require 'malt/formats/abstract' require 'malt/formats/html' require 'malt/engines/erb' require 'malt/engines/erubis' module Malt::Format # RBHTML is a variant of Tenjin, but limited to HTML conversion. class RBHTML < Abstract file_extension 'rbhtml' # def html(*data, &content) render_into(:html, *data, &content) end # def to_html(*data, &yld) text = html(*data, &yld) opts = options.merge( :text => text, :file => refile(:html), :type => :html, :engine => nil ) end # TODO: to_rb =begin # RHTML templates can be "pre-compiled" into Ruby templates. def rb(*) render_engine.compile(:text=>text, :file=>file) end # RHTML templates can be "pre-compiled" into Ruby templates. def to_rb(*) text = rb>text, :file=>refile(:rb), :type=>:rb) end # alias_method(:to_ruby, :to_rb) # alias_method(:precompile, :to_rb) =end #private # # # # def render_engine # @render_engine ||= # end end end