GitHub Markup ============= We use this library on GitHub when rendering your README or any other rich text file. Markups ------- The following markups are supported. The dependencies listed are required if you wish to run the library. You can also run `script/bootstrap` to fetch them all. * [.markdown, .mdown, .md]( -- `gem install redcarpet` ( * [.textile]( -- `gem install RedCloth` * [.rdoc]( -- `gem install rdoc -v 3.6.1` * [.org]( -- `gem install org-ruby` * [.creole]( -- `gem install creole` * [.mediawiki]( -- `gem install wikicloth` * [.rst]( -- `easy_install docutils` * [.asciidoc, .adoc, .asc]( -- `gem install asciidoctor` ( * [.pod]( -- `Pod::Simple::HTML` comes with Perl >= 5.10. Lower versions should install Pod::Simple from CPAN. Contributing ------------ Want to contribute? Great! There are two ways to add markups. ### Commands If your markup is in a language other than Ruby, drop a translator script in `lib/github/commands` which accepts input on STDIN and returns HTML on STDOUT. See [rest2html][r2h] for an example. Once your script is in place, edit `lib/github/markups.rb` and tell GitHub Markup about it. Again we look to [rest2html][r2hc] for guidance: command(:rest2html, /re?st(.txt)?/) Here we're telling GitHub Markup of the existence of a `rest2html` command which should be used for any file ending in `rest`, `rst`, `rest.txt` or `rst.txt`. Any regular expression will do. Finally add your tests. Create a `README.extension` in `test/markups` along with a `README.extension.html`. As you may imagine, the `README.extension` should be your known input and the `README.extension.html` should be the desired output. Now run the tests: `rake` If nothing complains, congratulations! ### Classes If your markup can be translated using a Ruby library, that's great. Check out `lib/github/markups.rb` for some examples. Let's look at Markdown: markup(:markdown, /md|mkdn?|markdown/) do |content| end We give the `markup` method three bits of information: the name of the file to `require`, a regular expression for extensions to match, and a block to run with unformatted markup which should return HTML. If you need to monkeypatch a RubyGem or something, check out the included RDoc example. Tests should be added in the same manner as described under the `Commands` section. Installation ----------- gem install github-markup Usage ----- require 'github/markup' GitHub::Markup.render('README.markdown', "* One\n* Two") Or, more realistically: require 'github/markup' GitHub::Markup.render(file, Testing ------- To run the tests: $ rake To add tests see the `Commands` section earlier in this README. Contributing ------------ 1. Fork it. 2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b my_markup`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am "Added Snarkdown"`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my_markup`) 5. Open a [Pull Request][1] 6. Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait [r2h]: lib/github/commands/rest2html [r2hc]: lib/github/markups.rb#L51 [1]: