# frozen_string_literal: true class UserReflex < ApplicationReflex # Add Reflex methods in this file. # # All Reflex instances include CableReady::Broadcaster and expose the following properties: # # - connection - the ActionCable connection # - channel - the ActionCable channel # - request - an ActionDispatch::Request proxy for the socket connection # - session - the ActionDispatch::Session store for the current visitor # - flash - the ActionDispatch::Flash::FlashHash for the current request # - url - the URL of the page that triggered the reflex # - params - parameters from the element's closest form (if any) # - element - a Hash like object that represents the HTML element that triggered the reflex # - signed - use a signed Global ID to map dataset attribute to a model eg. element.signed[:foo] # - unsigned - use an unsigned Global ID to map dataset attribute to a model eg. element.unsigned[:foo] # - cable_ready - a special cable_ready that can broadcast to the current visitor (no brackets needed) # - reflex_id - a UUIDv4 that uniquely identies each Reflex # - tab_id - a UUIDv4 that uniquely identifies the browser tab # # Example: # # before_reflex do # # throw :abort # this will prevent the Reflex from continuing # # learn more about callbacks at https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/rtfm/lifecycle # end # # def example(argument=true) # # Your logic here... # # Any declared instance variables will be made available to the Rails controller and view. # end # # Learn more at: https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/rtfm/reflex-classes def update end def do_stuff end def do_more_stuff end end