// // file lib/opal/spec/autorun.rb
// (function() {
// var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice;
// var __a, __b;
// return (__b = __scope.Document, __b.$ready$p._p = (__a = function() {
// return (__scope.Spec)._scope.Runner.$new().$run()
// }, __a._s = self, __a), __b.$ready$p())
// })();
// file lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module, __klass = __opal.klass;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
(function(__base, __super){
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, class BrowserFormatter
function BrowserFormatter() {};
BrowserFormatter = __klass(__base, __super, "BrowserFormatter", BrowserFormatter);
var BrowserFormatter_prototype = BrowserFormatter.prototype, __scope = BrowserFormatter._scope;
BrowserFormatter_prototype.summary_element = BrowserFormatter_prototype.groups_element = BrowserFormatter_prototype.failed_examples = BrowserFormatter_prototype.group_element = BrowserFormatter_prototype.example_list = BrowserFormatter_prototype.example_group_failed = BrowserFormatter_prototype.examples = nil;
__scope.CSS = "\n body {\n font-size: 14px;\n font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n }\n\n pre {\n font-family: \"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono\", Monaco, \"Lucida Console\", monospace;\n font-size: 12px;\n color: #444444;\n white-space: pre;\n padding: 3px 0px 3px 12px;\n margin: 0px 0px 8px;\n\n background: #FAFAFA;\n -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.07) 0 1px 2px inset;\n -webkit-border-radius: 3px;\n -moz-border-radius: 3px;\n border-radius: 3px;\n border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;\n }\n\n ul.example_groups {\n list-style-type: none;\n }\n\n li.group.passed .group_description {\n color: #597800;\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n\n li.group.failed .group_description {\n color: #FF000E;\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n\n li.example.passed {\n color: #597800;\n }\n\n li.example.failed {\n color: #FF000E;\n }\n\n .examples {\n list-style-type: none;\n }\n ";
// line 52, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#initialize
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$initialize = function() {
this.examples = [];
return this.failed_examples = [];
// line 57, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#start
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$start = function() {
var __a;
if ((__a = __scope.Document.$body_ready$p()) === false || __a === nil) {
this.$raise("Not running in browser")
this.summary_element = __scope.DOM.$parse("
this.groups_element = __scope.DOM.$parse("");
return __scope.DOM.$parse("").$append_to_head();
// line 69, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#finish
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$finish = function() {
var text = nil;
text = "\n" + this.$example_count() + " examples, " + this.failed_examples.$size() + " failures";
return this.summary_element.$html$e(text);
// line 75, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#example_group_started
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$example_group_started = function(group) {
this.example_group = group;
this.example_group_failed = false;
this.group_element = __scope.DOM.$parse(" \n \n " + group.$description() + "\n \n \n ");
this.example_list = __scope.DOM.$parse(" \n ");
return this.groups_element.$lshft$(this.group_element);
// line 93, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#example_group_finished
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$example_group_finished = function(group) {
var __a;
if ((__a = this.example_group_failed) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return this.group_element.$class_name$e("group failed")
} else {
return this.group_element.$class_name$e("group passed")
// line 101, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#example_started
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$example_started = function(example) {
return this.example = example;
// line 106, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#example_failed
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$example_failed = function(example) {
var exception = nil, $case = nil, output = nil, wrapper = nil, description = nil;
this.example_group_failed = true;
exception = example.$exception();
$case = exception;if ((__scope.Spec)._scope.ExpectationNotMetError.$eqq$($case)) {
output = exception.$message()
else {output = "" + exception.$class() + ": " + exception.$message() + "\n";
output = output.$plus$(" " + exception.$backtrace().$join("\n ") + "\n");};
wrapper = __scope.DOM.$parse("");
description = __scope.DOM.$parse(" " + example.$description() + "\n ");
exception = __scope.DOM.$parse(" " + output + "
\n ");
return this.example_list.$css("display", "list-item");
// line 138, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#example_passed
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$example_passed = function(example) {
var out = nil;
out = __scope.DOM.$parse(" \n " + example.$description() + "\n \n ");
return this.example_list.$append(out);
// line 147, lib/opal/spec/browser_formatter.rb, BrowserFormatter#example_count
BrowserFormatter_prototype.$example_count = function() {
return this.examples.$size();
;BrowserFormatter._donate(["$initialize", "$start", "$finish", "$example_group_started", "$example_group_finished", "$example_started", "$example_failed", "$example_passed", "$example_count"]);
})(Spec, null)
// file lib/opal/spec/example.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module, __klass = __opal.klass;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
(function(__base, __super){
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, class Example
function Example() {};
Example = __klass(__base, __super, "Example", Example);
var Example_prototype = Example.prototype, __scope = Example._scope;
Example_prototype.description = Example_prototype.example_group = Example_prototype.exception = Example_prototype.__block__ = nil;
// line 3, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#description
Example_prototype.$description = function() {
return this.description
// line 3, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#example_group
Example_prototype.$example_group = function() {
return this.example_group
// line 3, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#exception
Example_prototype.$exception = function() {
return this.exception
// line 5, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#initialize
Example_prototype.$initialize = function(group, desc, block) {
this.example_group = group;
this.description = desc;
return this.__block__ = block;
// line 11, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#run_before_hooks
Example_prototype.$run_before_hooks = function() {
var __a, __b;
return (__b = this.example_group.$before_hooks(), __b.$each._p = (__a = function(before) {
var __a;
if (before == null) before = nil;
return (__a = this, __a.$instance_eval._p = before.$to_proc(), __a.$instance_eval())
}, __a._s = this, __a), __b.$each());
// line 17, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#run_after_hooks
Example_prototype.$run_after_hooks = function() {
var __a, __b;
return (__b = this.example_group.$after_hooks(), __b.$each._p = (__a = function(after) {
var __a;
if (after == null) after = nil;
return (__a = this, __a.$instance_eval._p = after.$to_proc(), __a.$instance_eval())
}, __a._s = this, __a), __b.$each());
// line 23, lib/opal/spec/example.rb, Example#run
Example_prototype.$run = function(runner) {
var e = nil, __a;
try {
(__a = this, __a.$instance_eval._p = this.__block__.$to_proc(), __a.$instance_eval());
} catch ($err) {
if (true) {
e = $err;this.exception = e}
else { throw $err; }
finally {
try {
} catch ($err) {
if (true) {
e = $err;this.exception = e}
else { throw $err; }
if ((__a = this.exception) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return runner.$example_failed(this)
} else {
return runner.$example_passed(this)
;Example._donate(["$description", "$example_group", "$exception", "$initialize", "$run_before_hooks", "$run_after_hooks", "$run"]);
})(Spec, null)
// file lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module, __klass = __opal.klass;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
(function(__base, __super){
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, class ExampleGroup
function ExampleGroup() {};
ExampleGroup = __klass(__base, __super, "ExampleGroup", ExampleGroup);
var ExampleGroup_prototype = ExampleGroup.prototype, __scope = ExampleGroup._scope, TMP_1, TMP_2, TMP_3;
ExampleGroup_prototype.example_groups = ExampleGroup_prototype.stack = ExampleGroup_prototype.examples = ExampleGroup_prototype.before_hooks = ExampleGroup_prototype.after_hooks = ExampleGroup_prototype.parent = ExampleGroup_prototype.desc = nil;
ExampleGroup.example_groups = [];
// line 4, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup.example_groups
ExampleGroup.$example_groups = function() {
return this.example_groups
ExampleGroup.stack = [];
// line 9, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup.create
ExampleGroup.$create = function(desc, block) {
var group = nil, __a;
group = this.$new(desc, this.stack.$last());
(__a = group, __a.$instance_eval._p = block.$to_proc(), __a.$instance_eval());
return this.stack.$pop();
// line 18, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#initialize
ExampleGroup_prototype.$initialize = function(desc, parent) {
this.desc = desc.$to_s();
this.parent = parent;
this.examples = [];
this.before_hooks = [];
return this.after_hooks = [];
// line 27, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#it
ExampleGroup_prototype.$it = TMP_1 = function(desc) {
var __context, block;
block = TMP_1._p || nil, __context = block._s, TMP_1._p = null;
return this.examples.$lshft$(__scope.Example.$new(this, desc, block));
// line 31, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#it_behaves_like
ExampleGroup_prototype.$it_behaves_like = function(objs) {
objs = __slice.call(arguments, 0);
return nil;
// line 34, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#before
ExampleGroup_prototype.$before = TMP_2 = function(type) {
var __a, __context, block;
block = TMP_2._p || nil, __context = block._s, TMP_2._p = null;
if (type == null) {
type = "each"
if ((__a = type.$eq$("each")) === false || __a === nil) {
this.$raise("unsupported before type: " + type)
return this.before_hooks.$lshft$(block);
// line 39, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#after
ExampleGroup_prototype.$after = TMP_3 = function(type) {
var __a, __context, block;
block = TMP_3._p || nil, __context = block._s, TMP_3._p = null;
if (type == null) {
type = "each"
if ((__a = type.$eq$("each")) === false || __a === nil) {
this.$raise("unsupported after type: " + type)
return this.after_hooks.$lshft$(block);
// line 44, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#before_hooks
ExampleGroup_prototype.$before_hooks = function() {
var __a;
if ((__a = this.parent) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return [].$concat(this.parent.$before_hooks()).$concat(this.before_hooks)
} else {
return this.before_hooks
// line 48, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#after_hooks
ExampleGroup_prototype.$after_hooks = function() {
var __a;
if ((__a = this.parent) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return [].$concat(this.parent.$after_hooks()).$concat(this.after_hooks)
} else {
return this.after_hooks
// line 52, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#run
ExampleGroup_prototype.$run = function(runner) {
var __a, __b;
(__b = this.examples, __b.$each._p = (__a = function(example) {
if (example == null) example = nil;
return example.$run(runner)
}, __a._s = this, __a), __b.$each());
return runner.$example_group_finished(this);
// line 58, lib/opal/spec/example_group.rb, ExampleGroup#description
ExampleGroup_prototype.$description = function() {
var __a;
if ((__a = this.parent) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return "" + this.parent.$description() + " " + this.desc
} else {
return this.desc
;ExampleGroup._donate(["$initialize", "$it", "$it_behaves_like", "$before", "$after", "$before_hooks", "$after_hooks", "$run", "$description"]); ;ExampleGroup._sdonate(["$example_groups", "$create"]);
})(Spec, null)
// file lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module, __klass = __opal.klass;
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
(function(__base, __super){
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, class ExpectationNotMetError
function ExpectationNotMetError() {};
ExpectationNotMetError = __klass(__base, __super, "ExpectationNotMetError", ExpectationNotMetError);
var ExpectationNotMetError_prototype = ExpectationNotMetError.prototype, __scope = ExpectationNotMetError._scope;
})(Spec, __scope.StandardError);
// line 4, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, module Expectations
function Expectations() {};
Expectations = __module(__base, "Expectations", Expectations);
var Expectations_prototype = Expectations.prototype, __scope = Expectations._scope;
// line 5, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#should
Expectations_prototype.$should = function(matcher) {
if (matcher == null) {
matcher = nil
if (matcher !== false && matcher !== nil) {
return matcher.$match(this)
} else {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.PositiveOperatorMatcher.$new(this)
// line 13, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#should_not
Expectations_prototype.$should_not = function(matcher) {
if (matcher == null) {
matcher = nil
if (matcher !== false && matcher !== nil) {
return matcher.$not_match(this)
} else {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.NegativeOperatorMatcher.$new(this)
// line 21, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#be_kind_of
Expectations_prototype.$be_kind_of = function(expected) {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.BeKindOfMatcher.$new(expected);
// line 25, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#be_nil
Expectations_prototype.$be_nil = function() {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.BeNilMatcher.$new(nil);
// line 29, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#be_true
Expectations_prototype.$be_true = function() {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.BeTrueMatcher.$new(true);
// line 33, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#be_false
Expectations_prototype.$be_false = function() {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.BeFalseMatcher.$new(false);
// line 37, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#equal
Expectations_prototype.$equal = function(expected) {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.EqualMatcher.$new(expected);
// line 41, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, Expectations#raise_error
Expectations_prototype.$raise_error = function(expected) {
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.RaiseErrorMatcher.$new(expected);
;Expectations._donate(["$should", "$should_not", "$be_kind_of", "$be_nil", "$be_true", "$be_false", "$equal", "$raise_error"]);
return (function(__base, __super){
// line 47, lib/opal/spec/expectations.rb, class Object
function Object() {};
Object = __klass(__base, __super, "Object", Object);
var Object_prototype = Object.prototype, __scope = Object._scope;
})(self, null);
// file lib/opal/spec/kernel.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/kernel.rb, module Kernel
function Kernel() {};
Kernel = __module(__base, "Kernel", Kernel);
var Kernel_prototype = Kernel.prototype, __scope = Kernel._scope, TMP_1;
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/kernel.rb, Kernel#describe
Kernel_prototype.$describe = TMP_1 = function(desc) {
var __context, block;
block = TMP_1._p || nil, __context = block._s, TMP_1._p = null;
return (__scope.Spec)._scope.ExampleGroup.$create(desc, block);
// line 6, lib/opal/spec/kernel.rb, Kernel#mock
Kernel_prototype.$mock = function(obj) {
return __scope.Object.$new();
;Kernel._donate(["$describe", "$mock"]);
// file lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module, __klass = __opal.klass;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
(function(__base, __super){
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class Matcher
function Matcher() {};
Matcher = __klass(__base, __super, "Matcher", Matcher);
var Matcher_prototype = Matcher.prototype, __scope = Matcher._scope;
// line 3, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, Matcher#initialize
Matcher_prototype.$initialize = function(actual) {
return this.actual = actual;
// line 7, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, Matcher#failure
Matcher_prototype.$failure = function(message) {
return this.$raise((__scope.Spec)._scope.ExpectationNotMetError, message);
;Matcher._donate(["$initialize", "$failure"]);
})(Spec, null);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 12, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class PositiveOperatorMatcher
function PositiveOperatorMatcher() {};
PositiveOperatorMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "PositiveOperatorMatcher", PositiveOperatorMatcher);
var PositiveOperatorMatcher_prototype = PositiveOperatorMatcher.prototype, __scope = PositiveOperatorMatcher._scope;
PositiveOperatorMatcher_prototype.actual = nil;
// line 13, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, PositiveOperatorMatcher#==
PositiveOperatorMatcher_prototype.$eq$ = function(expected) {
if (this.actual.$eq$(expected)) {
return true
} else {
return this.$failure("expected: " + expected.$inspect() + ", got: " + this.actual.$inspect() + " (using ==).")
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 22, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class NegativeOperatorMatcher
function NegativeOperatorMatcher() {};
NegativeOperatorMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "NegativeOperatorMatcher", NegativeOperatorMatcher);
var NegativeOperatorMatcher_prototype = NegativeOperatorMatcher.prototype, __scope = NegativeOperatorMatcher._scope;
NegativeOperatorMatcher_prototype.actual = nil;
// line 23, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, NegativeOperatorMatcher#==
NegativeOperatorMatcher_prototype.$eq$ = function(expected) {
if (this.actual.$eq$(expected)) {
return this.$failure("expected: " + expected.$inspect() + " not to be " + this.actual.$inspect() + " (using ==).")
} else {
return nil
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 30, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class BeKindOfMatcher
function BeKindOfMatcher() {};
BeKindOfMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "BeKindOfMatcher", BeKindOfMatcher);
var BeKindOfMatcher_prototype = BeKindOfMatcher.prototype, __scope = BeKindOfMatcher._scope;
BeKindOfMatcher_prototype.actual = nil;
// line 31, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, BeKindOfMatcher#match
BeKindOfMatcher_prototype.$match = function(expected) {
var __a;
if ((__a = expected.$kind_of$p(this.actual)) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return nil
} else {
return this.$failure("expected " + expected.$inspect() + " to be a kind of " + this.actual + ", not " + expected.$class() + ".")
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 38, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class BeNilMatcher
function BeNilMatcher() {};
BeNilMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "BeNilMatcher", BeNilMatcher);
var BeNilMatcher_prototype = BeNilMatcher.prototype, __scope = BeNilMatcher._scope;
// line 39, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, BeNilMatcher#match
BeNilMatcher_prototype.$match = function(expected) {
var __a;
if ((__a = expected.$nil$p()) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return nil
} else {
return this.$failure("expected " + expected.$inspect() + " to be nil.")
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 46, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class BeTrueMatcher
function BeTrueMatcher() {};
BeTrueMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "BeTrueMatcher", BeTrueMatcher);
var BeTrueMatcher_prototype = BeTrueMatcher.prototype, __scope = BeTrueMatcher._scope;
// line 47, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, BeTrueMatcher#match
BeTrueMatcher_prototype.$match = function(expected) {
if (expected.$eq$(true)) {
return nil
} else {
return this.$failure("expected " + expected.$inspect() + " to be true.")
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 54, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class BeFalseMatcher
function BeFalseMatcher() {};
BeFalseMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "BeFalseMatcher", BeFalseMatcher);
var BeFalseMatcher_prototype = BeFalseMatcher.prototype, __scope = BeFalseMatcher._scope;
// line 55, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, BeFalseMatcher#match
BeFalseMatcher_prototype.$match = function(expected) {
if (expected.$eq$(false)) {
return nil
} else {
return this.$failure("expected " + expected.$inspect() + " to be false.")
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 62, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class EqualMatcher
function EqualMatcher() {};
EqualMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "EqualMatcher", EqualMatcher);
var EqualMatcher_prototype = EqualMatcher.prototype, __scope = EqualMatcher._scope;
EqualMatcher_prototype.actual = nil;
// line 63, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, EqualMatcher#match
EqualMatcher_prototype.$match = function(expected) {
var __a;
if ((__a = expected.$equal$p(this.actual)) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return nil
} else {
return this.$failure("expected " + this.actual.$inspect() + " to be the same as " + expected.$inspect() + ".")
// line 69, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, EqualMatcher#not_match
EqualMatcher_prototype.$not_match = function(expected) {
var __a;
if ((__a = expected.$equal$p(this.actual)) !== false && __a !== nil) {
return this.$failure("expected " + this.actual.$inspect() + " not to be equal to " + expected.$inspect() + ".")
} else {
return nil
;EqualMatcher._donate(["$match", "$not_match"]);
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
(function(__base, __super){
// line 76, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, class RaiseErrorMatcher
function RaiseErrorMatcher() {};
RaiseErrorMatcher = __klass(__base, __super, "RaiseErrorMatcher", RaiseErrorMatcher);
var RaiseErrorMatcher_prototype = RaiseErrorMatcher.prototype, __scope = RaiseErrorMatcher._scope;
RaiseErrorMatcher_prototype.actual = nil;
// line 77, lib/opal/spec/matchers.rb, RaiseErrorMatcher#match
RaiseErrorMatcher_prototype.$match = function(block) {
var should_raise = nil, e = nil;
should_raise = false;
try {
should_raise = true;
} catch ($err) {
if (true) {
e = $err;nil}
else { throw $err; }
if (should_raise !== false && should_raise !== nil) {
return this.$failure("expected " + this.actual + " to be raised, but nothing was.")
} else {
return nil
})(Spec, __scope.Matcher);
// file lib/opal/spec/runner.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module, __klass = __opal.klass;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
(function(__base, __super){
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, class Runner
function Runner() {};
Runner = __klass(__base, __super, "Runner", Runner);
var Runner_prototype = Runner.prototype, __scope = Runner._scope;
Runner_prototype.formatter = nil;
// line 3, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#initialize
Runner_prototype.$initialize = function() {
return this.formatter = __scope.BrowserFormatter.$new();
// line 7, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#run
Runner_prototype.$run = function() {
var groups = nil, __a, __b;
groups = __scope.ExampleGroup.$example_groups();
(__b = groups, __b.$each._p = (__a = function(group) {
if (group == null) group = nil;
return group.$run(this)
}, __a._s = this, __a), __b.$each());
return this.formatter.$finish();
// line 14, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#example_group_started
Runner_prototype.$example_group_started = function(group) {
return this.formatter.$example_group_started(group);
// line 18, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#example_group_finished
Runner_prototype.$example_group_finished = function(group) {
return this.formatter.$example_group_finished(group);
// line 22, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#example_started
Runner_prototype.$example_started = function(example) {
return this.formatter.$example_started(example);
// line 26, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#example_passed
Runner_prototype.$example_passed = function(example) {
return this.formatter.$example_passed(example);
// line 30, lib/opal/spec/runner.rb, Runner#example_failed
Runner_prototype.$example_failed = function(example) {
return this.formatter.$example_failed(example);
;Runner._donate(["$initialize", "$run", "$example_group_started", "$example_group_finished", "$example_started", "$example_passed", "$example_failed"]);
})(Spec, null)
// file lib/opal/spec/scratch_pad.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/scratch_pad.rb, module ScratchPad
function ScratchPad() {};
ScratchPad = __module(__base, "ScratchPad", ScratchPad);
var ScratchPad_prototype = ScratchPad.prototype, __scope = ScratchPad._scope;
// line 2, lib/opal/spec/scratch_pad.rb, ScratchPad.clear
ScratchPad.$clear = function() {
return this.record = nil
// line 6, lib/opal/spec/scratch_pad.rb, ScratchPad.record
ScratchPad.$record = function(arg) {
return this.record = arg
// line 10, lib/opal/spec/scratch_pad.rb, ScratchPad.<<
ScratchPad.$lshft$ = function(arg) {
if (this.record == null) this.record = nil;
return this.record.$lshft$(arg)
// line 14, lib/opal/spec/scratch_pad.rb, ScratchPad.recorded
ScratchPad.$recorded = function() {
if (this.record == null) this.record = nil;
return this.record
;ScratchPad._sdonate(["$clear", "$record", "$lshft$", "$recorded"]);
// file lib/opal/spec/version.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice, __module = __opal.module;
return (function(__base){
// line 1, lib/opal/spec/version.rb, module Spec
function Spec() {};
Spec = __module(__base, "Spec", Spec);
var Spec_prototype = Spec.prototype, __scope = Spec._scope;
__scope.VERSION = "0.1.9"
// file lib/opal/spec.rb
(function() {
var __opal = Opal, self = __opal.top, __scope = __opal, nil = __opal.nil, __breaker = __opal.breaker, __slice = __opal.slice;
return nil;