/* Drag: A Really Simple Drag Handler */ Drag = { _move: null, _down: null, start: function(e) { e.stop(); // We need to remember what we're dragging. Drag._target = e.target(); /* There's no cross-browser way to get offsetX and offsetY, so we have to do it ourselves. For performance, we do this once and cache it. */ Drag._offset = Drag._diff( e.mouse().page, getElementPosition(Drag._target)); Drag._move = connect(document, 'onmousemove', Drag._drag); Drag._down = connect(document, 'onmouseup', Drag._stop); }, _offset: null, _target: null, _diff: function(lhs, rhs) { return new MochiKit.Style.Coordinates(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y); }, _drag: function(e) { e.stop(); setElementPosition( Drag._target, Drag._diff(e.mouse().page, Drag._offset)); }, _stop: function(e) { disconnect(Drag._move); disconnect(Drag._down); } }; connect(window, 'onload', function() { /* Find all DIVs tagged with the draggable class, and connect them to the Drag handler. */ var d = getElementsByTagAndClassName('DIV', 'draggable'); forEach(d, function(elem) { connect(elem, 'onmousedown', Drag.start); }); }); connect(window, 'onload', function() { var elems = getElementsByTagAndClassName("A", "view-source"); var page = "draggable/"; for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; var href = elem.href.split(/\//).pop(); elem.target = "_blank"; elem.href = "../view-source/view-source.html#" + page + href; } });