone.
It is important to notice that the actual crafted image or link doesn't necessarily have to be situated in the web application's domain, it can be anywhere - in a forum, blog post or email.
CSRF appears very rarely in CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) - less than 0.1% in 2006 - but it really is a 'sleeping giant' [Grossman]. This is in stark contrast to the results in many security contract works - _CSRF is an important security issue_.
### CSRF Countermeasures
NOTE: _First, as is required by the W3C, use GET and POST appropriately. Secondly, a security token in non-GET requests will protect your application from CSRF._
The HTTP protocol basically provides two main types of requests - GET and POST (and more, but they are not supported by most browsers). The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides a checklist for choosing HTTP GET or POST:
**Use GET if:**
* The interaction is more _like a question_ (i.e., it is a safe operation such as a query, read operation, or lookup).
**Use POST if:**
* The interaction is more _like an order_, or
* The interaction _changes the state_ of the resource in a way that the user would perceive (e.g., a subscription to a service), or
* The user is _held accountable for the results_ of the interaction.
If your web application is RESTful, you might be used to additional HTTP verbs, such as PATCH, PUT or DELETE. Most of today's web browsers, however do not support them - only GET and POST. Rails uses a hidden `_method` field to handle this barrier.
_POST requests can be sent automatically, too_. Here is an example for a link which displays as destination in the browser's status bar. In fact it dynamically creates a new form that sends a POST request.
To the harmless survey
Or the attacker places the code into the onmouseover event handler of an image:
There are many other possibilities, like using a `
This JavaScript code will simply display an alert box. The next examples do exactly the same, only in very uncommon places: