class BasicObject #:nodoc: instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m =~ /(^__|^nil\?$|^send$|instance_eval|proxy_|^object_id$)/ } end unless defined?(BasicObject) module PivotalTracker class Proxy < BasicObject def initialize(owner, target) @owner = owner @target = target @opts = nil end def all(options={}) proxy_found(options) end def find(param, options={}) return all(options) if param == :all return @target.find(param, if @target.respond_to?("find") return proxy_found(options).detect { |document| == param } end def <<(*objects) objects.flatten.each do |object| if obj = object.create return obj else return object end end end def create(args = {}) object ={:owner => @owner})) if obj = object.create return obj else return object end end protected def proxy_found(options) # Check to see if options have changed if @opts == options @found ||= load_found(options) else load_found(options) end end private def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @target.send(method, *args, &block) end def load_found(options) @opts = options @target.all(@owner, @opts) end end end