module Mack module ViewHelpers # :nodoc: module FormHelpers MONTHS = [["January", 1], ["February", 2], ["March", 3], ["April", 4], ["May", 5], ["June", 6], ["July", 7], ["August", 8], ["September", 9], ["October", 10], ["November", 11], ["December", 12]] unless defined?(MONTHS) unless defined?(DAYS) DAYS = [] 1.upto(31) do |m| DAYS << [(m < 10 ? "0#{m}" : m), m] end end unless defined?(HOURS) HOURS = [] 1.upto(24) do |h| HOURS << [(h < 10 ? "0#{h}" : h), h] end end unless defined?(MINUTES) MINUTES = [] 1.upto(59) do |m| MINUTES << [(m < 10 ? "0#{m}" : m), m] end end # This will create a series of select boxes that compromise a time object. By default boxes will be # created for day/month/year hour:minute. You can optionally turn on or off any of these boxes, including # seconds by setting them to true/false. For example: # <%= date_time_select :some_time, :days => false %> # will not produce a select box for days, and so on... # # You can pass in an array of arrays to represent the options for any of the boxes like such: # <%= date_time_select :some_time, :day_options => [[1,"one"], [2,"two"]] %> # Will produce a day select box with only two options. Alternatively you can pass in an array of values # and the options will be done for you. Like such: # <%= date_time_select :some_time, :day_values => 1..60 %> # Will produce a day select box with 60 options whose values and keys will be the same. # # The separators for dates and times can be set with the date_separator and time_separator options. By # default they are: # :date_separator => '/' # :time_separator => ':' def date_time_select(name, *args) var = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") fe =*args) time = var if var.is_a?(Time) || var.is_a?(Date) time = var.nil? ? : (var.send(fe.calling_method) || if time.nil? years = [] (time.year - 5).upto(time.year + 5) { |y| years << [y, y]} options = {:years => true, :months => true, :days => true, :hours => true, :minutes => true, :seconds => false, :year_options => years, :month_options => MONTHS, :day_options => DAYS, :hour_options => HOURS, :minute_options => MINUTES, :second_options => MINUTES, :date_separator => '/', :time_separator => ':', :date_order => [:month, :day, :year], :time_order => [:hour, :minute, :second], :date_time_order => [:date, :time]}.merge(fe.options) [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second].each do |v| if options["#{v}_values".to_sym] options["#{v}_options".to_sym] = [] options["#{v}_values".to_sym].each {|i| options["#{v}_options".to_sym] << [i, i]} end end fe.options - [:years, :months, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds, :year_options, :month_options, :day_options, :hour_options, :minute_options, :second_options, :year_values, :month_values, :day_values, :hour_values, :minute_values, :second_values, :date_order, :time_order, :date_time_order] label = label_parameter_tag(name, (fe.calling_method == :to_s ? name : "#{name}_#{fe.calling_method}"), var, fe) date_boxes = [] options[:date_order].collect! { |s| s.to_sym } date_boxes[options[:date_order].index(:month)] = dt_select(:month, name, fe, time.month, options[:month_options]) if options[:months] date_boxes[options[:date_order].index(:day)] = dt_select(:day, name, fe,, options[:day_options]) if options[:days] date_boxes[options[:date_order].index(:year)] = dt_select(:year, name, fe, time.year, options[:year_options]) if options[:years] date_boxes.compact! time_boxes = [] options[:time_order].collect! { |s| s.to_sym } time_boxes[options[:time_order].index(:hour)] = dt_select(:hour, name, fe, time.hour, options[:hour_options]) if options[:hours] time_boxes[options[:time_order].index(:minute)] = dt_select(:minute, name, fe, time.min, options[:minute_options]) if options[:minutes] time_boxes[options[:time_order].index(:second)] = dt_select(:second, name, fe, time.sec, options[:second_options]) if options[:seconds] time_boxes.compact! elts = [] elts[options[:date_time_order].index(:date)] = date_boxes.join(options[:date_separator]) unless elts.empty? elts[options[:date_time_order].index(:time)] = time_boxes.join(options[:time_separator]) end elts.compact! boxes = elts.join(" ").strip return label + boxes end # Used just like date_time_select, but it has hours, minutes, and seconds turned off. See date_time_select # for more options. # # @user = # <%= :user.date_select :birth_date %> # @some_time = # <%= :date_select :some_time, :label => true %> def date_select(name, *args) fe =*args) date_time_select(name, fe.calling_method, {:hours => false, :minutes => false, :seconds => false}.merge(fe.options)) end private def dt_select(col, name, fe, selected, values) options = {:name => name, :id => name} unless fe.calling_method == :to_s options.merge!(:name => "#{name}[#{fe.calling_method}(#{col})]", :id => "#{name}_#{fe.calling_method}_#{col}") else options.merge!(:name => "#{name}(#{col})", :id => "#{name}_#{col}") end options.merge!(:options => values, :selected => selected) select_tag(name, fe.options.merge(options)) end end # DateTimeHelpers end # ViewHelpers end # Mack