require "csv" module Metanorma class Compile def require_libraries(options) options&.dig(:require)&.each { |r| require r } end def xml_options_extract(file) xml = Nokogiri::XML(file, &:huge) if xml.root @registry.root_tags.each do |k, v| return { type: k } if v == end end {} end def options_extract(filename, options) content = read_file(filename) o = .merge(xml_options_extract(content)) options[:type] ||= o[:type]&.to_sym t = @registry.alias(options[:type]) and options[:type] = t dir = filename.sub(%r(/[^/]+$), "/") options[:relaton] ||= File.join(dir, o[:relaton]) if o[:relaton] options[:sourcecode] ||= File.join(dir, o[:sourcecode]) if o[:sourcecode] options[:extension_keys] ||= o[:extensions]&.split(/, */)&.map(&:to_sym) options[:extension_keys] = nil if options[:extension_keys] == [:all] options[:format] ||= :asciidoc options[:filename] = filename options[:fontlicenseagreement] ||= "no-install-fonts" options end def get_extensions(options) options[:extension_keys] ||= @processor.output_formats.reduce([]) { |memo, (k, _)| memo << k } extensions = extract_extensions(options) if !extensions.include?(:presentation) && extensions.any? do |e| @processor.use_presentation_xml(e) end extensions << :presentation end extensions end def extract_extensions(options) options[:extension_keys].reduce([]) do |memo, e| if @processor.output_formats[e] then memo << e else message = "[metanorma] Error: #{e} format is not supported " \ "for this standard." @errors << message Util.log(message, :error) memo end end end def font_install(opt) FontistUtils.install_fonts(@processor, opt) unless @fontist_installed @fontist_installed = true end private def get_isodoc_options(file, options, ext) ret = @processor.extract_options(file) copy_isodoc_options_attrs(options, ret) font_manifest_mn2pdf(options, ret, ext) ret[:output_formats]&.select! do |k, _| options[:extension_keys].include?(k) end ret end def copy_isodoc_options_attrs(options, ret) ret[:datauriimage] = true if options[:datauriimage] ret[:sourcefilename] = options[:filename] %i(bare sectionsplit no_install_fonts baseassetpath aligncrosselements tocfigures toctables tocrecommendations strict) .each { |x| ret[x] ||= options[x] } end def font_manifest_mn2pdf(options, ret, ext) custom_fonts = FontistUtils.has_custom_fonts?(@processor, options, ret) ext == :pdf && custom_fonts and ret[:mn2pdf] = { font_manifest: FontistUtils .location_manifest(@processor, ret) } end end end