require 'sprockets_test' require 'rack/mock' require 'execjs' module EnvironmentTests def self.test(name, &block) define_method("test #{name.inspect}", &block) end test "working directory is the default root" do assert_equal Dir.pwd, @env.root end test "default logger level is set to fatal" do assert_equal Logger::FATAL, @env.logger.level end test "active css compressor" do assert_nil @env.css_compressor end test "active js compressor" do assert_nil @env.js_compressor end test "current static root" do assert_equal fixture_path("public"), @env.static_root.to_s end test "paths" do assert_equal [fixture_path("default")], @env.paths.to_a end test "extensions" do ["coffee", "erb", "less", "sass", "scss", "str", "css", "js"].each do |ext| assert @env.extensions.to_a.include?(".#{ext}") end end test "engine extensions" do ["coffee", "erb", "less", "sass", "scss", "str"].each do |ext| assert @env.engine_extensions.include?(".#{ext}") end ["css", "js"].each do |ext| assert !@env.engine_extensions.include?(".#{ext}") end end test "format extensions" do ["css", "js"].each do |ext| assert @env.format_extensions.include?(".#{ext}") end ["coffee", "erb", "less", "sass", "scss", "str"].each do |ext| assert !@env.format_extensions.include?(".#{ext}") end end test "eco templates" do asset = @env["goodbye.jst"] context = ExecJS.compile(asset) assert_equal "Goodbye world\n","JST['goodbye']", :name => "world") end test "ejs templates" do asset = @env["hello.jst"] context = ExecJS.compile(asset) assert_equal "hello: world\n","JST['hello']", :name => "world") end test "lookup mime type" do assert_equal "application/javascript", @env.mime_types(".js") assert_equal "application/javascript", @env.mime_types("js") assert_equal "text/css", @env.mime_types(:css) assert_equal nil, @env.mime_types("foo") assert_equal nil, @env.mime_types("foo") end test "lookup bundle processors" do assert_equal [], @env.bundle_processors('application/javascript') assert_equal [Sprockets::CharsetNormalizer], @env.bundle_processors('text/css') end test "resolve in environment" do assert_equal fixture_path('default/gallery.js'), @env.resolve("gallery.js").to_s assert_equal fixture_path('default/gallery.js'), @env.resolve("gallery.js")).to_s end test "missing file raises an exception" do assert_raises(Sprockets::FileNotFound) do @env.resolve("null") end end test "find bundled asset in environment" do assert_equal "var Gallery = {};\n", @env["gallery.js"].to_s end test "find bundled asset with absolute path environment" do assert_equal "var Gallery = {};\n", @env[fixture_path("default/gallery.js")].to_s end test "find static asset in environment" do assert_equal "Hello world\n", @env["hello.txt"].to_s end test "find static asset with leading slash in environment" do assert_equal "Hello world\n", @env[fixture_path("default/hello.txt")].to_s end test "find asset with digest" do digest = @env["hello.txt"].digest assert_equal "Hello world\n", @env["hello-#{digest}.txt"].to_s end test "find asset with invalid digest" do assert_nil @env["hello-ffffffff.txt"] end test "find index.js in directory" do assert_equal "var A;\nvar B;\n", @env["mobile.js"].to_s end test "find index.css in directory" do assert_equal ".c {}\n.d {}\n/*\n */\n\n", @env["mobile.css"].to_s end test "missing static path returns nil" do assert_nil @env[fixture_path("default/missing.png")] end test "find static directory returns nil" do assert_nil @env["images"] end test "missing asset returns nil" do assert_equal nil, @env["missing.js"] end test "missing asset path returns nil" do assert_nil @env[fixture_path("default/missing.js")] end test "asset with missing requires raises an exception" do assert_raises Sprockets::FileNotFound do @env["missing_require.js"] end end test "asset logical path for absolute path" do assert_equal "gallery.js", @env[fixture_path("default/gallery.js")].logical_path assert_equal "application.js", @env[fixture_path("default/")].logical_path assert_equal "mobile/a.js", @env[fixture_path("default/mobile/a.js")].logical_path end test "path for asset" do digest = @env["gallery.js"].digest assert_equal "/gallery-#{digest}.js", @env.path("gallery.js") assert_equal "/gallery.js", @env.path("gallery.js", false) assert_equal "/gallery-#{digest}.js", @env.path("/gallery.js") assert_equal "/assets/gallery-#{digest}.js", @env.path("gallery.js", true, "/assets") end test "url for asset" do env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/") digest = @env["gallery.js"].digest assert_equal "{digest}.js", @env.url(env, "gallery.js") assert_equal "", @env.url(env, "gallery.js", false) assert_equal "{digest}.js", @env.url(env, "/gallery.js") assert_equal "{digest}.js", @env.url(env, "gallery.js", true, "assets") end test "missing path for asset" do assert_equal "/missing.js", @env.path("missing.js") end test "precompile" do digest = @env["gallery.js"].digest filename = fixture_path("public/gallery-#{digest}.js") filename_gz = "#{filename}.gz" sandbox filename, filename_gz do assert !File.exist?(filename) @env.precompile("gallery.js") assert File.exist?(filename) assert File.exist?(filename_gz) end end test "precompile glob" do dirname = fixture_path("public/mobile") a_digest = @env["mobile/a.js"].digest b_digest = @env["mobile/b.js"].digest c_digest = @env["mobile/c.css"].digest sandbox dirname do assert !File.exist?(dirname) @env.precompile("mobile/*") assert File.exist?(dirname) [nil, '.gz'].each do |gzipped| assert File.exist?(File.join(dirname, "a-#{a_digest}.js#{gzipped}")) assert File.exist?(File.join(dirname, "b-#{b_digest}.js#{gzipped}")) assert File.exist?(File.join(dirname, "c-#{c_digest}.css#{gzipped}")) end end end test "precompile regexp" do dirname = fixture_path("public/mobile") a_digest = @env["mobile/a.js"].digest b_digest = @env["mobile/b.js"].digest c_digest = @env["mobile/c.css"].digest sandbox dirname do assert !File.exist?(dirname) @env.precompile(/mobile\/.*/) assert File.exist?(dirname) [nil, '.gz'].each do |gzipped| assert File.exist?(File.join(dirname, "a-#{a_digest}.js#{gzipped}")) assert File.exist?(File.join(dirname, "b-#{b_digest}.js#{gzipped}")) assert File.exist?(File.join(dirname, "c-#{c_digest}.css#{gzipped}")) end end end test "precompile static asset" do digest = @env["hello.txt"].digest filename = fixture_path("public/hello-#{digest}.txt") sandbox filename do assert !File.exist?(filename) @env.precompile("hello.txt") assert File.exist?(filename) assert !File.exist?("#{filename}.gz") end end test "CoffeeScript files are compiled in a closure" do script = @env["coffee"].to_s assert_equal "undefined", ExecJS.exec(script) end test "assets environment reference is its caller" do assert_equal @env, @env["gallery.js"].environment end end class WhitespaceCompressor def self.compress(source) source.gsub(/\s+/, "") end end class TestEnvironment < Sprockets::TestCase include EnvironmentTests def new_environment".") do |env| env.append_path(fixture_path('default')) env.static_root = fixture_path('public') env.cache = {} yield env if block_given? end end def setup @env = new_environment end test "changing logger" do @env.logger =$stderr) end test "changing paths" do old_digest = @env.digest @env.clear_paths @env.append_path(fixture_path('asset')) assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end test "register mime type" do old_digest = @env.digest assert !@env.mime_types("jst") @env.register_mime_type("application/javascript", "jst") assert_equal "application/javascript", @env.mime_types("jst") assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end test "register bundle processor" do old_digest = @env.digest assert !@env.bundle_processors('text/css').include?(WhitespaceCompressor) @env.register_bundle_processor 'text/css', WhitespaceCompressor assert @env.bundle_processors('text/css').include?(WhitespaceCompressor) assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end test "unregister custom block preprocessor" do old_size = @env.preprocessors('text/css').size @env.register_preprocessor('text/css', :foo) { |context, data| data } assert_equal old_size+1, @env.preprocessors('text/css').size @env.unregister_preprocessor('text/css', :foo) assert_equal old_size, @env.preprocessors('text/css').size end test "unregister custom block postprocessor" do old_size = @env.postprocessors('text/css').size @env.register_postprocessor('text/css', :foo) { |context, data| data } assert_equal old_size+1, @env.postprocessors('text/css').size @env.unregister_postprocessor('text/css', :foo) assert_equal old_size, @env.postprocessors('text/css').size end test "unregister custom block bundle processor" do old_size = @env.bundle_processors('text/css').size @env.register_bundle_processor('text/css', :foo) { |context, data| data } assert_equal old_size+1, @env.bundle_processors('text/css').size @env.unregister_bundle_processor('text/css', :foo) assert_equal old_size, @env.bundle_processors('text/css').size end test "changing css compressor expires old assets" do old_digest = @env.digest assert_equal ".gallery {\n color: red;\n}\n", @env["gallery.css"].to_s @env.css_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor assert_equal ".gallery{color:red;}", @env["gallery.css"].to_s assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end test "setting css compressor to nil clears current compressor" do old_digest = @env.digest @env.css_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor assert @env.css_compressor @env.css_compressor = nil assert_nil @env.css_compressor end test "changing js compressor expires old assets" do old_digest = @env.digest assert_equal "var Gallery = {};\n", @env["gallery.js"].to_s @env.js_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor assert_equal "varGallery={};", @env["gallery.js"].to_s assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end test "setting js compressor to nil clears current compressor" do @env.js_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor assert @env.js_compressor @env.js_compressor = nil assert_nil @env.js_compressor end test "changing paths expires old assets" do old_digest = @env.digest assert @env["gallery.css"] @env.clear_paths assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest assert_nil @env["gallery.css"] end test "changing digest implementation class" do old_digest = @env.digest old_asset_digest = @env["gallery.js"].digest require 'digest/sha1' @env.digest_class = Digest::SHA1 assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest assert_not_equal old_asset_digest, @env["gallery.js"].digest end test "changing digest version" do old_digest = @env.digest old_asset_digest = @env["gallery.js"].digest @env.version = 'v2' assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest assert_not_equal old_asset_digest, @env["gallery.js"].digest end test "bundled asset is stale if its mtime is updated or deleted" do filename = File.join(fixture_path("default"), "tmp.js") sandbox filename do assert_nil @env["tmp.js"], 'w') { |f| f.puts "foo;" } assert_equal "foo;\n", @env["tmp.js"].to_s, 'w') { |f| f.puts "bar;" } time = + 60 File.utime(time, time, filename) assert_equal "bar;\n", @env["tmp.js"].to_s File.unlink(filename) assert_nil @env["tmp.js"] end end test "static asset is stale if its mtime is updated or deleted" do filename = File.join(fixture_path("default"), "tmp.png") sandbox filename do assert_nil @env["tmp.png"], 'w') { |f| f.puts "foo" } assert_equal "foo\n", @env["tmp.png"].to_s, 'w') { |f| f.puts "bar" } time = + 60 File.utime(time, time, filename) assert_equal "bar\n", @env["tmp.png"].to_s File.unlink(filename) assert_nil @env["tmp.png"] end end test "seperate contexts classes for each instance" do e1 = new_environment e2 = new_environment assert_raises(NameError) { e1.context_class.instance_method(:foo) } assert_raises(NameError) { e2.context_class.instance_method(:foo) } e1.context_class.class_eval do def foo; end end assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { e1.context_class.instance_method(:foo) } assert_raises(NameError) { e2.context_class.instance_method(:foo) } end test "registering engine adds to the environments extensions" do old_digest = @env.digest assert !@env.engines[".foo"] assert !@env.extensions.include?(".foo") @env.register_engine ".foo", Tilt::StringTemplate assert @env.engines[".foo"] assert @env.extensions.include?(".foo") assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end test "seperate engines for each instance" do e1 = new_environment e2 = new_environment assert_nil e1.engines[".foo"] assert_nil e2.engines[".foo"] e1.register_engine ".foo", Tilt::StringTemplate assert e1.engines[".foo"] assert_nil e2.engines[".foo"] end test "disabling default directive preprocessor" do @env.unregister_preprocessor('application/javascript', Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor) assert_equal "// =require \"notfound\"\n;\n", @env["missing_require.js"].to_s end test "changing directive preprocessor changes digest" do old_digest = @env.digest @env.unregister_preprocessor('application/javascript', Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor) assert_not_equal old_digest, @env.digest end end class TestIndex < Sprockets::TestCase include EnvironmentTests def new_environment".") do |env| env.append_path(fixture_path('default')) env.static_root = fixture_path('public') env.cache = {} yield env if block_given? end.index end def setup @env = new_environment end test "does not allow static root to be changed" do assert_raises TypeError do @env.static_root = fixture_path('public') end end test "does not allow new mime types to be added" do assert_raises TypeError do @env.register_mime_type "application/javascript", ".jst" end end test "change in environment mime types does not affect index" do env =".") env.register_mime_type "application/javascript", ".jst" index = env.index assert_equal "application/javascript", index.mime_types("jst") env.register_mime_type nil, ".jst" assert_equal "application/javascript", index.mime_types("jst") end test "does not allow new bundle processors to be added" do assert_raises TypeError do @env.register_bundle_processor 'text/css', WhitespaceCompressor end end test "does not allow bundle processors to be removed" do assert_raises TypeError do @env.unregister_bundle_processor 'text/css', WhitespaceCompressor end end test "change in environment bundle_processors does not affect index" do env =".") index = env.index assert !index.bundle_processors('text/css').include?(WhitespaceCompressor) env.register_bundle_processor 'text/css', WhitespaceCompressor assert !index.bundle_processors('text/css').include?(WhitespaceCompressor) end test "change in environment static root does not affect index" do env =".") env.static_root = fixture_path('public') index = env.index assert_equal fixture_path('public'), index.static_root.to_s env.static_root = fixture_path('static') assert_equal fixture_path('public'), index.static_root.to_s end test "does not allow css compressor to be changed" do assert_raises TypeError do @env.css_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor end end test "change in environment css compressor does not affect index" do env =".") env.css_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor index = env.index assert index.css_compressor env.css_compressor = nil assert index.css_compressor end test "does not allow js compressor to be changed" do assert_raises TypeError do @env.js_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor end end test "change in environment js compressor does not affect index" do env =".") env.js_compressor = WhitespaceCompressor index = env.index assert index.js_compressor env.js_compressor = nil assert index.js_compressor end test "change in environment engines does not affect index" do env = index = env.index assert_nil env.engines[".foo"] assert_nil index.engines[".foo"] env.register_engine ".foo", Tilt::StringTemplate assert env.engines[".foo"] assert_nil index.engines[".foo"] end end